第 16 讲: 语法综合练习语篇填空题 1 考点归纳、考前巩固、真题链接  语法综合过关测试 说明: 本测试题共 10 套语篇语法综合填空题,每题 1 分,试题由名校老师撰稿,部分试题有一定难度,供参考、选用。 语法填空测试题 1 题源:CNN 14 岁以下抖音用户全部进入青少年模式 新闻背景:为进一步加大青少年保护力度,抖音宣布了将实施平台史上最严格的青少年保护措施 , 14 岁以下实名认证用户将直接进入青少年模式,每天只能使用 40 分钟,每天晚上 10 点至次日 6 点 也无法使用。 The Chinese version of TikTok is introducing a "teenage mode" ___1___ will limit the amount of time children under the age of 14 spend on the short-form video app to 40 minutes a day. The measure will apply ___2___ all Douyin users under the age of 14 who have registered for the app using ___3___(they) real names, Beijing-based ByteDance announced in a statement on Saturday. Douyin will also be unavailable to those users between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., ___4___ owner of TikTok and Douyin added. The company also urged parents ___5___(help) their children register with real names, or otherwise manually enable "teenage mode." The app also said it would introduce new content — ranging from science ___6___(experiment) and museums to art gallery exhibition and ___7___(nature) scenery — to "inspire" younger teens. ___8___(limit) usage of Douyin is a "proactive measure" by ByteDance to get ahead of potential regulation. The ___9___(decide) could push other Internet platforms with short video content to look at implementing(实行) similar restrictions. Douyin opponent Kuaishou — which ___10___ (back) by Tencent (TCEHY) — introduced a similar setting for minors in 2019. 答案解析 1.that/which 考查定语从句。因先行词为 teenage mode,指事物,用 that/which 引导定语从句,并在 从句中作主语。 2.to 考查介词。apply to ... 应用于……。 3.their 考查代词。 their real names 他们的真实名字。 4.the 考查冠词。表示特指,用定冠词。 5.to help 考查非谓语。urge sb. to do...敦促某人做……。 6.experiments 考查名词复数。单数可数名词前没有 a、this、that 等限定词,考虑用复数。根据文意 多次科学实验,用复数形式。 7.natural 考查词类转换。natural scenery 自然风景。名词转换为形容词,作定语。 8.Limiting/To limit 考查非谓语。作主语,用 ing 形式或动词不定式。 9.decision 考查词类转换。动词转换为名词作主语。 10.is backed 考查被动语态。be backed by 由……支持。 语法填空测试题 2 题源:VOA 你瞅啥?机器人的凝视影响人类行为 新闻背景: 来自意大利理工学院(Italian Institute of Technology)的研究人员研究了类人机器人的 凝视(相互的或回避的)是否会对人们在社会决策环境中进行战略推理的方式产生影响。 A Robot’s Gaze Can Affect the Human Brain Have you ever made eye contact with a robot? It can be a very strange experience. Now, researchers at the Istituto Italianodi Tecnologia (IIT) in Italy have found that it is more than just a feeling.They ran an experiment ___1___ showed how a robot's gaze(凝视) can trick people into thinking they are ___2___(social) interacting with a human being. That experience can slow a person's ___3___ (able) to make decisions. The team asked 40 people to play a video game of "chicken." In the game, each player had to decide whether ___4___ (permit) a car to drive straight toward another car ___5___ to turn to avoid a crash. The people were playing against a human-like robot ___6___(sit) across from them. During ___7___(break) in the game, players had to look at the robot. Sometimes the robot would look back and other times it would look away. As the interactions happened, the scientists collected data on behavior and brain activity. The results show that the human brain processes the robot gaze as a social signal, which ___8___ (have) an impact on the way we're making decisions ___9___ the strategies we deploy in the game and also on our responses. The findings could be very ___10___ (use) in helping to decide where and how human-like robots might be placed in the future. 答案解析 1.that/which 考查定语从句。因先行词为 experiment,指事物,所以用 that/which 引导定语从句,并 在从句中作主语。 2.socially 考查词类转换。修饰动词 interact,用副词作状语。 3.ability 考查词类转换。ability to do...做……的能力。名词作宾语。 4.to permit 考查非谓语。"疑问词+to do“,在本句中作宾语。 5.or 考查连词。whether...or... 是……还是……。 6.sitting 考查非谓语。现在分词作后置定语,修饰 robot。 7.breaks 考查名词复数。break 为可数名词,意为”休息,间歇“。单数可数名词前无限定词,考虑填 复数。 8.has 考查时态和主谓一致。因 which 指代 social signal,是单数,所以在一般现在时中用 has。 9.on 考查介词。decision on... 对……作出决定。 10.useful 考查词类转换。形容词作表语。 语法填空测试题 3 题源:VOA 疫情肆虐,美国学校园艺流行 新闻背景:美国在冠状病毒健康危机期间,学校园艺变得非常流行,家庭和教师表示,学校的实 践课可以用来教授许多科目。 School Gardening Becomes More Popular in US School gardening has become very popular during the coronavirus health crisis, with families and teachers saying its hands-on lessons can ___1___(use) to teach many ubjects. Finding the money to keep a school garden ___2___(go) can be tough. Some experts and teachers, however, are finding ___3___(create) ways to make it work. Susan Hobart is a ___4___(retire) elementary school teacher at Lake View Elementary School in Madison, Wisconsin She oversees the school's large garden with 12 raised beds. "Gardens are a great way to get kids outside with a pur

docx文档 16.语法综合练习语篇填空题-2022年上海名校高中自主招生英语直通车

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