八年级下 Lesson1-lesson3 1. 天气怎么样? How is the weather? / What’s the weather like? 2 温度是多少? What’s the temperature? 3.天气预报 weather report 4.害怕某事/物 be scared / afraid of 害怕做某事 be scared / afraid to do 5.我希望如此。 I hope so. 我不希望这样。I hope not. 6.maybe 与 may be 区别。 Maybe 副词,作状语,意为“可能, 也许”may be 是情态动词+动词原 形 be,意为“可能是”。 7.到达/reach/get to+地点 arrive at+小地点 in+大地点 8.既不…也不…neither… nor, 连接两个并列成分。连接两个主语, 谓语遵循就近原则 9.去… 的路上 on one’s way to 10.荡秋千 play on the swing 11 有的…有的… some…others… (两者)一个..另一个 one …the other 12.看见某人做某事 see sb do 看见某人正在做某事 see sb doing 13.野外旅游 a field trip 14.练习做某事 practice doing 熟能生巧。Practice makes perfect. 15.喜欢做某事 enjoy doing 玩的开心 enjoy oneself/ have fun / have a good time 16.醒来,叫醒 wake up 17.一个接一个地 one by one 18.去散步 go for walks /a walk 19.出来 come out 20.走吧,干吧,用吧 go ahead Lesson4-lesson6 1.想起,认为 think of 考虑 think about 询问对方的看法 It’s time for sth It’s time to do 15.停止正在做的事 stop doing What do you think of …? 停下来做别的事 stop to do How do you like…? 16.从…下来,下车 get of 2.盼望,期待 上…,上车 get on long for=look forward to+n/doing 起床 get up 3.一年到头 all year around 17.快点,加油 come on 4.feel like 1)感觉像 2)想要做某事 18… 怎么样? 5.许多,大量 a lot of/ lots of/plenty of What/How about+n/doing?(建 议) 6.数以百计 hundreds of How is …going?(近况,进展) 500 个学生 five hundred students 19.上上下下 up and down 7.因为 because +句子 Because of+n/doing 8.平均温度 the average 20.我们…好吗?shall we…? 21.一点儿 a little/ a bit/ a little bit temperature 22.和…一样 as…as 9.感谢你帮助我。 23.零下 below zero Thank you for helping me. 24.直到…才…not until 10.这是我第一次照顾婴儿。 我们直到 5 月才会看见花。 This is my first time babysitting. We won’t see flowers until May. 11.转身 turn around 12.hold on 稍等,抓住 13.推某人 push sb Give sb a push 14.到了… 的时间了 25.掉进,跌入 fall into 从…掉下来,跌落 fall of 摔下 fall down 26.开车去…drive to 步行去 walk to 27.变成 turn into 对你来说学英语很重要。 Lesson7-9 1 用…覆盖…cover…with… 2.被…覆盖 be covered with 3.用…填满…fill..with… It is important for you to learn English. 12. 总之 in a ward 13.从…获取能量 take energy from 4.充满,装满 be filled with 14.She went out without____(wear) a coat. Be full of 15.在阴凉处 in the shade (of) 5.沙尘暴 a dust storm 16.各种各样的 all kinds of 6.在…的底部 in the bottom of This kind of clothes ___(be)new. 7.肯定地,确定地 for sure 8.顺便说一下 by the way 9,The hole must be large enough to hold the roots of the seedling. 10.dig-digging 11.做..是愉快的 It is pleasant to do sth All kinds of clothes___(be)popular. 17.电视频道 TV channel 18.登录 log onto 19.做..有趣 have fun doing 20.你自己的花园 your own garden Lesson10-l2 15.张开 open up 1.做某事的方法 the way to do 16.当提到,就…而言 顺便说一下 by the way when it comes to 2 考虑做某事 consider doing 17.让某人做某事 3 决定做某事 decide to do make/let/have sb do 4.确信 make sure 18.听见某人正在做某事 对…有把握 be sure of Hear sb doing 肯定地,确定地 for sure 听见某人做某事 hear sb do 5.使…远离 keep…away from 19.和…一起 along /together with 与某人保持联系 keep in touch with 6.不要忘记做某事 Don’t forget to do 7….的目的 the purpose of 8.照顾 take care of/look after 9.更好的是,更重要的是 best of all 10.I am______ at the______ plants.(amaze) 11.听说 hear of/about 12.看起来像 look like 13.东亚 eastern Asia 14.合起来,close up Tom,along with his parents_____ (be) coming to my party. 20.在…的中间 in the middle of 21.a living fossil 活化石 22.替代词 one/it One=a+n,泛指,同名异物 It 特指,同名同物 Your camera is nice.What did you buy____? I want to buy___. 23.新的东西 something new 24.在…的顶端 at the top of 25.画一张…的画 draw a picture of 26.变成 turn into 12.因…而出名 be famous for Lesson13-15 作为…而出名 be famous as 1.一路上,自始至终 all the way 为某人所熟知 be famous to sb 2.尽力做某事 try to do 13.up to 达到,由…负责 尽最大努力做某事 try one’s best to do 14.逃避敌人 avoid enemies 3.跳离 jump of 4.去度假 go on a vocation 15.处于危险 16.在 10 点 45 5.要某人做某事 ask sb to do At ten forty-five/at a quarter to eleven 6.害怕某事物 be scared/afraid of 11 点 10 分 at eleven ten 7.友好而忠诚的 friendly and loyal at ten past eleven 8.--Would you like some milk? 12.喂…某物 feed sth to sb --Yes,please./Certainly feed sb on sth --No,thanks./thank you. 以…为食 feed on --Would you like to go shopping? 13.代替,取代 instead of+n/doing --Yes, I’d like to. Instead,she gave me some money. --I’d love to,but I …/I’m afraid not. 9.already/ yet He didn’t go to school.He played games instead. Already “已经”,肯定句,句中或句末 14.照相 take pictures/photos Yet“已经,还”,否定句或疑问句末 禁止照相 no photos 10.使某人想起 remind sb of sth 15.指着(某位置)point to 提醒某人做某事 remind sb to do 指着某人 point at 11.下蛋,产卵 lay—laid—laid-laying 16.通过,穿过 go through 躺,位于 lie—lay—lain—lying 17.上课 have lessons/classes 撒谎 lie-lied-lied-lying Lesson16-18 17.砍倒,减少 cut down 1.了解 learn about 18.也,和 as well 2.捉弄某人 play a trick

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