Unit 2 一、单项选择。 1. Me and My Motherland is a famous movie, and I have seen it twice in the . A.bank  B.cinema  C.supermarket D.library 2. — Can you catch what the speaker is saying,Tina? — Sorry. He speaks so fast that I can A.nearly B.hardly C.probably understand him. D.exactly 3. Forty percent of students in the school A.am 4. B.is C.are from China. D.was they are very tired,they feel happy because they've finally finished their project. A.Although B.So C.If D.But 5. — This time, we must depend on ourselves to solve the problem. — I agree. but we ourselves can find a way out. A.Everybody B.Nobody C.Somebody D.Anybody 6. — Do you often watch CBA games? — Sure,and I watch them play in the gym. A.sometimes B.sometime C.some times D.some time 7. — I think drinking milk every morning is good — Yes,I agree A.to;to you. B.with;to C.for;with 8. Yesterday my mother bought A.much B.a lot of 9. I think eating more A.health;health our health. D.at;with vegetables for my grandparents. C.little D.quite a little food can help you keep . B.health;healthy C.healthy;health 10. — Could you tell me ? — Throwing off poverty(脱贫). D.healthy;healthy A.who people often talk about this year B.what people often talk about this year C.which do people often talk about this year D. whhen people often talk about this year 二、 完形填空。 Do you know how to keep healthy? First,good 1 habits are very important. Many students 2 to eat junk food. Maybe it tastes (尝起来) good,but it's 3 for our health. And many students only eat their favorite food. It's bad for their health, 4 .It's good to eat 5 fruit and vegetables because they can 6 us keep healthy. And we should have a balanced diet (均衡饮食).It can give us lots of energy (能量) and keep our body 7 . 8 ,we should often exercise. A strong (强壮的) and healthy body comes from enough exercise. We can 9 some time doing our favorite sports every day. Finally,we should have good living habits 10 getting up and going to bed on time. 1. A. studying B.eating C.drinking D.living 2. A. hope B.try C.like D.dislike 3. A. good B.bad C.well D.nice 4. A. also B.either C.too D.neither 5. A. more B.less C.little D.few 6. A. give B.tell 7. A. healthy B.unhealthy 8. A. First B.Second 9. A. like B.take 10. A. such C.help B.likes D.ask C.active C.Third C.spend C.such as D.beautiful D.Finally D.cost D.for example 三、阅读理解。 A What do you usually do on the Internet? Mike, a student I'm always busy from Monday to Friday. I only use the Internet on weekends. I often play computer games and chat(聊天) with my friends online. Linda, an office lady I love shopping on the Internet. It's fast. I can sit in front of the computer for hours. I shop every day. I can always find cheap but good things online. Sometimes, I watch films or listen to music. Mr. Green, a manager(经理) I can't work without(没有) the Internet. I need it to send(发送) and receive(接收) e-mails, I write at least twenty e-mails every day. When I am free, I also love to read news online. Mrs. Brown, a housewife I like cooking. I write blogs(博客) about my cooking and upload(上 传) the photos of my dishes every day. I love reading people's replies(回复). And I'm happy that they love my dishes. 1. How often may Mike play computer games? A.Every day. B.Once or twice a week. C.Three times a week. D.Twice a month. 2. Who sometimes watches films on the Internet? A.Mike. B.Linda. C.Mr. Green. D.Mrs. Brown. 3. What does Mrs. Brown upload every day? A.The photos of her games. B.The photos of her friends. C.The photos of her parties. D.The photos of her dishes. 4. Which of the following is TRUE? A.Mike sends and receives e-mails every day. B.Linda always sells clothes on the Internet. C.Many people love Mrs. Brown's dishes. D.Mr. Green plays computer games every day. 5. How many e-mails does Mr. Green have to write every day? A.Twelve. B.Twenty. C.Thirty. D.Forty. B Children today stay indoors most of their time. They watch TV,play computer games and,in some cases(情况),even do their homework. Figures show that today's youngsters (年轻人) stay outside for just over an hour each weekday,and fewer than five hours on Saturdays and Sundays. It also shows that 58 percent of parents want their children to play outdoors more often,and they seriously worry their child doesn't spend enough time playing outdoors. In fact,playing outdoors is so important for children—not only to help them stay active and healthy,but also to

doc文档 Unit 2 期末单元复习检测 2021-2022学年人教版八年级英语上册

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