2021 年 12 月 20 日 xx 学校高中英语试卷 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、阅读理解 1. The younger generation, according to a new survey, can hardly remember the last time of climbing trees or flying kites, as they are kept indoors and short of outdoor experiences. The survey of 1,000 people found that the current(现在的) generation of 15- to 34-year-olds have fewer memories of 12 key countryside activities such as swimming in rivers or going fishing. The research found that three quarters of the older generation remembered playing games or climbing trees, compared with two thirds of younger adults. The 55+ generation also had more memories of collecting stones, visiting a farm or pond dipping. Altogether, two thirds of older people had more memories of playing outdoors compared to just over half of the younger generation. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) carried out the study at the start of the school term to stress the growing worry that children are not getting outdoors enough. The study has found that 82 percent of people think that schools should provide more outdoor education and most believe nature is still important to children today. Dr. Mike Clarke, head of the RSPB, said children who are usually kept indoors are easier to get "nature deficit disorder". He said public money should be used to take children on day trips to nature and to build wildlife gardens, especially in poor areas. "To many people, it would seem clear and unquestionable that an important part of childhood is exploring the world around you. Unfortunately, this is far from the fact and the children are having less time and fewer chances to get close to nature," he said. "The RSPB has more than a 40-year history in getting children outdoors and is still continuing to play our role. We now need the government and the schools to realize that they should play the most important role in making it possible for all the children to experience, enjoy and benefit from the outdoor environment." 1.Compared with the current generation, the older generation had ________. A.more homework and exercises when they were children B.more memories of wonderful life in the countryside C.fewer memories of taking part in outdoor activities D.fewer chances of going on a visit to the big cities 2.The RSPB carried out the study in order to tell people to ________. A.spend more time with their kids B.care more about the kids' growth C.let their kids get more outdoor activities D.order the schools to provide outdoor education 3.According to the passage, "nature deficit disorder" often happens to ________. A.children who often stay indoors B.children who often go outdoors C.all the younger generation D.all the older generation 4.We can learn from Dr. Clarke's words in the last paragraph that ________. A.all the children can't get close to nature and aren't healthy any longer B.outdoor activities are the most important for the current generation C.the RSPB is more important than the government and schools in getting kids outdoors D.the RSPB plays an important role in getting kids outdoors all the time 2.TOKYO,Japan — Maki Kaji,69,the creator of the popular numbers puzzle Sudoku whose life's work was spreading the joy of puzzles,has died of cancer. Known as the "Godfather of Sudoku," Kaji created the puzzle to be easy for children and others who didn't want to think too hard.Its name is made up of the Japanese characters for "number" and "single," and players place the numbers 1 through 9 in rows,columns and blocks without repeating them. Ridiculously,it wasn't until 2004 that Sudoku became a global hit,after a fan from New Zealand got it published in the British newspaper The Times.Two years later,Japan rediscovered its own puzzle as a "reimport." Kaji traveled to more than 30 countries spreading his enjoyment of puzzles.Sudoku championships have drawn some 200 million people in 100 countries over the years.Sudoku was also never trademarked(注册) except within Japan,driving its overseas craze. Born in the main northern island of Hokkaido,Kaji started Japan's first puzzle magazine after dropping out of Keio University in Tokyo.He founded Nikoli in 1983,and came up with the name Sudoku about the same time.In recent years,Sudoku,believed to be the world's most popular pencil puzzle,has come out in digital versions. "Our mission(使命)is to seek Kaji's wishes and possibilities," said Yoshinao Anpuku,who succeeded Kaji as Nikoli's chief executive(执行

doc文档 2021-2022学年高三上学期12月份第4周英语好题推荐

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