哈工大附中 2021-2022 学年度 初三(上) 一、单 项 选 择 (本题共 20 分,每小题 1 分)选择最佳答案。 ( )1. Which of the following words doesn’t have the same sound as the underlined letter of the word “without”? A.housewarming B.enough C. outgoing ( )2. Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the different sound? A. sad calender B. prepare refuse C. upset flu ( )3.Which word of the following doesn’t have the same stress as the others? A. weekday B. invite C.event ( )4.--Boys and girls!Have you seen film Wolf Warrior II directed by Wu Jing in the movie theatre? -- Yeah. It’s exciting one.I think it arouses(唤醒) a sense of patriotism(爱国主义). A. a, an B. the, an C. the, a ( )5. Nothing is impossible to a willing( 愿意的) heart. As students, we should do whatever we can the useful knowledge in order to build our country better when growing up. A. get B. getting C. to get ( )6. -Can you come to my birthday party? -- Oh, I ’d love to, I have a lot of things to do. A. the fourteenth, and B. fourteenth,but C.fourteen, or ( )7. Ted stayed up late to for an important exam yesterday evening,so he get enough sleep. A. prepares,doesn’t B.prepare , didn’t C. prepared ,didn’t ( )8.-- Mei Ling can’t go out to play,because he didn’t finish his homework. -- Me, . A.too B. also C.either ( )9. Though a tasty meal is to us there,there is no table for us. A. free , empty B. available, free C.available, available ( )10.--Could you with us on Monday night? --Sure! you on Monday! A. hang out,catch B. hang down ,Catch C. hang out ,Catch ( )11. -- Did you see the TV play “Little Daddy”? -- Yes. And of the play, everything is satisfying(令人满意的). A. at the end B. in the end C. to the end ( )12.--Tom , do you know how to work out this questions? --I’m sorry, I don’t. You go and ask Meimei . She know the answer to the question. A. must, can B. can , may C. need, can ( )13. –We joined in Jim’s birthday party last night. you didn’t appear there? Unit 9 英语基础知识能力训练 -I ( ( ( ( ( ( ( the whole night with my best friend, John. A. Why, spent B. What if, am spending C. How come, spent )14. Everyone has a dream. If we want to make the dream we look forward to true,we must work hard for it. A. come B. came C. coming )15.--Attitude ( 态度) is everything. The attitude you put on life is the attitude you point to yourself. -- Remember: Attitude does make a difference in everything you do. A. that B. which C. what ) 16. --Could you tell me ? --At nine o'clock, in ten minutes. A. how will he leave B. when he has left C. when he will leave ) 17.---In class ,some students write down the points , keep the points in their mind . --- Right . I’d rather remember them in class . A another student B the other C others )18.We will have a kind of delicious cake, it is round like the moon. And family will get together to enjoy a big dinner in the evening. On that night, the moon will be very round,and we can eat the cakes as well as enjoy the beautiful moon. It is a traditional festival. A. Korean B. British C. Chinese )19.Nothing is more important than health in the world. So what should we do if we want to keep healthy? ①Eat less meat and more vegetables and fruit. ②Never eat too much fried food. ③Drink enough water every day. ④Smoke when you are over 15 years old. ⑤Take some exercise every day. A.①②③⑤ B. ①③④⑤ C.①②③④ ) 20.If Mrs. Li wants to buy a bag of rice,two kilos of eggs and three boxes of milk,she should pay . A Big Sale-off for the May Day Holiday! Milk:¥4/box Lemons:¥2.2each Meat:¥22/kg Coke:¥4.6/bottle Salt: ¥3.5/bag Rice: ¥40/bag Eggs:¥12/kg Biscuits:¥15.8/box Time:April 28th~May 3rd 8:30a. m. ~9:30p. m. Special Offer:Any person who shops over fifty yuan can get a 10% off. A. ¥68.4 B. ¥7.6 二 完形填空(本题共 10 分, 每小题 1 分) C. ¥76 The attitude (态度) of study and the scores of exam 21 a delicate(微妙) relation with each other. If we want to achieve good results in the exam, we must have the right attitude of study. The right attitude is formed little by little in the 22 _ life. You must have a strong wish to study and you must be interested in it. You’re 23 to understand the true meaning of learning. When we meet 24 in our daily study, please do not escape(逃离) from them or just complain(抱怨) that your teachers are poor in their teaching ability. 25 , try to find the reason from yourself, and then turn to your teacher for help, you together may find the right way to solve the difficulties. One 26 has the right attitude of study will benefit from it for his whole life. The attitude decide

doc文档 Unit9周考题黑龙江省哈尔滨工大附中2021-2022学年八年级英语上册

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