八下 U1 短语收藏夹 Reading - Listening 1. ______________________________ 需要帮助的 2. ______________________________ 义务性工作 3. ______________________________ 报请批准 4. ______________________________ 因……受苦;受折磨 5. ______________________________ 使振奋;使鼓起勇气 take photos of 拍照 tell stories 讲故事 感情 look after 照顾 used to do ... 过去常常做…… express one’s feelings 表 达 某 人 的 in one’s free time 在某人的空闲时间 make friends with ... 与……交朋友 raise money 筹款 【巩固练习】 一、以正确形式填空:take photos of, tell stories, express one’s feelings, look after 1. You should ____________________ if you feel angry. 2. My father often ____________________ to make us happy. 3. I can ____________________ myself while my parents are away. 4. He ____________________ the Great Wall when he was in Beijing. 二、1. 昨天那场会议使我们精神振奋。 The meeting yesterday __________ __________ __________. 2. 在过去,很多人受到饥饿的折磨。 In the past, many people __________ __________ hunger. 3. 现在很多大学生在周末做些义务性工作。 Nowadays, many college students do some __________ __________ at weekends. 4. 如果你想早走的话,必须报请批准。 You must __________ __________ if you want to leave early. 5. 我们应该号召更多的人为需要帮助的儿童筹款。 We should call on more people to __________ __________ for children __________ __________. 6. 在空闲时间,我经常帮父母做家务。 I often help my parents do the housework __________ __________ __________ __________. 7. 他过去常常在晚上散步。 He __________ __________ __________ for a walk in the evening. 8. 我喜欢和来自不同国家的人交朋友。 I love __________ __________ __________ people from different countries. 知识点滴 Reading ① offer Three teenagers offered to do some voluntary work during the school holidays. 三名青少年主动提出在学校放假期间做一些义务性工作。 ★ offer 在本句中作动词,意为“主动提出”,它还有“提供”之意,常用于以下结构: (1) offer sth“提供某物” (2) offer to do sth“主动提出做某事” (3) offer sb sth / offer sth to sb“给某人提供某物” 如: He offered some interesting books. 他提供了一些有趣的书籍。 He often offers to help me when I am in trouble. 当我遇到麻烦时,他经常主动提出帮助我。 They offered him a good job. = They offered a good job to him. 他们给他提供了一份很好的工作。 ② -ness The children there all suffer from serious illnesses. 那里的孩子们都受到严重的疾病折磨。 ★ illness 是名词,意为“疾病”,是由形容词 ill 加后缀-ness 变化而来的。后缀-ness 加在某些形容词后面,构成表示 “性质、状态”的名词。当形容词是以辅音字母加-y 结尾时,先改 y 为 i,再加-ness。如:loneliness“孤独”。 ③ teach sb to do sth We taught them to tell stories. 我们教他们讲故事。 ★ teach sb to do sth 意为“教某人做某事”。teach 还常用于另一结构 teach sb sth“教某人某事”。如: Mr White will teach us English next term. 下学期怀特先生将教我们英语。 ④ lonely Her parents died in a car accident, and she is unhappy and very lonely. 她的父母在一次车祸中丧生了,她感到不开心而且很孤独。 ★ lonely 是形容词,意为“孤独的;寂寞的”,表示主观上的感受,在句中常作表语或定语。lonely 修饰地点名词时, 意为“荒凉的;偏僻的”。如: He lives in a lonely village. 他住在一个偏僻的村庄里。 【拓展】alone 作形容词时,意为“单独的;独自的”,侧重说明独自一人,没有同伴,表示客观的状态。它只在句中 作表语,不能作定语。alone 还可以作副词,意为“单独地”,相当于 by oneself。如: He lives alone in the village. = He lives by himself in the village. 他独自住在这个村庄里。 ⑤ continue to do sth My mother and I will continue to visit Vivien. 我和妈妈将会继续探望 Vivien。 ★ continue 意为“继续;连续”,句型 continue to do sth 意为“继续做某事”,可与 continue doing sth 互换使用。 如: Jack continued to read the book. = Jack continued reading the book. 杰克继续读那本书。 【巩固练习】 一、变成名词,并写出其中文 1. dark _________ _________ 2. weak _________ _________ 3. happy _________ _________ 4. kind _________ _________ 二、1. Some students offered _ the houses in the old people’s home. A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. to cleaning 2. We should do our homework _. A. alone B. lonely C. lone D. loneliness 3. The rain continued _ all afternoon. A. fall B. falls C. fell D. falling 三、1. 格林先生主动给我们提供了一些有用的信息。 Mr Green __________ some useful information __________ __________. 2. 尽管我独自在一个陌生的城市,我并不感到孤独。 I don’t feel __________ though I am __________ in a strange city. 3. 毕业后她将继续和父母一起住。 She will __________ __________ __________ with her parents after graduation. 4. 我爸爸经常教我唱英文歌。 My father often __________ __________ __________ __________ English songs. 基础训练(一) Reading 一、A. 1. You stepped (踩) on me. I feel a p__________ in my foot. 2. I usually talk to my friends when I feel l__________. 3. I hope there is no war in the world. We should live in p__________. 4. We are facing a s__________ problem. We must work hard to solve it. 5. Every year, many singers take part in this activity to r__________ money for homeless animals. B. 1. She fell down from the bike and __________ (hurt) her right leg. 2. The poor man can’t go to work because of a bad __________ (ill). 3. I have to ask my mother for __________ (permit) if I want to go out at night. 4. Uncle Li is very strong, so he can carry the heavy box without __________ (difficult). 5. Unluckily, he had a car accident last year and

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