外研社九年级上学期期末复习 查缺补漏冲刺满分 (重点知识+难点易错点) 专题 10 中考常考短语词组搭配 60 道 1.(2021·江苏锡山·模拟预测)India, with the world’s largest population, up to 1.4 billion people, is __________ several COVID-19 related challenges. A.going through B.taking on C.carrying out D.breaking out 2.(2021·福建惠安·二模)—Bob, you have to finish your school project today. —Don’t worry, mum. I won’t __________ today’s work till tomorrow. A.put off B.take off C.get off 3.(2021·福建·福州华伦中学九年级期末)Now many young people _________ posting articles and photos onto WeChat to share their lives with their friends. A.are used for B.used to C.are used to 4.(2021·福建·福州华伦中学九年级期末)—The milk is ________. Could you please go to buy some for me? —No problem, Mom. A.running out B.moving out C.getting out 5.(2021·黑龙江·桦南县第四中学九年级期末)Books are made ________ paper while paper is mainly made ________ wood. A.of; of B.of ; from C.from ; of 6.(2021·黑龙江·桦南县第四中学九年级期末)—Chinese astronauts can also walk in space now. —Yes, they’re _______ our country. A.proud of B.the pride of C.known for 7.(2021·黑龙江·桦南县第四中学九年级期末)—________ new buildings! I can’t believe it. It ________ a poor village. —Yes. Everything has changed here these years. A.So many; used to be B.So much; is used to being C.Too many; used to 8.(2021·山东·郓城县教学研究室九年级期末)— Michael was late for Mr. Smith’s class this morning. — How come? ________ I know, he never comes late for class. A.As long as B.As well as C.As soon as D.As far as 9.(2021·四川·成都市青羊实验中学九年级期末)—Your scarf is so beautiful. Is it made ________ silk? —Yes. It is made completely ________ hand, so it cost me too much. A.of; in B.of; by C.from; with 10.(2021·海南·海口市第七中学九年级期末)It’s time to go to bed. Please ________ the TV now. A.turn on B.turn off C.turn down 11.(2021·海南·海口市第七中学九年级期末)—Who ________ you when your parents weren’t at home last year? —My grandparents. A.took away B.took off C.took care of 12.(2021·江苏江宁·九年级期末)—What’s wrong with you, Eric? You look tired. —I ________ to prepare for the final exam last night. A.picked up B.cheered up C.stayed up D.put up 13.(2021·福建省福州延安中学九年级期末)In our life, we may fail many times, but we should never ________. A.give up B.take away C.run out 14.(2021·江苏·景山中学九年级期末)He is a man with ________ experience and we can learn ________ from him. A.a great deal of; a lot B.a great deal; a lot of C.a great number of ; a lot D.a great deal; lot of 15.(2021·江苏鼓楼·九年级期末)Our group will ________ the project at the moment, even if it seems like a challenge. A.take on B.try out for C.set D.pay attention to 16.(2021·江苏新吴·九年级期末)Go for your dream and live for it! We would be ________ dead if we had nothing left to dream about. A.as well as B.as soon as C.as good as D.as long as 17.(2021·江苏·无锡市第一女子中学九年级期末)Few men _________ shopping with their wives ________ at home to watch TV. A.prefer going; to staying B.prefer go; to staying C.would rather to go; than stay D.would rather going; than staying 18.(2021·重庆八中九年级期末)Finally he knew his teachers had more experience in dealing with those problems, so he regretted ________ to them. A.listening B.to listen C.talking back D.to talk back 19.(2021·吉林·长春外国语学校九年级期末)Our teachers remind us ________ strict ________ ourselves ________ everything. A.of being, with, on B.to be, with, in C.to be, in, with D.of, on, with 20.(2021·吉林·长春外国语学校九年级期末)Though Mark was ill, his illness never ________ him ________ living a meaningful and colorful life. A.learned; from B.protected; from C.saved; form D.stopped; from 21.(2021·山东惠民·九年级期末)Tom’s handwriting is the best in the class, his teacher ________ this. A.take pride in B.take part in C.takes pride in D.takes part in 22.(2021·山东博兴·九年级期末)— Bob, don’t spend too much time on computer games, or you will ________ failing in the examinations. —Sorry, sir. I won’t. A.give up B.take up C.look up D.end up 23.(2021·甘肃镇原·九年级期末)—Jeff seems unhappy. What’s the matter? —He got his bike lost this afternoon. Let’s go to ________. A.cheer him up B.cheer up him C.set him up D.makes him happy 24.(2021·湖北·武汉市武珞路中学九年级期末)—What would your teacher like to drink? —He __________ Coke, but now he __________ tea. A.used to drink; is used to drinking B.used to drinking; drinks C.is used to drinking; used to drink D.is used to drink; is drinking 25.(2021·湖北·武汉市武珞路中学九年级期末)—I feel bored with nothing to do now. —Let’s go into the study and __________ some music. A.put on B.turn on C.take on D.get on 26.(2021·湖北·武汉市武珞路中学九年级期末)—Would you please ________

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