17 中华民族伟大复兴梦 2022 年中考英语时事热点话题题型专练 一、阅读填表 How will China change over the next five to ten years? The country’s future was recently discussed at the two sessions (两会) from March 4 to 11. A draft outline of the 14th Five-year Plan (2021-2025) was approved (通过). The 14th Five-year Plan has drawn great attention, since we consider this period as the start of China’s journey to fully build a modern socialist country. Here are some of the changes it includes. Research and development (R&D) Larger 5G networks and robot waiters will become more common in China. The country’s spending on R&D will go up by more than 7 percent per year during the 14th Five-year Plan period. This means that the government will build more labs. There will be more science and technology programs. The government will give research institutes (研究机构) more money to buy experimental equipment and pay salaries to researchers. Forest coverage There will be steady (稳定的) growth in China’s forest coverage, going from 23.04 percent in 2020 to 24.1 by 2025. This is higher than the global average figure of 22 percent. China will also use more clean energy sources, such as solar and wind energy. Life expectancy The life expectancy (预期寿命) of Chinese citizens is expected to increase by one year during the 14th Fiveyear Plan period. Life expectancy in China now is 77.3 years, higher than the average of medium-and-high-income countries. Public fitness programs will be carried out to raise life expectancy. For example, more exercise equipment will be built in communities. Years of education received by the working-age population The working-age population means those aged 15 to 64. Normally the more education the working-age population receives, the better products and services they’ll produce. By 2025, the working-age population will receive 11.3 years of education on average. This means most people will at least finish high school before getting a job. To realize this, the government will develop better and fairer education. For example, it will provide better schooling for children of rural migrant workers (农民工) in cities. It will continue to encourage universities to enroll (录取) more students from rural areas. A Quick Look at the 14th Five-year Plan During the two sessions from March 4 to 11, China’s future was discussed. Introduction This period is 1. as the start of China’s journey to fully build a modern socialist country. There will be more 5G networks and robot waiters in China. The country’s spending Research and on research and development will 2. by more than 7 percent per year. development (R&D) The government will 3. research institutes with more money to buy more experimental equipment and pay salaries to researchers. China’s forest coverage will 4. steadily and hit Forest coverage 24.1 percent by 2025. China will use more clean energy sources, including the energy from the 5. and wind. During the 14th Five-year Plan period, Chinese citizens are expected to live one year 6. than now. Life expectancy Public fitness programs will be carried out, like 7. more exercise equipment in communities. Years of education received by the working-age population If people receive more education, they will produce 8. products and services. By 2025, most people won’t get a job 9. they finish high school. Students from rural areas will have more 10. to enter universities. 【答案】 1.considered 2.increase/rise 3.provide 4.grow 5.sun 6.longer 7.building 8.better 9.until/unless 10.chances/opportunities 【分析】 本文主要介绍两会期间通过的十四五规划包括的内容。 1.根据“we consider this period as the start of China’s journey to fully build a modern socialist country”可知,我 们把这一时期看作是中国全面建设社会主义现代化国家的征程的开始,“consider”表示“认为”,此处为被动 语态,应填 consider 的过去分词形式。故填 considered。 2.根据“The country’s spending on R&D will go up by more than 7 percent per year during the 14th Five-year Plan period.”可知,国家的研发支出每年将增长 7%以上,“increase/rise”表示“增长”,空前有 will,此处填动 词原形。故填 increase/rise。 3.根据“ The government will give research institutes more money to buy experimental equipment and pay salaries to researchers”可知,政府将给研究机构更多的钱来购买实验设备和支付研究人员的工资,provide sb. with sth.表示“给某人提供某物”,空前有 will,此处填动词原形。故填 provide。 4.根据“There will be steady growth in China’s forest coverage”可知,中国的森林覆盖率将稳步增长,steadily 稳定地,副词修饰动词,此处应填一个动词;“grow”表示“增长”,动词。故填 grow。 5.根据“China will also use more clean energy sources, such as solar and wind energy.”可知,中国还将使用更 多的清洁能源,如太阳能和风能,此处表示来自太阳的能源,“sun”表示“太阳”。故填 sun。 6.根据“The life expectancy of Chinese citizens is expecte

docx文档 17 中华民族伟大复兴梦 2022年中考英语时事热点话题题型专练

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