八年级期末复习---知识点单选综合练习 姓名:_____________ 一、 ( 得分:_________ (满分 100 分) 单项选择(每题 0.5 分,共 100 分) ) 1.The girl is to go to school. A.enough young B.enough old C.old enough D.young enough ( ) 2.﹣Do you know who taught _____Russian? ﹣Nobody.He learned it by ______. A.his; himself ( C.him; himself D.his; him ) 3.I can't find_________ in the cardboard box.It's empty. A.something ( B.him; him B.anything C.nothing D.some things ) 4.My mother often cooks _______ for us. A.something delicious B.delicious something C.anything delicious D.delicious anything ( ) 5.I'm sorry I know______ about it.It's a secret(秘密) between them. A.nothing ( B.something B.few B.brings B.did ) 9.Would you like A.anything ( D.A little C.brought D.to bring ) 8.﹣Who cleaned the classroom yesterday,Nick?﹣John _____________. A.cleaned ( C.little ) 7.Tom had to stay outside his house because he forgot _____________ keys. A.bringing ( D.everything ) 6.She is new here,so she has _______friends at school. A.much ( C.anything C.does D.is C.nothing D.everything to drink? B.something ) 10.﹣Mum,what are you cooking in the kitchen?It _____ so good! ﹣Fried noodles. A.smells ( B.tastes C.sounds D.feels ) 11.He didn't go to the cinema not _______ the weather,but_______ he didn't want to see the film. A.because of; because B.because; because of C.because; because ( D.because of; because of ) 12.﹣Where _______ she go on vacation last summer? ﹣She _______ to New York City. A.did; goes ( B.does; went C.did; went D.do; go ) 13.﹣__________? ﹣It was nice and interesting. A.Where did you go on vacation B.When did you go on vacation C.How was your vacation D.Did you enjoy your vacation ( )14. ---______ does your sister do her homework? ---Every day. A. How long ( C. Although, / D. /, although B. How long C. How much D. How many B. How many C. When D. How much B. the; the C. /; the D. the; / B. look like C. look after D. look out B. Three hours C. At three o'clock D. In two hours )23. Do you like to go______? A. skateboard ( B. /, / )22. ---How often do you take exercise? ---______. A. Sometimes ( C. No, I don't like it. D. Yes, I would. )21. Your mother isn’t at home. Can you ______ yourself? A. look for ( B. Yes, please. )20. Jenny plays _____ piano and I play ______ basketball every day. A. /; / ( D. ever )19. --- _____ do you go skating?--- Every day. A. How often ( C. never )18. ---______ does Kitty dance play the guitar? ---Two hours. A. How often ( B. hardly ever )17. _____ he is ill, ____ he goes to school on time. A. Although, but ( D. How many )16. ---Would you like some coffee? ---____, I'm full. A. No, thanks. ( C. How much )15. I like English very much, so I ______ read English every day in the morning. A. usually ( B. How often B. to skateboarding C. a skateboarding )24. Good food and exercise help me to study _____. D. skateboarding A. good ( B. better B. pretty C. much D. many )26. Is Katrina's life the same ______yours? A. as ( D. more )25. I exercise every day, so I am _____ healthy. A. a kind of ( C. less B. to C. with D. for )27. Jenny ______ lifestyle. A. has a healthy B. have a healthy C. has a health ( )28. I try ______ vegetables eleven times a week. A. eat ( D. have a healthy B. eating C. to eat D. eats )29. Li Lei works in England. He comes to China______. A. three time a year B. three times a year C. three times year ( )30. His grandmother is well because she often _______. A. exercises ( B. smokes B. stayed D. sings C. to stay D. staying )32. Here _______the results _______the student activity survey. A. is; with ( C. sleeps )31. His mother wants him _______at home today. A. stays ( D. three time year B. are; of C. is; of D. are; with )33. Lily isn’t good at Chinese. So she must _______ her best. A. try to do B. try to does C. trying to do D. tries to do ( ) 34. My mother made me ________at home because it was raining at that time. A. stay B. staying C. to stay D. stayed ( )35. If my sister ______back,please let us know. A.comes B.will come C.come D.came ( )36. It is a great time ______ the north of China in October. A.visit ( ) 37. B.visits C.to visit an interesting movie! A.Where B.What C.How ( )38. My grandparents will take us to the park if it A.won't rain ( D.to visiting B.will rain D.Who next Monday. C.rains D.doesn't rain )39. Don't worry about it.It's normal for ev

doc文档 2021-2022学年人教版英语八年级上册期末复习--知识点单选复习题

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