牛津译林版九年级英语上册期末词汇复习 一.根据句意写出单词 1. It is said that Bill Gates is one of the _______________(富有的) men in the world. 2. You’d better not hurt animals in the zoo, or you will be___________(攻击). 3.Miss Li showed me an _________( 最新的) English-Chinese dictionary yesterday. 4.If you know the answer, please send text _______________(信息) to 138625. 5.I made different _______(成就) in different period, so I divided them into 3 periods. 6. There is a rule      (与……相反) taking pets into the museum. 7.Her family was_________(迫使) to move to another country in July ,1942. 8. How many ____________ (德国人) are there in Yangzhou? 9. He is doing _______________ (研究) on Japanese literature. 10. Please pay attention to correcting your p_____________ when you read English. 11. ---Did you know how they d___________ with their old furniture? 12.The cure for ________ (精神压力) lies in learning to relax. 13. White has always been a s____________ of purity in Western Cultures. 14. So far, he’s s____________ in saving thousands of people in danger. 15. The school football team has had three victories this month a_____ other schools. 16.The police are trying to find out the ________ (原因) of the ship sinking. 17.—Why can’t we go out for a walk?—Because it is raining h_______ outside. 18.It is reported that the ______ (谋杀案)took place in front of a clothes shop. 19.His Uncle has been in ______ (监狱)for many years for kidnapping. 20.Many young people are looking forward to an interesting, ________ (收入高 的) 21. That woman of great w________ always donates money to children in poor areas. 22. Students are often told to pay attention to traffic s__________ . 23. I feel so sorry that he__________(说谎) to his parents this morning . 24. Steven is one of the most popular ______________ (老板) in our company. 25.. Study harder from now on, and you will see your ______ (进步) after each exam. 26. Andy Liu is such an ______(漂亮的,有吸引力的)man that many girls love him. 27. My father _____________(坚持认为) that I should go to the best school to study. 28. Do you believe there are real _________________(天使) in the sky? 29.If you are interested in cowboys in America, you can watch ________(西部电影). 30. Yao Ming’s achievements went ______________(超出,除…之外)the sport field. 31. A lot of _________ (努力)has gone into making this event a big success. 32. No matter what you say, he-s going _________ (无论如何). 33. He doesn’t know what the _________ (影响)of the book is. 34. We ran so fast that we were out of _________ (呼吸). 35.There is going to be a ______ (才能) show at our school hall in two days. 36. The more children are ______ (鼓励), the more progress they will make. 37. After hundreds of experiments, Edison __________(成功) invented the light bulb. 38. The traffic lights are ________________ (控制) by a central computer. 39. About 300 papers were _____________ (提交) at the conference yesterday. 40. I once lived in ______ (中心的) Hunan. People like hot food a lot there. 41. The little boy was ______ (表扬) by his parents for his brave act. 42. Song Zuying is one of my favourite ______ (音乐家) in China. 43. Classical music is quite serious, and has a ______ (永久的) value. 44. Sandy blew hard to make the paint run in all ______ (方向) and made a wonderful picture. 45.We formed a close _______ (友谊)when we were in middle school. 46.Why do people think ______ (高度地) of Zhang Yimou’s film? 47. More than half of the students say that _______ (学业)takes them the most time. 48. He read the letter _______ (大声地)as Grandpa’s hearing was not so good. 49. All the people choose the great man as the _________ (领导者) of the town. 50. Emily didn’t have the __________(勇气) to tell her mistake to her father. 51. We have already got more than 100 _______(答复)to our advertisement. 52. Spud Webb proved that size and body type really does not m_____.(be important) 53. The teacher asks us not to keep our_______ (令人担忧 的事)to ourselves. 54.The new comic book has started a_________________(生机勃勃的)discussion in the art community than ever. 55.The people there become rich because of_____________(发现)oil under the land. 56. Our teacher often __________ (建议)some good magazines to us. 57.The final exam is coming. I hope you can _________ (平衡) your study and rest. 58. Black means power and ___________ (力量) and it’s my lucky colour. 59.The red tie and a white shirt are a good___________ (搭配). 60. We're sure that the __________(关系) between the two nations will last for ever. 二.用所给词的正确形式填空 1.At the end of the film, there are still some mysteries_________

docx文档 期末词汇复习 2021-2022学年牛津译林版九年级英语上册

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