选择性必修二 Unit 2 Bridge Cultures 单元基础复习练习 一、根据中文或首字母提示写出下列单词。 1. Actively getting i_______________ in various social activities is the best way to overcome culture shock. 2. Children who grow up in _________________( 舒 服 , 安 逸 ) are less likely to become successful after graduation. 3. I can r________________ exactly what my teacher taught me in primary school. 4. After years of studying abroad, my only _______________(追求的目标) is to return and serve my hometown. 5. If you care for others ______________( 真 诚 地 ), they will come to trust you, and you will _______________(加强) your relationship. 6. She is not very _________________(乐观的) about the ________________(结果) of the talks. 7. The young lady kept calm and b______________ bravely in the face of danger. 8. She found her mother walking alone and ______________(沮丧的) on the beach. 9. This musical play was based on the a_________________ of a famous book. 10. We should develop the ability to simplify the ______________(复杂的) issues in order to adapt to the society. 二、单句语法填空 1. After ____________(study) abroad, I became _______________(ambition) and desired to learn whatever I wanted. 2. A cook will ______________(fire) immediately if he was found _____________(smoke) in the kitchen. 3. As far as I’m _________________(concern), looking for good ways to cut ________________(expense) can help you save money. 4. He was working ________ upscale hotel, and in addition _______ his weekly wage, he also got a lot of tips from the rich guests. 5. ______________(read) the job advertisement, he wondered whether he was ________________(qualify) to apply for the job. 6. It’s _________ comfort to know that she has survived the accident. That was why I felt _____________(comfort). 7. If there’s ________ argument between my sister and me, my mother would side __________ the one who is right. 8. The students who are ___________(engage) in extra-curricular activities are said ___________(be) much happier than ___________ who are not. 9. I thought he would be an officer. Beyond _____________(expect), he found a job as a high school teacher which ______________(involve) spending quite a lot of time with students. 10. The key to his success is his ____________(logic) mind, which enables him ____________ (achieve) great achievements in his field. 三、用以下词组的适当形式填空。 compared to/with boost one’s confidence feel at home get involved in a great success be fascinated by/with gain insights into come as a shock cost an arm and a leg contribute to side with be positive about 1. The warm atmosphere makes the customers ________________, which I like most. 2. The audience ____________________ their brilliant performance. 3. I have a growing tendency _________________ John, for his opinion always makes sense. 4. The news _________________ to us that they finally did complete the tough task in such a short time. 5. Besides some good expressions, I _____________________ the English culture as well after reading the book 6. A small act of kindness may ____________________ others, and most importantly to oneself. 7. I encountered some difficulty, but they were nothing _________________ yours. 8. Terrible as the weather was, the activity held yesterday was still ____________________. 9. In addition to my studies, I ____________________ some extra-curricular activities. 10. With the encouragement of my teachers and friends, I gradually _______________________________ in English. 四、重点句式复习 1. 听说这是他第一次看到这么激动人心的电影,出乎了他的意料。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 第一次游览这个国家的时候,它多元的文化引起了我极大的兴趣。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. 让我感到安慰的是大部分同学掌握了这个用法。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. 到处都是污泥和水,这使得我们行走很艰难。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. 我一整天呆在家里的原因是外面真的太冷了! ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. 最近她参加了各种活动,难怪花了那么多钱。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. 不可否认在科研领域钱学森获得了巨大的成功。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. 在我看来,你最好完成作业之后才去接触一些对你有用的东西。(with 复合结构) _____________________________________________________________________

doc文档 Unit 2 Bridge cultures-单元基础复习练习-高二英语重难点词句语法基础+提升练(新人教版选择性必修二)

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Unit 2 Bridge cultures-单元基础复习练习-高二英语重难点词句语法基础+提升练(新人教版选择性必修二) 第 1 页 Unit 2 Bridge cultures-单元基础复习练习-高二英语重难点词句语法基础+提升练(新人教版选择性必修二) 第 2 页 Unit 2 Bridge cultures-单元基础复习练习-高二英语重难点词句语法基础+提升练(新人教版选择性必修二) 第 3 页 Unit 2 Bridge cultures-单元基础复习练习-高二英语重难点词句语法基础+提升练(新人教版选择性必修二) 第 4 页 Unit 2 Bridge cultures-单元基础复习练习-高二英语重难点词句语法基础+提升练(新人教版选择性必修二) 第 5 页
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