专题 11 名词性从句 (全卷共四大题 100 小题。每小题 1 分,满分 100 分。请在 60 分钟内完成) 班级____________学号____________姓名____________得分____________ 序号 Part 1 题型 真题必杀 Part 2 典例必杀 真题 单项选择 单句填空 单项选择 数量(个) 36 4 40 语篇填空 1篇 (10) Part 1 真题必杀 一.单项选择 1.(2020·天津高考真题)My grandmother helped me believe that I could accomplish ____________ I put my mind to. A.whenever B.whatever C.wherever D.whichever 2.(2020·天津高考真题)The student completed this experiment to make come true ______ Professor Joseph had said. A.that B.what C.when D.where 3.(2020·江苏高考真题)It is not a problem _____ we can win the battle; it’s just a matter of time. A.whether B.why C.when D.where 4.(2019·江苏高考真题)Scientists have obtained more evidence ________ plastic is finding its way into the human body. A.what B.that C.which D.where 5.(2018·天津高考真题)He studied hard and later became a well-known writer, which was ______ his father had expected. A.why B.how C.that D.what 6.(2018·江苏高考真题)(2018·江苏)By boat is the only way to get here, which is _______ we arrived. A.where B.when C.why D.how 7.(2019·天津高考真题)The opinion learning is a lifelong process has been expressed by education experts throughout the years. A.which B.that C.what D.how 8.(2018·北京高考真题)(2018· 北京)This is _________ my father has taught me—to always face difficulties and hope for the best. A.how B.which C.that D.what 9.(2018·北京高考真题)(2018· 北京)Without his support, we wouldn’t be _________ we are now. A.how B.when C.where D.why 10.(2017·北京高考真题)Jane moved aimlessly down the tree-lined street, not knowing ________ she was heading. A.why B.where C.how D.when 11.(2015·陕西高考真题)Reading her biography, I was lost in admiration for _____Doris Lessing had achieved in literature. A.what B.that C.why D.how 12.(2016·江苏高考真题)(2016·江苏)It is often the case ____________anything is possible for those who hang on to hope. A.why B.what C.as D.that 13.(2015·重庆高考真题)We must find out ____ Karl is coming, so we can book a room for him. A.when B.how C.where D.why 14.(2017·天津高考真题)She asked me ________ I had returned the books to the library, and I admitted that I hadn’t. A.when B.where C.whether D.what 15.(2016·北京高考真题)Your support is important to our work. ________ you can do helps. A.However B.Whoever C.Whatever D.Wherever 16.(2015·北京高考真题)I truly believe ______beauty comes from within. A.that B.where C.what D.why 17.(2017·北京高考真题)Every year, ________ makes the most beautiful kite will win a prize in the Kite Festival. A.whatever B.whoever C.whomever D.whichever 18.(2015·北京高考真题)_____we understand things has a lot to do with what we feel. A.Where B.How C.Why D.When 19.(2016·天津高考真题)The manager put forward a suggestion __________ we should have an assistant. There is too much work to do. A.whether B.that C.which D.what 20.(2013·全国高考真题)Police have found ________ appears to be the lost ancient statue. A.which B.where 21.(2013·天津高考真题) C.how D.what I want to tell you is the deep love and respect I have for my parents. A.That B.Which C.Whether D.What 22.(2014·四川高考真题)(2014·四川) Grandma pointed to the hospital and said, "That’s _____________ I was born." A.when B.how C.why D.where 23.(2014·浙江高考真题)“Every time you eat a sweet, drink green tea.” This is _____ my mother used to tell me. A.what B.how C.that D.whether 24.(2014·陕西高考真题) ____________ the delayed flight will take off depends much on the weather. A.Why B.When C.That D.What 25.(2013·江西高考真题)________ one of you breaks the window will have to pay for it. A.Whoever B.Whatever C.Whichever D.Wherever 26.(2012·辽宁高考真题)The newcomer went to the library the other day and searched for he could find about Mark Twain. A.wherever B.however C.whatever D.whichever 27.(2014·广西高考真题)Exactly______ the potato was introduced into Europe is uncertain, but it was probably around 1565. A.whether B.why C.when D.how 28.(2014·福建高考真题)Pick yourself up. Courage is doing A.that B.what C.how you’re afraid to do. D.whether 29.(2015·福建高考真题)—I wonder ________ Mary has kept her figure after all these years. —By working out every day. A.where B.how C.why D.if 30.(2015·湖南高考真题)You have to know _____________ you’re going if you are to plan the best way of getting there. A.what B.that C.where D.who 31.(2014·湖南高考真题)As John Lennon once said, life is ________ happens to you while you are busy making other plans. A.Which B.that C.what D.where 32.(2017·江苏高考真题)We choose this hotel because the price for a night here is down to $20, half of _______

doc文档 专题11 名词性从句--备战2021年高考英语语法专项必杀100题(真题+经典)

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