2019-2021 年重庆中考英语真题 短文填空(含答案) 2019 年重庆中考 A 卷 I recently turned 30. Thinking back what I've experienced, I took some time to write myself some advice. Trust Even if it kills your relationships. Even if you lose your friends. Even if it means you end up getting hurt. 1 people even if they give you a reason not to. But don't be too naive(幼稚) . Some people are out to hurt you. People People are the best and 2 thing that will happen to you. Some will help you go further and faster. Others will pull you down to their level and make you lose. Most are OK. Many are average. Some are excellent. You don't need a lot of people or friends around you. You need amazing people who help you just 4 3 you help them. Only a few people will change your life forever. Find . Value Time Don't waste time on people who cheat you. Value other people's 5 . Do not be late. That means that if you're late, you don't care about them or their time. And that also means you think you're worth more and therefore(困此) can keep them 6 .Some people will tell you that it's OK to be late. It's not. Fail Fail. Fail a lot. Fail often. Fail in making friends. Fail in work. 7 please don't lose your heart! Learn a lesson. If you don't learn something when you fail, then all you've done is failed. If you learn something ,then you've grown. Every time you grow and fail and learn, you become better at finding out the way to 8 . 【答案】: 1. Trust 5.time 2.worst 3.as/like 6.waiting 7.But 4.them 8.success/succeed 2019 年重庆中考 B 卷 You've been here in China for a few days, and you may notice that Chinese people can sometimes be very direct. But don't be fooled into thinking you can 1 anything you like to them. Here are a few things foreigners 2 China should never say. Have 'you been on vacation? You look so tanned(晒黑的) ! While many people in the West grow up with the idea that dark skin is a sign of beauty, this is not true in China. That explains 3 umbrellas are just as common on sunny days as they are on rainy days here. I really love China , but… Don't finish that 4 . No place can be perfect. It's fine if you say something impolite about your 5 country, but don't do it about someone else's. This doesn't just happen in China, but it's fair to say the Chinese people show more love to their country. I think Chinese food is the best food in the world. What's that? As everyone in China should already know this, saying that you love Chinese food is like saying that sugar is 6 or ice is cold. It won't hurt anybody, but they may think you know 7 about their food culture. Since there are many different kinds of Chinese food, it sounds better to talk about the local food that you like most. Keep them in mind and 8 your stay in China! 【答案】: 1. say 2.in 5.own 6.sweet 3.why 4.sentence(complaint) 7.nothing/little 8.enjoy 2020 年重庆中考 A 卷 We all want to live the life we dream of. However, at times, some negative(消极的) ideas may stop us. Hope the following suggestions can help to ignore those 1 and go ahead. Do What We Can Control One thing we can control is doing what we can-eating healthily, exercising, reading, and getting enough sleep. Doing the right things can help 2__ to achieve the most happiness. Also, it can make us move on in the 3 direction. However, we should also accept that there are many things we can't control. Take Calculated(预料到的 ) Risks Success doesn't come 4__ risks. We all have to take risks in life, but try to make sure those risks are calculated. For example, you are working at a job that you hate, and you are dreaming of giving it up and 5 your own business. The thought is a start. But one day, you can't stand your job any more, so you leave it even though you haven't really had a plan. This is such a big risk that it will probably make you 6 want to take a risk again. So just start with a small risk. Don't Be Afraid of Failure Thomas Edison is one of the greatest inventors in history. However, he 7 many times. Did you know Edison created an electric pen? A ghost machine? Probably not. Well, that's because they were complete failures. But those failures put him one step 8 to success. Think of failures as milestones(里程碑) towards success. 【答案】: 1. ideas 2.us 3.right 5.starting 6.never 4.without 7.failed 8.closer 2020 年重庆中考 B 卷 It's normal for the human mind to wander(走神). So many things may fill your mind and pull your thoughts in different directions. This isn't always 1 . Sometimes a wandering mind

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