Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum? 初中英语单词背诵【默背小卷】 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 评卷人 得分 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词。 1.My teacher always e_____ me to speak English as much as possible. 2.It’s an u_____ experience. Few people have the chance to do it. 3.I don’t think it is a ______ (完美的) plan. 4.People around the world love ______ (和平) and hate war. 5.Wang Yaping gave a ______ (科学) class. 6.If you could _____ (发明) something new, what product would you develop? 7.The old man has c_____ hundreds of stamps since 2000. 8.Our economy has made ______ (快速的) development in recent years. 9.Don’t worry. You can find it _______ (在某处) in your room. 10.With his help, I’ve made great p______ in English learning. 11.All of us know bad weather sometimes causes _______ (自然) disasters. 12.Giant pandas live _____ (主要地) on a special kind of bamboo. 13._____ (无论何时) someone falls ill, Dr Mei walks for hours to see the patient in the mountainous area. 14.I don’t know w____ he will come to my party or not. 15.His sister doesn’t like snakes or _____ (狐狸). 16.Her favorite food is I____ food. 17.S_____ comes, and it is becoming warmer and warmer. 18.The volunteer comes from Tokyo and she can speak J_____. 19.My cousin has taught ________ (日语) in a university for two years. 20.Do you know this ________ (印度的) girl can speak Chinese? 21.Do you know this I____ (印度的) girl can speak Chinese? 22.It's very hot near the e____ (赤道) all year round. 23.My cousin has taught J____ (日语) in a university for two years. 24.You can s____(仅仅;只) speak Putonghua if you travel in Singapore. 25.In s____ (春天) it′s getting warmer and warmer. Many flowers come out. 26.It′s not s____ (安全的) to walk alone in the street at night. 27.Tom is very brave. He doesn′t f____ (惧怕) going out at night. 28.You can see lots of animals at this time, such as tigers, lions and f____ (狐狸). 29.W____ (是否) you like to eat eggs or not, you should eat at least one every day. 30.Smoking in public is still a s____(社会的) problem. 31.Alexander Bell i____ (发明) the telephone in 1876. 32.My sister has made great p____ (进步) recently. 33.How many stamps have you c____ (收集)? 34.Which p____ (省) does your best friend come from? 35.Have you ever been to the art m____ (博物馆)? 36.I think the computer is a very useful i____ (发明). 37.I went to an a____ (娱乐) park with my father yesterday. 38.We often take a c____ (照相机) to take photos when we go on vacation. 39.Can we go s____ (某处) warm this winter holiday? 40.Thomas Edison _______ (发明) many useful things in his whole life. 41.—How many stamps have you ________ (收集)? —About 300. 42.Can you help me fit a better ________ (坐便器)? 43.Smoking in public is still a ________ (社会的) problem. 44.It was an ________ (不寻常的) moment when my brother won the gold medal. 45.My sister has made great ________ (进步) since she worked hard. 46.—Who ________ (发明) bulbs? —Edison. 47.He encouraged me to make greater ________ (进步) next term. 48.The 2022 Beijing Olympic Games _______ (鼓励)the public to pay attention to winter sports. 49.The result won't change _______ (是否)you like it or not. 50.The artist Herge _________ (发明) Tintin in 1929. 51.People looked at each other in ________(恐惧)when the sudden earthquake hit the small town. 52.There are three ___________(千)workers in this factory. 53.The picture is so __________(完美的)that all of us like it. 54.Most people take a _________(相机)to take photos. 55.You can ____ (选择) any food you like. 56.Most people ______ (害怕) death. 57.______ (不管) we help him or not, he won’t succeed. 58.You can come _____ (无论何时) you are free. 59.I think _____ (春天) is the best season of a year. 60.W________ you like to eat eggs or not, you should eat at least one every day. 61.Tom is very brave. He doesn't f________ going out at night. 62.You can ask for help, w________ you need it. 63.My brother wants to be a s__________ worker to help more people in need. 64.When we go on v______, we should know dos and don’ts. 65.You can’t learn a f_______ language well without speaking. 66.Of all the students, Robert lives the ______ (近) to school. 67.W_____ you come, I will give you a warm welcome. 68. His father always _____ (鼓励) him to face the failure bravely. 69.How will people celebrate the o________ of the new school? 70.I can’t go with you because I have to p_________ for an exam. 71.Can you come to the c________ to enjoy the music? 72.He lost his dog so he felt very s_________. 73.He is really kind and he never r_________ to help others. 74.Tom won’t go

doc文档 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?-2020-2021学年八年级英语下册单元词汇默背小卷(人教版)

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