高考单词 M moral [ˈmɔr(ə)l; (US) ˈmɔːrəl] a.道德的 n.寓意 【助记】 道德不能停留在口头上。 【真句】The moral of the original story is that a wicked person cannot escape punishment. 【2014 福建】 这个原创故事的寓意是恶人终有恶报 【 真 句 】 Designer Jennifer Anderson admits it took her a while to come around to the opinion that using nutria fur for her creations is morally acceptable. 【2020 全国】设计师 Jennifer Anderson 承认,她花了一 段时间才得出这样的观点:在她的作品中使用海狸皮是道德上可以接受的。 metal [ˈmet(ə)l] n. 金属 a. 金属制成的 medal [ˈmedl] n. 奖牌 【真句】 I finished! And I got a medal. 【2018 年北京】我完成了! 我得到了一枚奖章。 【助记】medal(奖章)是由 metal 制成的。体现了 d 和 t 的通假关系。 machine [məˈʃiːn] n. 机器 mad [mæd] adj. 生气的,发疯的 I knew dad would be mad and I had to let her know what she did was wrong.【2015 全国二阅读】我知道爸 爸会发疯的并且我不得不让她明白她所做的的错的。 multiply [ˈmʌltɪplaɪ] vt.激增;繁殖;乘 【助记】much+lot 【真句】the cat-sized animals multiplied like crazy.【2020 全国】这些猫咪大小的动物像疯狂地成倍繁 殖。 madam [ˈmædəm] n. 夫人,女士 magazine [mæɡəˈziːn] n. 杂志 magic [ˈmædʒɪk] n. 魔力,魅力;魔术 adj. 有魔力的,神奇的 she acquires the magic of some great achievements.【2014 上海阅读】她学到了一些伟大成就的魅力。 To learn the magic tricks, you can go to Club Med Circus School.【2014 江西阅读】为了学习魔术技巧, 你可以去 Med Circus School 俱乐部。 We use magic words in our daily life without realizing it.【2015 江西写作】我们在日常生活中都会使用一 些神奇的字却并没有意识到。 maid [meɪd] n. 女仆 mail [meɪl] n. 邮政 v. 邮寄 mailbox ['meɪlbɒks] n. 邮箱 main [meɪn] adj.最主要的 There are two main reasons for this.【2014 安徽阅读】这有两个主要原因。 mainland [ˈmeɪnlənd] n. 大陆 major [ˈmeɪdʒə] adj. 重大的,严重的;重要的,主要的 n.专业,某专业的学生 v. 主 修 Now this former royal palace is open to the public as a major tourist attraction. 【2015 全国卷二】现在这个 前皇家宫殿作为主要旅游景点向公众开放。 The students’ payback ability has become a major issue.【2013 上海阅读】学生们的偿还能力变成了一个 重要问题。 What major did the man choose in the end?【2015 湖南】那个男人最后选择了什么专业? A university graduate majoring in computer science is most likely to be employed.【2015 江西阅读】 主修电脑科学的大学毕业生最有可能被雇佣。 major 作形容词时的名词形式为:majority majority [məˈdʒɔrɪtɪ] n. 主要,大多数 The majority of people in the town strongly support the plan to build a playground for children. 【2015 浙 江】镇上大多数人支持为儿童建操场。 make [meɪk] vt. 制造;做;适合,胜任(系动词);使;引起,导致,使发生 Oxen’s meat and milk are food full of nutrition, and their skin can be used to make clothes and shoes. 【2014 安徽阅读】牛的肉和奶是有营养的食物并且他们的皮肤可以被用来制造衣服和鞋子。 About 60 million Americans told Pew that the Internet plays an important role in helping them make major life decisions.【2015 江苏阅读】大约六千万美国人告诉 Pew 互联网在帮助他们做终生决定方面扮演非 常重要的角色。 You can make your child feel angry, hurt or misunderstood by what you say without realizing it yourself. 【2014 全国一阅读】你说的东西会使孩子感到生气、受伤和被误解,而你自己可能并不知道。 I am sure you will make an excellent teacher. 我相信你会成为一个优秀的老师。 Big serving bowls and plates can easily make us fat.【2015 全国二阅读】大碗和大碟子很容易使我们发胖。 We must also make it safe to express opinions and challenge majority views. 【2016 北京阅读】我们必须安 全的表达自己的观点和挑战大众观点。 短语:make out 辨认出,看出,听出;理解,弄明白; I could barely make out the stage in the darkness.【2015 山东完形】在黑暗的舞台中我几乎看不见。 His writing is so confusing that it’s difficult to make out what it is he is trying to express. 【2015 安徽他的字 迹是如此模糊不清以至于很难理解他在努力表达什么。 make up 组成,构成;编造;化妆;凑足,补齐(数量、金额);布置 In some languages, 100 words make up half of all words used in daily conversations.【2013 天津阅读】组成 在一些语言中,100 个单词构成了日常谈话中一半的单词。 And what is wrong with a society that thinks that making up a good excuse is like creating a work of art? 【2015 天津】编造 一个认为编造好的接口就像创造艺术品的社会是怎么了? I have a beautiful teenage daughter who spends an hour making up her face in front of the mirror every day. 【2013 上海阅读】我有一个漂亮的未成年女儿他每天在镜子前面化一个小时的妆 It may be the last time Americans have to use annoying 2-or-3-cent stamps to make up postage differences. 【2015 上海阅读】补足邮费差,这也许是最后一次用烦人的 2 到 3 美分的邮票来补齐邮费差价。 It may be quite easy, like making up wooden boxes, but it is very boring. 【2013 广东阅读】布置木盒子可 能非常简单但是也非常无聊。 make up for 弥补 Some social scientists suggest that Westerners should take advantages of the ancient Chinese wisdom to make up for the drawbacks of Western philosophy.【2012 辽宁阅读】一些社会学家建议西方人应该利用中国人 的智慧来弥补西方哲学的缺点。 make up one’s mind 下定决心 No sooner had she watched the TV program on the extinct species than she made up her mind to join the wildlife protection organization.【2013 上海】她一看完那个关于已灭绝物种的电视节目,就立志加入野 生动物保护组织。 make time to do 挤时间做某事 We also recommend you make time to enjoy simple pleasures.【2014 上海阅读】我们也建议你挤出一些时 间享受简单的快乐。 make the best/most of 充分利用 take full advantage of 等于 make full use of 利用 The school isn't the one I really wanted to go to, but I suppose I'll just have to make the best of it. 【2015 浙 江】学校不是我真正想去的地方,但是我认为我将不得不充

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