单元复习八 Unit 7 单词 1. pron.& adj.许多;大量;多少 2.n.短袜 3.T 恤衫 4.n. pl.短裤 5.n.毛衣短语 6.(pl)裤子 7.n.鞋 8.n.裙子 9.n.元(美国、加拿大等国的货币单位,符号为$) 10.adj.大的;大号的 11. adj.小的;小号的 12.adj.短的;矮的 13.adj.长的 14.n.女子 15.v.需要 16.v.看;看上去 17.n.一双;一对 18.v.买下;拿;取 19.num.十 20.num. 十一 21.num. 十二 22.num. 十三 23.num, 十五 24.num.十八 25.num.二十 26.num.三十 27.(用于男子的姓氏或姓名前)先生 28.n.(pl.).衣服;服装 29.n.商店 30.υ.购买;买 31.n.特价销售;出售 32.v.出售;销售;卖 33.adj.所有的;全部的 34.adv.很;非常 35.n.价格 36.n.男孩 短语 37.(价钱)多少 38.一双 39.服装店 40.以一个非常好的价格 41.大甩卖 句型 42.一这件 T 恤多少钱? -7 美元。 43.您需要帮忙吗? 44.我买了。 45.给你。 开心练 Ⅰ.在等式后写出相应的英文数字。 1. four+six=_______ 2. twenty-five=_______ 3.two×nine=_______ 4. nine+three=_______ 5.five×six=_______ Ⅱ.用括号中所给单词的对应词填空。 6. He doesn't want to _______(buy) the volleyball . 7. Who is that _______(man) in a blue jacket? 8. The trousers are too _______(short) for my son. 9._______(go) to my vegetable store and they are very fresh(新鲜的). 10. Well,your classroom is very _______(big). Ⅲ.根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。 11.在这儿你可以买我们大减价的衣服。 Here,you can buy the clothes _______ our _______ _______. 12.她需要一件长毛衣。 She ______ ______ _______ _______ . 13.一双鞋子在床下。 ______ _______ _______ _______ is under the bed. 14.所有男孩们来教室。 _______ _______ _______ come to the classroom. 15.他想把他的手表卖给我。 He wants to _______ his watch_______ me. Ⅳ.根据要求完成句子,每空一词。 16. That pair of socks is two dollars.(对画线部分提问) _______ _______ is that pair of socks? 17. My sister buys a T-shirt.(改为一般疑问句) _______your sister _______a T-shirt? 18. They're nice.I'll buy them.(改为同义句) They're nice.I'll _______ _______. 19. This black hat looks cool.(改为否定句) This black hat _______ ______ cool. 20. Sorry,we don't have blue schoolbags .(改为同义句) Sorry,we don't have schoolbags _______ _______. 参考答案: 单词 1. much 2. sock 3.T-shirt 4. shorts 5. sweater 6. trousers 7. shoe 8. skirt 9. dollar 10. big 11. small 12. short 13. long 14. woman 15. need 16. look 17. pair 18. take 19. ten 20. eleven 21. twelve 22. thirteen 23. fifteen 24. eighteen 25. twenty 26. thirty 27. Mr. 28. clothes 29. store 30. buy 31. sale 32. sell 33. all 34. very 35. price 36. boy 短语 37. how much 38.a pair of 39. clothes store 40.at a very good price 41. big sale 句型 42.-How much is this T-shirt? —It's seven dollars. 43. Can I help you? 44.I'll take it 45. Here you are. 开心练 1.1. ten 2. fifteen 3. eighteen 4. twelve 5. thirty If.6. sell 7.woman 8. long 9. Come 10. small III. 11. at;good prices 12.needs a long sweater 13.A pair of shoes 14. All the boys 15. sell;to IV.16. How much 17. Does;buy 18. take them 19. doesn't look 20. in blue

doc文档 Unit 7 期末复习试题 2021-2022学年人教版七年级英语上册

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