英才学校初二学年 21-22 学年度(上)期末测试 英语学科 第 I 卷一、 单项选择 (本题共 20 分,每小题 1 分) 选择最佳答案。 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( )1. In the following words, which underlined (划线的) letters have a different sound from the others? A. bread B. great C. healthy ( )2. Which pair of the words with the underlined (划线的) letters has the same sound? A. sell eleven B. tidy July C. sale carrot )3. Which of the following words doesn’t have the same stress as the others? A. Chinese. B. because. C. festival. )4. I have aunt and uncle. A. a, a B. a, an C. an, an )5. — Is your baseball your room, Mike? — Yes, it’s my bed. A. on, in B. in, under C. on, under )6. I would like some and . A. tomato; chicken B. tomatoes; chicken C. tomatos; chicken )7. You have more pencils than . But are nicer than . A. I; mine; yours B. I; my; yours C. I; mine; you )8. — does she koalas? — Because they’re interesting. A. Why; likes B. What; like C. Why; like )9. The question is too difficult for me. So I will it. A. think of B. think over C. think about )10. — What do you like? — Football. A. food B. subject C. sport )11. Science is difficult interesting. A. but B. and C. or )12. — What would you like ? — For lunch, I like rice and vegetables. A. to eat, eating B. eat, eating C. eating, to eat )13. Miss Gao is a teacher, and she can sing very . A. good; good B. good; well C. well; good )14. — How much these socks? — They’re two dollars. A. do B. is )15. I like to books and my sister likes to A. look; see B. see; look )16. My grandpa always us sports. A. let; to play B. lets; play )17. His grandparents apples, but his uncle A. likes; like B. likes; likes ( ( ( ( ( TV. C. read; watch C. lets; plays oranges. C. like; likes is on December 25th. Father Christmas will bring you some gifts on that )18. day. A. Thanksgiving Day ( C. are B. Mid-Autumn Day C. Christmas Day )19. Safety (安全) comes first on our way to school. So we should to keep ourselves safe in China. ①run to the bus quickly before the bus stops ②walk across the street when the traffic light turns green ③chat with our friends happily in the middle of the street ④look left first and then look right before crossing the street ⑤go to the other side of the street from the overpass (天桥) if there are no traffic lights A. ②③④ B. ①③⑤ C. ②④⑤ )20. Our PE teacher makes a survey among 1,000 student in our school about their favorite sports. How many students like ball games according to the form? Sports Number A. 450 Baseball Tennis 20% 30% B.500 Swimming 1/4 Volleyball ? C. 750 二、完形填空(本题共 10 分,每小题 1 分) Henry is a 10-year-old boy. He doesn’t like brushing teeth. Every evening his mother says 21 him, “Henry, it’s time for you to brush your teeth and go to bed.” “I know, mom.” says Henry unhappily. He keeps the 22 running. His mother thinks he is brushing his teeth. But he thinks, “It’s so boring. 23 takes a long time to brush teeth. I don’t want to do this now. I can brush them tomorrow morning and tomorrow evening. That will be OK.” 24 the next day, he still doesn’t brush his teeth. He always thinks he can do it tomorrow. 25 morning, when he got up, he found all of his teeth were lost. He 26 very sad and cried out, “My teeth!” His mother came into his bedroom and said, “What’s wrong? ” “Mom, I have no teeth now! Because I forget 27 my teeth every day.” He cried again and again. His mother had to take him to the 28 . The doctor said, “Oh, little boy! I am sorry to say you can’t eat 29 food now. There aren’t any teeth in your mouth.” The little boy cried sadly. Suddenly, he 30 up. “Oh, thank godness (谢天谢地) ! It is a dream. How terrible!” He got up at once and went to brush his teeth. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 ( )21. A. for ( )22. A. tea ( )23. A. This ( )24. A. So ( )25. A. One ( )26. A. feel ( )27. A. brushing ( )28. A. park ( )29. A. any ( )30. A. woke B. to B. water B. That B. But B. First B. fell B. brush B. hospital B. some B. wake C. of C. teeth C. It C. And C. Ones C. felt C. to brush C. hotel C. many C. woken 三、阅读理解(本题共 20 分,每小题 1 分) (A) This is me. My name is Peter. I am 10. I am in Shanghai now. I like red and yellow. I don’t like black. I like running. It can make me keep healthy. My telephone number is 82276548. This is Harry. He is my aunt’s son. He is 8. He is in Dalian now. He likes green and brown. He doesn’t like yellow. He likes doing sports. Basketball is his favorite. His telephone number is 86903002. This is my good friend. Her name is Sally. She is 7. She is in Beijing now. She likes pink and gre

docx文档 黑龙江省哈尔滨市平房区英才学校2021-2022学年七年级上学期期末英语试题

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