安徽省部分学校 2020-2021 学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题分类汇编 完形填空 安徽省亳州市涡阳县第九中学 2020-2021 学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题 第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1. 5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳 选项。 Bravery Over Bullying(欺凌) Lizzie is 26 years old now. She was born with an undiagnosed syndrome ( 综 合 症 ) . Around age 24 一 25, she 41 got an accurate diagnosis, I don't remember the specific name, but it is a(n)42 syndrome with one part 43 she has vision problems, bone issues and a lot of 44 with the large aorta(主动脉)in her heart. The other part means she cannot gain weight. This combination means she looks 45 from everyone around her. Her family never 46 her like she was anything different than any of them. 47 in elementary school9 the bullying began. With the 48 of family and some in the schools, Lizzie was 49 by other students and ended up doing well in school. 50 , in high school, she was on Facebook and saw a website about the 51 woman in the world. It was about her. Her 52 encouraged her not to respond in 53 , as her father wanted her to 54 whoever had posted this. This docudrama ( 纪 录 剧 情 片 ) tells Lizzie's 55 and how she has moved beyond the bullying. She is now 56 others about the dangers of bullying, and 57 cyberbullying(网络 欺凌). She has given at least one TED talk and has spoken in many occasions all over the world. I cried a lot as I watched this, but I am also so 58 by Lizzie and how she has faced the 59 in her life. As she puts it:"I am 60 in a different way. " She is walking in beauty. 41. A. slightly B. finally 42. A. combination B. separation C. completely D. hardly C. expectation D. tradition 43. A. referring B. witnessing C. instructing D. meaning 44. A. doubt B. puzzle C. mix D. trouble 45. A. apart B. far C. different D. free 46. A. praised B. blamed C. treated D. cured 47. A. But B. So C. Or D. As 48. A. trust B. support C. pressure D. bargain 49. A. accepted B. left C. scolded D. distanced 50. A. Besides B. Additionally C. Therefore D. However 51. A. fattest B. ugliest C. nicest D. prettiest 52. A. teacher B. friend C. family D. doctor 53. A. brief B. kind C. time D. general 54. A. catch B. thank C. forgive D. believe 55. A. story B. love C. disease D. feeling 56. A. advertising B. consulting C. informing D. educating 57. A. especially B. undoubtedly C. purposely D. basically 58. A. amazed B. inspired C. frustrated D. concerned 59. A. victory B. kindness C. happiness D. difficulties C. fighting back D. holding on 60. A. carrying out B. thinking about 安徽省六安市第一中学 2020-2021 学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题 第一节完形填空(共 20 小题:每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可 以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Over the years, thanks to my life's obstacles(障碍), I understood the meaning of faith and the strong will to survive. It was Hurricane Ike that made me fully____21____ the beauty of our strength and a human's motivation to ____22____. Mum had a two-week ____23____in summer. While we enjoyed our holiday in Southeast Texas, we didn't realize the fact that Ike ____24____ cause months and likely years of “labour”. By September 7th, the "eyes of Texas” were watching Hurricane Ike more ____25____, making the typical mad rush for last-minute hurricane ____26____. Two days later, both oil and rice were in ____27____ demand. , In the early hours of September 11th some neighbours were planning to ____28____ the storm in their homes, ____29____ others were making final preparations to get away. At first, we decided to stay. But that afternoon, the Houston-Galveston area would be on the more _____30_____ side of the storm. Mum and I packed some of our most _____31_____ belongings(物品)in the car and _____32_____ the East Texas town of Lufkin. As Ike pushed farther inland, we _____33_____ power in Lufkin. On Sunday, our next-door neighbour told us via cellphone that our _____34_____ had remained well. Our hopes could not have been _____35_____. But a few hours later, the neighbours reported that our brick chimney had _____36_____, and it was sitting in our living room, _____37_____a hole in the roof between two skylights. We wouldn't be allowed to return home _____38_____ September 17th. I climbed upstairs and looked towards the hole in the roof which showed a beautiful blue sky. Without hesitation, I shouted, "Wow! A third skylight!” My neighbours could not believe I was making jokes _____39_____ crying, but _____40_____ is always good medicine. It was with that joke that I knew, given time, ev

doc文档 安徽省部分学校2020-2021学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题汇编:完形填空

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