2021-2022 学年湖北省武汉市洪山区八年级(上)期中英语试 卷 二、选择填空(共 15 小题, 每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个 选项中,选出一个最佳答案。将代表该答案的字母在答题卡上相应的位置涂黑。 1.(1 分)﹣﹣﹣I had a pleasant winter vacation with my family in the north. ﹣﹣﹣______.(  ) A.Oh,that's nice of you B.Enjoy yourself C.Well done D.Glad to hear that 2 . ( 1 分 ) ﹣ The theater is so crowed today.How about saying at home and relaxing ourselves? ﹣_________Then we can watch TV shows while eating.(  ) A.That's a good point. B.So what? C.I don't get it. D.That's all right. 3.(1 分)﹣Mike plays the drums so wonderfully! ﹣Of course.He is more______than any other student in his class.(  ) A.serious B.talented C.relaxed D.common 4.(1 分)﹣ How often do you have a school trip this term? ﹣______.Because some accidents happened to my schools , the headmaster stops all the school activities.(  ) A.Always B.Hardly ever C.Sometimes D.Often 5.(1 分)﹣Mr.White______ Linda and Lily a few why and how questions in class.Did you see that? ﹣Yes,I think he wanted them to do some deep thinking.(  ) A.asks B.is asking C.asked 6.(1 分)﹣What else do you need for your trip? D.will ask ﹣______.I got everything ready last night.(  ) A.Something else B.Else something C.Nothing else D.Else nothing 7.(1 分)The moonlight is shining (照耀) in _________ the window .Everything in the room looks so nice.(  ) A.over B.across C.through D.past 8.(1 分)﹣More and more foreigners are becoming interested in Beijing Opera. ﹣That's true.It's an important part of Chinese______.(  ) A.service B.program C.wonder D.culture 9.(1 分)Don't______your shoes. ﹣OK.I'll stay a little farther from the river.(  ) A.break B.sell C.wet D.wash 10.(1 分)﹣Do you have any plans for this Sunday?﹣﹣I'm not sure.I ______ go to the countryside to see my grandmother.(  ) A.can B.must C.may D.need 11.(1 分)﹣Mr.Black asks me to organize the party games.It's hard for me. ﹣This job is difficult and_____.You need to come up with new ideas.(  ) A.creative B.boring C.fresh D.different C.Both D.Either 12.(1 分)﹣ Do you want tea or coffee? ﹣______,I really don't mind.(  ) A.None B.All 13.(1 分)﹣Jimmy,could you help me______when the train will leave on the Internet? ﹣I'm sorry,but my computer doesn't work.(  ) A.dress up B.look up C.take up D.make up 14.(1 分)﹣I failed to find him though I went everywhere. ﹣Please try this number.Maybe you can_____him at it.(  ) A.reach B.touch 15.(1 分)﹣What did Daniel say to you? ﹣He asked me_____.(  ) A.how did I get to Hubei Museum C.expect D.meet B.why I liked hot﹣dry noodles so much C.how many bridges are there in Wuhan D.what do I study in Wuhan University 三、完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳答案。 16 . ( 15 分 ) There was an eight﹣year﹣old boy named Peter.He lived in a village . ( 1 ) to the sea.The Villagers(2)    a sea wall to keep sea water from going into the village. But unluckily,once their village was(3)    in great danger. That day,Peter was walking along the sea wall when it began to rain.Suddenly ,he saw a hole (洞) in the wall,and the sea water was(4)   from it.He thought it was a(5) problem﹣it meant that the sea water was going through the sea wall.He shouted ( 6 ) for help,but no answer came.He thought he (7)   do something at once,or the sea water would break the the village.He started to run to his village.At that time,the rain became heavier and heavier. Even when it got(8)    Peter still kept running.He was (9)    all over and felt cold and hungry.In the rainstorm,he fell down over and over again.Many times,he thought about giving up,but he fought on.He remembered his father's (10)    "Lots of strong men worked hard to build the wall that can ( 11 )     the village safe.The sea wall is(12)    important." At last,when the boy's father and the villagers (13)    ,Peter was already tired out.He told the villagers what happened.Then the villagers fixed the sea wall in time. "Thank God!He(14)   the village," villagers said.From then on,all the villagers called him"Peter the Guard" every time they met him.Then Peter would(15)    happily. (1)A.far B.close C.near D.under (2)A.shared B.broke C.tried D.built (3)A.hardly B.only C.almost D.mostly (4)A.staying B.running C.leaving D.swinging (5)A.serious B.fantastic C.simple D.popular (6)A.slowly B.clearly C.quietly D.loudly (7)A.should B.would C.can D.might (8)A.light B.dark C.late D.hungry (9)A.free B.hot C.wet D.ill (10)A.sayings B.activities C.information D.words (11)A.keep B.let C.bri

doc文档 湖北省武汉市洪山区2021-2022学年八年级上学期期中英语试卷

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