U1 Penfriends 重要单词 1.accountant n. 会计 2.ambition n. 志向 3.baseball n. 棒球运动 4.best adj. 最好的 5.college n. 大学;学院 6.corner n. 7.dream n. 梦想 8.during prep. 9.height n. 高度 10.keen adj. 喜爱,有兴趣 角 11.maybe adv. 或许;可能 12.metre n. 13.nearby adv. 在附近 14.own v. 拥有 在……期间 物理学 15.physics n. 17.roof n. 屋顶 19.table tennis n. 21.title n. 乒乓球运动 标题;题目 很可能;大概 16.probablyadv. 18.ski v. 20.tie 米;公尺 滑雪 n. 22.university 领带 n. (综合性)大学 重要短语 1. be keen on = be interested in 热衷于,喜欢 =be fond of+sth./doing sth.=like+sth./doing very much 2. at the end of at the beginning of … 3. in the end = finally = at last 在……的末尾 在……的开头 最后 4. a boy called Jon 一个叫 Jon 的男孩 5. write to sb = write a letter to sb 写信给某人 6. hear from sb. = receive/ get a letter from sb. 收到某人的来信 7. in a magazine/newspaper/book 在杂志上/报纸上/书上 8. would like / love to do = want to do 想要做… 9. tell you sth. about myself 告诉你关于我的事情 一米五高 10. one and a half metres tall = one metre and a half tall 11. own a Chinese restaurant nearby 在附近拥有一家中餐馆 拓展:on one’s own = by oneself 独自地 属于某人自己的 n + of one’s own = one’s own + n 在一所大学工作 12. work in a college 13. want to be an accountant 想成为一名会计 14. come back = return 返回 return =give back 15. walk to school=go to school on foot 16. enjoy skiing and playing table tennis 17. enclose a photo of myself 归还 走路去学校 喜欢滑雪和打乒乓 随函附上一张我自己的照 片 18. My ambition is to be an architect. 我的目标是成为一名建筑师。 19. My hobby is playing chess. 我的爱好是下棋。 20. look for pen friends 寻找笔友 21. think of some questions 考虑几个问题 22. like listening to pop music 喜欢听流行音乐 23. learn to play the guitar 学着弹吉他 24. be close to the mountains 在大山边上 25. share a room with my sister 和我妹妹共住一间房间 26. attend school = go to school 去学校 27. on weekdays 在工作日 28. at weekends 在周末 29. all over the world = throughout the world 在全世界 30. I don’t think Mandy will write to Anna, will she? Anna。 我认为 Mandy 不会写信给 31. a university teacher 一位大学教师 一位欧洲的女孩 32. a European girl 在屋顶 33. on the roof of the house 词性转换: 原词 可能的变形 v. 拥有 adj. 自己的 own account n. 主人 owner v. 报账 accountant n. 会计 during prep. 在……期间 duration n. 持续时间 physics n. 物理学 physical adj. 身体的 height n. 身高,高度 high probably adv. 很可能 adj. 高的 probable adj. 很可能的 roof n. 屋顶 roofs n. 屋顶(复数) ski v. 滑雪 skiing n. 滑雪 sign v. 签名 signature n. 签名 greet v. 打招呼 greeting n. 打招呼 friend n. 朋友 friendly adj. 友好的 ambition n. 抱负 ambitious adj. 有抱负的 v. 关闭 enclose v.随函附上 close 随堂小测练: 1.The rich man __________(owner) a house and he is the ___________(own) of it. 2. My brother is studying to be an at university. (account) 3. If you are free, I would like to go travelling with you holidays. (duration) 4. I wonder the 5. My best subject is the winter of the film called Ant-man. (during) (physical) 6. In order to keep healthy, Mary often do (physics)exercise in the park every day. 7. It is hard to measure(测量) the (high) of the mountain. 8. I can see many houses with colourful 9. I am keen on (ski). 10. It is so cool to get the 11.You can find the (roof). (sign) of the super star. (greet) in a letter. 12. We all like Blair because she is (friend) to everyone. 13.Ken is a model student and he studies hard for his __________(ambitious). 14. I __________(close) a photo of myself and some of my friends. 15. Kitty will __________(probable) be a good singer in 15 years’ time. 同义句转换: 1. like/love/enjoy doing = be interested in + doing = be keen on + doing = show great interest in+doing Dick is interested in collecting stamps. = Dick is ____________ ____________ collecting stamps. He really like playing basketball. = He is ____________ ____________ playing basketball. I’m really keen on what you said yesterday and want to go on a trip to Japan. = I ____________ great ____________ in what you said yesterday and want to go on a trip to Japan. 2. get /receive a letter from (sb.) = hear from (sb.) Ben received a letter from his friend, Jill. = Ben ____________ ____________ his friend, Jill. 3. prefer A to B = like A better than B=would rather do than do (A/B=sth./doing sth.) Jane prefers singing to dancing. = Jane ____________ singing ____________ ____________ dancing. =Jane ____________ ____________sing ____________dance. 4. be good at +doing = do well in + doing Kate is good at Chinese. = Kate ____________ ____________ in Chinese. 5. have a good / wonderful time = enjoy oneself We had a good time in the park last Sunday. = We ___________ __________

docx文档 牛津上海八年级上册Unit1 Penfriends重要知识点及语法点精讲及练习

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