Unit 4 词汇语法练习题 根据句意和汉语提示填空。 1. The students are not in the classroom. They are in the ________(礼堂). 2. I'm ________(抱歉的). I'm late for class again. 3. We have to ________(穿) school uniforms on Mondays. 4. It's ________(重要的) for us to learn English well. 5. It's very cold ________(外面). Please put on your coat. 6. My grandfather is sleeping now, so we need to be ________(安静的). 7. My grandmother ________(带来) some delicious food to us every weekend. 8. Don't ________(打架). You two should be friendly to each other. 9. All students should obey their school ________(规则). 10. Miss Yang ________(到达) at school at 7:00 a.m. every day. 11. You should ________(听) carefully to what the teacher says in class. 12. I think children should ________(学习) how to do chores at home. 13. The movie is ________(非常讨厌的) I don't want to watch it again. 14. You can't be ________(吵闹的) in the classroom. 15. There are some ________(碟) on the table. 16. I ________(觉得) tired. Let's have a rest. 17. Do you know the girl with long ________(头发)? 18. Please ________(跟随) me. I can take you there. 19. She ________(练习) speaking English every day. 20. Your room is so ________(脏的) you must clean it up. 21. My mother is cooking in the ________(厨房). 22. This is Tony. Do you ________(记得) him? 23. She eats fruit and vegetables because she wants to ________(保持) healthy. 24. She has two books and I have five books. I have ________(更多) books than her. 25. He always ________(放松) himself by listening to music. 答案:1-5 hall;sorry;wear;important;outside 6-10 quiet;brings;fight;rules;arrives 11-15 listen;study/learn;terrible;noisy;dishes 16-20 feel;hair;follow;practices;dirty 21-25 kitchen;remember;keep/stay;more;relaxes Unit 5 词汇语法练习题 根据句意和汉语提示填空。 1. The ________(熊猫) likes eating bamboo. 2. I think that the ________(老虎) is scary. 3. —What about going to see the ________(大象) over there? —Good idea. 4. Is the ________(狮子) the king of the jungle(丛林)? 5. My sister has a ________(猫). It looks so lovely. 6. Look at the ________(长颈鹿). It has a long neck. 7. I want to keep a dog as my ________(宠物). 8. She is a pretty and ________(可爱的) girl. We all like her. 9. I usually ________(睡觉) for seven hours every night. How about you? 10. The students come from South ________(非洲). 11. There are a lot of ________(美丽的) pictures on the wall. 12. My favorite ________(动物) is the dog. 13. —What ________(种类) of music do you like? —Pop music. 14. The koalas are very cute and they are from ________(澳大利亚). 15. Dolphins(海豚) are very ________(聪明的). They can do many things like humans. 16. Don't be so ________(懒惰的). You should help your mother do some housework. 17. How many ________(腿) does a centipede(蜈蚣) have. 18. There are ________(超过) 40 students in our class. 19. There are some tall ________(树) in the park. 20. I’m thirsty(口渴的). Please give me some ________(水). 21. I can see some red ________(旗帜) over there. 22. This would be a good ________(地方) to have fun. 23. Tina never ________(忘记) her parents' birthdays. 24. You can use the knife to ________(切) the meat. 25. We should not ________(杀) animals. They’re our friends. 26. We must do something to ________(拯救) the pandas. They are in great danger. 答案:1-5 panda;tiger;elephant(s);lion;cat 6-10 giraffe;pet;cute/lovely;cleep;Africa 11-15 beautiful;animal;kind;Australia;smart 16-20 lazy;legs;over;trees;water 21-26 flags;place;forgets;cut;kill;save 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Our teacher is ________(friend) to us. We like her very much. 2. We always get ________(lose) in the city. I need a map. 3. Let’s do our homework ________(one). 4. The elephant is one of Thailand’s ________(symbol). 5. I don't want to buy the things ________(make) of silver. 答案:1-5 friendly;lost;first;symbols;made 词语运用。根据短文内容及所给提示,在文中横线上填写一个正确的单词。 There are many ________(kind) of animals on the earth. We can see some of them in the z________. Koalas come from Australia. They are c________ and quiet. Children like ________(they) very much. Every koala needs a tree as a at home. Penguins(企鹅) are quiet and interesting and they are ________(friend). They're interesting and exciting. They need big houses. Lions are from ________ same place as giraffes. They are strong b________ scary. Tigers come from India and China. They're strong but scary. too. Lions and tigers need a large place to live in. Pandas are ________ China. They are cute and friendly. They don't n________ big houses. There are a________ some other animals like bears, monkeys, deer and camels. 答案:kinds;zoo;cute;them;frie

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