外研版九年级上学期期末复习 查缺补漏冲刺满分 (重点知识+难点易错点) 专题 04 语法填空 15 篇 未给单词提示题型的技巧 技巧一:固定短语结构 根据句中横线前后及整句来判断横线前后是否构成一个固定短语,但有时要对横线 前 或 后 的 几 个 单 词 “ 视 而 不 见 ” 才 能 命 中 答 案 。 例 1: The children were playing on the ground, enjoying ____, dirty but happy. 从句中的 happy 可以猜出孩子们是开心的,所以应用 enjoy oneself 短语,故其答案 为 。 themselves 技 巧 二 : 短 语 动 词 结 构 短语动词是以动词为中心的两个或多个词构成的短语,此类短语中往往是动词与 介 词 或 副 词 连 用 的 多 些 。 例 1: Mrs Baker was ill, so her daughter had to ask for leave to take _____ of her . 生 病 需 要 人 照 顾 , 所 以 答 案 是 care , 与 前 后 词 构 成 take care of 。 技 巧 三 : 短 语 介 词 结 构 短 语 介 词 即 多 个 词 的 组 合 。 起 介 词 作 用 的 短 语 , 如 : except for , due to 等 。 例 1: Just then, he saw a blackboard in _____ of him. 细 心 观 察 , 可 以 看 出 填 人 front 即 可 构 成 in front of , 此 题 得 解 。 技 巧 四 : 连 词 、 关 联 短 语 结 构 常 用 的 连 词 有 and , or , but , so , for , while 等 , 常 用 的 关 联 短 语 有 both… , and... 例 1: either…or... ____ Marrie , neither…nor... and Jannie , like not only…but going to 等 。 theatre . also... the 横 线 处 的 词 与 后 面 可 以 构 成 both and , 故 答 案 为 Both 。 技 巧 五 : 冠 词 、 介 词 和 常 用 的 副 词 冠词只能是在 a,an,the 之间判断;常用的介词有 in,at,on,before,during 等, 通常考查固定搭配;副词的量还是比较多,如: however,never,yet,much 等。 例 1: Old Tom’s granddaughter used to visit him _____ Saturday afternoon . 已给单词提示题型的技巧 此类题可以考查学生对单词形式变化的掌握程度。单词形式变化主要有两种,一是词的 形、数、式的变化,一是词的派生变化。在判断出词的变化之后还应该进一步审题,看 是否需要使用复合的变化形式,这一点是很重要的。 技巧六:名词形式变化 名词的形式变化主要有单数、复数、所有格的变化。 例: There are many students living at school, the (child) houses are all far from school. 由 students 一词可以判断出横线处应填复数,且作为 houses 的定语,所以应用其所 有格形式,故答案为 child 的复合变化形式—— 复数的所有格 children’s。 技巧七:动词形式变化 动词的形式变化比较多,有谓语的变化(时态、语态、语气),有非谓语的变化(不定 式、动名词、现在分词、过去分词)。 例: A talk (give) tomorrow is written by Professor Zhang. 句中的 is written 是整句的谓语,所以横线所在的动词应当用作非谓语。从 tomorrow 可以看出,报告是“将来”作的,故用不定式;且报告是 give 动作的承受者,故可以 判断出横线所在处用 give 的不定式被动式——to be given。 技巧八:代词形式变化 代词形式变化通常是与人称变化有关的三大类五小类,即人称代词(主格和宾格)、物 主代词(形容词性和名词性)、反身代词。另外还有几个不定代词的形式变化,如 no one / none、other / another 等。 例: The king decided to see the painter by (he). 由介词 by 可以看出,横线处应填反身代词 himself。 技巧九:形容词、副词比较级变化 英语中大部分形容词和表方式的副词都有原级、比较级和最高级的变化。构成比 较级和最高级的方式,或通过加后缀一 er 和 est,或在词前加 more / less 和 most / least,且形容词的最高级还要冠以 the。 例: I am — (tall) than Liu Wen. He is the tallest students in my class . 此题后句交代了 LiuWen 是班上最高的学生,那“我”肯定比他矮,所以不能用 taller, 只能用表示程度不如的“less tall”。 技巧十:数词形式变化 数词的形式变化包括基数词、序数词,或加后缀一 teen、ty 的变化,甚至还有作分 母用的序数词的单复数形式,以及 one / two 的特殊变化形式 once / twice 例: To my three sons I leave my seventeen horses. My eldest son shall take a half, my second son shall take a (three). 从上下文连续起来理解,这是一个分马的计划,大儿子分得 a half,也就是“一半”或 “二分之一”,那么二儿子应该得“三分之一”,所以要填入作分母的序数词“third”才能 命中目标。 (2020·江苏·沭阳县怀文中学九年级期末)根据短文内容,用括号内单词的正确形式填 空,使短文完整。 People send birthday greetings by using cards in both eastern and western countries. It is 1. (know) when and where exactly the tradition began. It is said that it might begin in England in the early 2. (nineteen) century. In those days people 3. (send) birthday cards when they couldn’t wish somebody a happy birthday in person. In 1840 the first stamp 4. (use) in Britain and sending birthday cards became easier, cheaper and more popular. The 5. (develop) of color printing processes (工艺流程) in the 1930s also helped to increase sales of birthday cards. Today cards are often given with a present, even when people can express 6. (they) wishes face to face. In recent times e-cards 7. (become) popular. Many people are starting to use e-cards instead of traditional cards because they are free, environmentally friendly and easy 8. (arrive). So will e-cards take place of paper cards 9. (complete) in ten or twenty years? Probably not. For example, for kids and old people, they don’t use e-cards very often. If our birthday 10. (come) soon, do you wish that at least one person could congratulate you with a beautiful card then? (2020·河北宽城·九年级期末)根据短文内容及所给的提示,补全文中单词或用所给单 词的正确形式填空。 As a child, I got angry quite easily and was not good at communicating with others. I still remember it was11.(a) early autumn. Some12. (leaf) started to turn yellow and the weather became cool. One day, as I was getting ready 13.school, my mother carelessly handed me my father's vest instead of mine. At that time, I was getting to have a 14. (large)size than my father, so when I put on the vest, I felt as 15.I wasn't able to breathe! I was very angry and shouted at my mother without thinking much. I pulled it off my body so16. (wild) that I made a hole in it. Then I 17. (rush) out of the house

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