句子还原 一、阅读填空。请阅读全文,并从下面方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到短文中,使短文的意思完整、 连贯。 A. The courtier (侍臣)has a grain of rice in his beard. B. After a while, Birbal found the ring easily. C. You must hide this ring safely with you. D. But Akbar had to accept that Birbal was very wise. E. Birbal, I lost my ring this morning. F. Birbal's eyes fixed on the behavior of the courtier. One day, Akbar decided to test how wise Birbal was. He took his ring off his finger and handed it to one of his courtiers. Akbar said to him,“1. ________ Make sure that no one can find it. " As soon as Birbal came to the palace, Akbar said, “2. _______ It was given to me by my father. Do whatever you want, but you have to find my ring." Birbal asked Akbar to give him more information, but Akbar didn't say much. He kept on repeating, “I don't remember anything at all. You must find my ring.” Finally, Birbal said, “All right, Your Majesty (陛下)!I will find your ring soon. ” Birbal closed his eyes and pretended ( 假装) to think for a while. And then he said, “Your Majesty, your ring is somewhere here in this palace. It is with one of the courtiers. 3. _________” The courtier was worried. Hearing Birbal's words, he quickly moved his hand over his beard. 4.__________Pointing towards him, Birbal said, "Your Majesty, this courtier stole your ring. " Akbar was surprised. He didn't understand how Birbal had succeeded in finding his ring. ___5.__ 二、请阅读全文,并从下面方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到短文中,使短文的意思完整、连贯。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分) A. They believe in living in the moment. B. He found the poor ant was taking corn to his nest. C. He helped the ant with the job. D. The lesson of the grasshopper(蚱蜢) is useful to us. E. Only then did the grasshopper understand the ant's hard work. F. The ant didn't look up at him and just advised him. On a summer day, a grasshopper was playing in a field. And then an ant passed by. 1. _______ "Why don't you come and chat with me instead of working so hard? " asked the grasshopper. "I'm helping to store up food for this winter, " said the ant. “And I think you should do the job as well. "2. ____ "Why are you so worried about winter? We've got enough food at present," said the grasshopper. But the ant went on his way and continued his hard work. The winter came then. The grasshopper had no food and found himself dying of hunger while the ants were handing out corn and grain from the stores they had collected in summer. 3. ________ It's best to prepare for days of need. We should learn from ants. Work today, and you are sure to get more tomorrow. Whether you believe it or not, the truth is there. But many people don't care much about finishing their work before enjoying themselves. They like to live one day at a time, and follow where their hearts lead. __4__.The key is, therefore, to find a balance between work and play. Work well, and prepare for a rainy day. 5. _________Don't you think so? 三、请阅读短文,并从下列方框里的六个句子选择五个句子还原到原文里,使原文的意思完整、连贯。 A. Mozart is a good example. B. Life is like a long-distance race. C. But talent is not enough for most people. D. In a word, hard work is more important for success than talent. 1 E. However, the great effort he put in was very important as well. F. Hard work can often make up for a lack of intelligence. We all know about Leonardo da Vinci, the famous Italian artist of the fifteenth century. Many people agree that his talent was the main reason for his achievement. 1. ________ The example of Leonardo is useful when we think about a difficult question: Which is more important for success, talent or hard work? I believe that hard work is more important. Talent is something that one is born with. It is a great ability that makes success easier. 2. ________ He showed genius when he was very young. He didn't need to work as hard as other people. 3. _________ Talent makes a great difference, but most people are not so different from the rest. And people who know they have a natural talent might work less hard. But ordinary people need to find their weaknesses and spare no effort to get over them. They will succeed by working hard. 4. ______ Talent can help us at the beginning, but the one who crosses the finish line first is the winner. During the race, hard work is motivation. And no one can succeed without motivation. It is said, “Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.” So even talent needs hard work. Einstein was talented, but could he be successful if he had just sat on a soft sofa and done nothing? It was his great effort that made h

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