09 以华为为代表的中国品牌 2022 年中考英语时事热点话题题型专练 一、单项选择 1.---Many companies in the world __________ HUAWEI chips(华为芯片)。 -Great. The world will ____________ more chances to the better company. A.are used to using; offer B.were used to use; offer C.used to use; provide D.are used to; provide 【答案】A 【详解】 句意:-世界上很多公司都习惯了使用华为的芯片。-太棒了,世界将会给更好的公司更多的机会。are used to doing sth.习惯于做某事;were used to use 被用来做某事;used to do sth.过去常常做某事;offer 提供,常 用于短语 offer sth. to sb.给某人提供某物;provide 提供,常用于 provide sth. for sb.给某人提供某物。根据句 意可知,第一个空表示“习惯于做某事”,第二个空后有介词 to,故应选 A。 二、短文语境提示填空 孟晚舟在回国的飞机上发表感言,感谢祖国和人民的支持与帮助,同时也感谢习主席关心着每一个中 国人的安危。经历促成长,正如那句谚语所说的,“困难越大,成长越多”!请根据上下文和中文提示,完成 短文。每空一词。 Meng Wanzhou, flew back to China 2. September 25, 2021. This is a very huge win(胜利)for China. On the way home, Meng says “I’m finally back home! The most important thing is that we were born in a great country. Chairman Xi 3. about the safety(安全)of every Chinese. Without strong motherland, no freedom(自 由)today”. She will 4. forget all the help and support from Chinese people and the people around the world. As the 5. goes, the greater the difficulty, 6. greater the growth. 【答案】 2.on 3.cares 4.never 5.saying 6.the 【分析】 这篇短文主要讲述了孟晚舟在回国的飞机上发表感言,她在伟大祖国的庇护下安全回到祖国怀抱。 2.句意:2021 年 9 月 25 日飞回中国。根据“September 25, 2021”可知,此处是 on 加具体的时间,此处是“9 月 25 日”用介词 on,故填 on。 3.句意:习主席关心每一个中国人的安全。根据“the safety(安全)of every Chinese.”可知,此处是习主席 关心每个中国人的安全。短语 care about“关心”,主语单数,谓语动词变第三人称单数,故填 cares。 4.句意:她永远不会忘记来自中国人民和世界人民的所有帮助和支持。根据“forget all the help and support from Chinese people and the people around the world.”可知,此处是她不会忘记国家对自己的帮助,故填 never。 5.句意:俗话说,困难越大,成长越快。根据“the greater the difficulty, the greater the growth.”可知,此处 是俗话说,saying 是名词,谚语,格言,故填 saying。 6.句意:俗话说,困难越大,成长越快。the+比较级……;the+比较级……,表示“越……就越……”,故 填 the。 三、根据汉语提示填空 7.Nowadays Chinese brands (品牌) have won the hearts of people at home and ________. (国外) 【答案】abroad 【详解】 句意:如今,中国品牌赢得了国内外人们的心。abroad 国外,副词;分析句子可知,at home 中的 home 是 副词,这里 and 连接两个并列的副词,结合汉语提示,故填 abroad。 四、完成句子 8.华为的工程师已经成功研发“鸿蒙”操作系统。(succeed in) The engineers of Huewei company ____ developing the HarmonyOS. 【答案】have succeeded in 【详解】 succeed in doing sth 成功做某事,结合中文意思可知,句子应用现在完成时,主语 engineers 是复数,助动 词用 have,故填 have succeeded in。 9.华为是一家 IT 领域的大公司。 Huawei is a ______________ in the IT field. 【答案】big company 【详解】 根据中英文对照,此处缺“大公司”,在英文中表达为 big company,根据“a”可知缺单数名词词组,故填 big company。 10.华为系列产品清楚地诠释了科技如何改变生活。 The HUAWEI products show clearly ______________________ to our life. 【答案】how technology makes a difference 【详解】 根据句意,空处的部分应是 how 引导的一般现在时的宾语从句,宾语从句应用陈述语序;动词短语“有影 响 make a difference”,从句的主语 technology 是第三人称单数形式,所以行为动词 make 后要加 s;故答案 为 how technology makes a difference。 11.华为公司董事长任正非如此成功,以至于许多年轻人仰慕他。 The president of Huawei company—Renzhengfei is so successful that many young men ________ him. 【答案】look up to 【详解】 通过中英文对照可知,此处考查短语 look up to 仰慕,从句主语 many young men 为复数,且时态为一般现 在时,故谓语动词用原形。故填 look up to。 12.在加拿大被非法关押近三年后,孟晚舟迫不及待地回到中国。 Meng Wanzhou ____________________ China after being illegally held in Canada for three years. 【答案】couldn’t wait to go back to/couldn’t wait to come back to/couldn’t wait to return to 【详解】 根据汉语意思可知,缺少的内容是“迫不及待地回到”;can’t wait to do sth 固定搭配,意为“迫不及待做某事”; go/come back to 或者 return to 意为“回到……”;本句的时代是一般过去时,因此 can’t 用过去式 couldn’t。故 填 couldn’t wait to go back to/couldn’t wait to come back to/couldn’t wait to return to。 五、阅读理解 新疆长绒棉 When you wear clothes made from cotton, do you know where the cotton comes from? Countries along the Indus River like India are believed to have grown cotton for the first time, but China is the world’s largest cotton producer now. China produces about 22% of the world’s cotton, of which 87.3% comes from Xinjiang, according to the latest data from the National Bureau of Statistics. Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (新疆维吾尔自治区) in the northwest of China is home to the nation’s largest cotton-producing area. The planting of cotton in Xinjiang dates back to the late Western Han Dynasty (朝代). According to historical records, cotton was introduced from West Asia to Xinjiang. It soon spread across Xinjiang because of the region’s full sunlight and plenty of water, which the plant needs. Xinjiang is famous for its long staple cotton (长绒棉), which is popular among customers. In the past, people mainly picked the cotton by hand, but now machines have gradually replaced it. In Xinjiang, nearly 70% of cotton is grown mechanically. The use of machines prevents the cotton from being polluted and improves its quality (质 量). After bags of cotton are p

docx文档 09 以华为为代表的中国品牌 2022年中考英语时事热点话题题型专练

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