七年级上册期末基础复习 一.单项选择 1.There is ______ eraser on the desk.______eraser is mine. A.an;the B.a,a C.the;an D.an;The 2. Sorry, I can't help you. You can ask______help. A.them;of B.she;for C.him;for D.they;of 3.-______ is the soccer ball?--It' s green. A.What B.How C.What color D.How much 4.This room is their ______ ,and that room is A. parents ', John's and Mike's B.parent's,John's and Mike's C. parents ',John and Mike's D. parent's, John and Mike's 5.--What's that? ______ is a ruler. A.This B.She C.It D.He 6.______ sister is twelve and______ is a student. A His,she B.Her,his C.They,she D,My,these 7. Listening to the ______ story always makes me______ A.exciting;exciting B.excite;excited C.exciting; excited D.excited; exciting 8.Thanks______ the photo______ your school. A.of,for B.for,of C.for,about D.about,for 9.-What color is it? ______ A A. It's a green car B. It's a green C.It's green D.It's green car 10.Our school has many ______ A.sports club B.sport clubs C.sports clubs D.sport club 11.We have to eat breakfast______ seven ______ the morning. A.in; at B.on; in C.at;in D.at; at 12.We have ______ students. A.twenty-four B.twenty four C.twelve-four D.four-forty 13. A lot of people don’t play sports. They only________ them on TV. A. look B. watch C. read D. see 14. -Where are the socks?-________. A. They’re on the bed. B. They’re $ 5. C. I’ll take them. D. I can’t find them. 15. day is it today ?     - _____ - What   A. its    B. Today     C. It     D. This is Friday. 二.完形填空。 Hello, everyone. I am 1 English girl. 2 name is Ron. I have 3 friends. They are Mary and Jenny. They are 4 . 5 are all in Beijing now. Mary and Jenny 6 a soccer ball. 7 ball is very nice. I 8 have a soccer ball. I have a volleyball. 9 ball is nice, too. We often play together after class. But in the evening, we usually 10 TV at home. 1.A.a B.an C.the D./ 2.A.I B.My C.Her D.Your 3.A.one B.two C.three D.four 4.A.parents B.brothers C.sisters D.my uncles 5.A.They B.You C.She D.We 6.A.see 7.A.They 8.A.am not 9.A.My 10.A.watch B.meet B.My B.don’t B.Her B.see C.have C.Your C.aren’t C.His C.look D.take D.Their D.isn’t D.Their D.look at 三.阅读理解 I have many good friends. One of them is David. He can run very fast ( 快).He always says to others, “I can run very, very fast.” One day, a thief ( 賊、小偷) goes into his house, take away some good things and runs away. David runs after him and cries out, “Stop! Don’t you know I can run faster than you?”   But the thief runs faster. David is angry. He runs very fast to me. I ask him, “Why do you run so fast?” He says, “I want to catch (抓) the thief.” “But where is the thief?” I said. “He is behind me. He thinks he is faster, but you know I am faster than he.” 6. David is ________.  A. a boy B. a runner C. one of my friends  D. a clever man. 7. David likes to tell people _________.  A. he can walk fast     B. he can run fast    C. he can catch a thief   D. he can run away 8. David is happy because he ___________.  A. can catch the thief        B see a friend of his  C. runs faster than the thief    D. walks fast 9. When his friend see him, David runs _________.  A. before the thief    B. behind the thief C. as fast as the thief    D. alone (独自) 10. Which of the following is right? A. The thief is right.      B. David is wrong C. David’s friend is wrong D. David catches the thief at last. 四.任务型阅读理解 My School Life Hello! Everyone! I’m Wang Ping. I’m a middle school student in No.2 Middle School. Do you want to know my school life? Let me tell you. I go to school from Monday to Friday.(1)We have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. We do many things after class. On Monday afternoon we have sports. On (2) 星期 二和星期四 afternoons, some of us have art class. My favorite subject is(3)art. On Wednesday and Friday afternoons, we talk to each other (互相)(4) English at the English Corner (英语 角 ) . ( 5 ) On Saturdays and Sundays I don’t go to school. I always play basketball with my friends. 根据短文内容,完成下列任务。 1.将(1)划线部分翻译成汉语。 ____________________________________________________ 2.根据汉语写出划线(2)处的英语译文:____________________________ 3.对(3)处划线部分提问。 _________________________________________________________ 4.选择正确的介词填入(4)处横线上:________________ 。 A. on B. in C. with 5.将文中(5)处划线部分翻译成汉语。 ___________________________________________________________ 五.用所给词的正确形式填空。 1. ________ is a girl, _______ name is Gina. (she) 2. What’s _________ telephone number? (he) 3. There_________(be) some tall buildings in the city. 4.There are ______ (m

docx文档 期末基础复习2021-2022学年人教版七年级英语上册

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期末基础复习2021-2022学年人教版七年级英语上册 第 1 页 期末基础复习2021-2022学年人教版七年级英语上册 第 2 页 期末基础复习2021-2022学年人教版七年级英语上册 第 3 页 期末基础复习2021-2022学年人教版七年级英语上册 第 4 页
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