外研社九年级上学期期末复习 查缺补漏冲刺满分 (重点知识+难点易错点) 专题 09 阅读回答问题 15 篇 解答任务型阅读题阅读是基础表达是关键。要想做好此类题可以从以下几方面进行 训练。 1.阅读法 (1)略读全文掌握主旨大意。略读时要特别注意短文的首段和末段。一般文章的主旨 大意就在其中住每段中的关键词语便可以迅速把握短文的主旨以及主要信息的分布 在答题时就心中有数了。 (2)寻读。掌握短文的主旨大意之后应认真阅读题目准确理解题意及其范围带着问题 到短文中寻找答案。一般的事实题可直接从文中找出答案但也要认真期酌透过表层 结构领会其深层含义。而较为深的推理判断题的解答则需要建立在对全文理解的基 础上。因此做这类题切忌掺杂主观因素。 (3)复读审核。初次答完题后要对照短文内容对所写答案通盘审核、反复斟的、做出 修正,以减少错 2.审题法 做题时要看清问题类型。此类题的问题中一般只有一个是一般疑问句需要用 Yes 或 No 来回答其余需要用文中具体信息来回答。尤其需要注意的是选择疑问句可能会以 貌似一般疑问句或特殊疑问句的形出现因此要注意题干中是否有 or。 3.表达法 (1)在答题时总的原则就是能简略回答,尽量简略回答。 (2)书写要规范。句子开头首字母要大写正确使用标点符号单词拼写要正确无误单词 书写要认真。 (3)做出适当调整。在回答时同学们应对照顾目根据需要对句子的人称、单复数、时 态、语态、词主谓搭配等做出适当的调整。解答任务型阅读题阅读是基础表达是关 键。要想做好此类题可以从以下几方面进行训练。 (2021·山东蒙阴·二模) In summer, it’s common on the street to see many Chinese women holding umbrellas to protect themselves from the sun. But when Amy, an exchange student in Beijing from the US, first saw this, she found it strange, even impossible to understand. She wrote on her blog(博客), “Unlike Chinese women, American women prefer to put on their tank tops (背心) and sunglasses during summer.” This may be caused by the different standards of beauty between the US and China. Many Americans don’t want white skin. They would rather be tanned (晒黑). Amy also wrote, “Having darker skin is so popular that many women and men will pay for fake tans (假 晒黑) so that they can keep their sun-kissed appearance during the winter months, too.” Why do they like tanned skin? Michelle Louis reported in her research, “The process of tanning can help make people’s skin smooth and hide marks.” She further explained, “Tans make people’s skin appear healthier and make them appear thinner than when they have pale skin.” Perhaps there is no real ideal standard of beauty. In different cultures and at different times of history, the standards change. On Amy’s blog, she also gave two examples: Some women carried umbrellas around trying to keep their white skin in the US 150 years ago; During the Tang Dynasty in China, heavy women were thought beautiful. But now, Chinese women prefer to be thin. In a word, different standards of beauty should be respected. People may grow up with only one idea of what beauty is, but it doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily the correct or the best idea. 根据短文内容,简要回答下面问题。 1.What do American women like to wear during summer? ___________________________________________________________________________ _ 2.Are the standards of beauty between the US and China the same or different according to the passage? ___________________________________________________________________________ _ 3.In Michelle Louis’ opinion, why do many Americans prefer tanned skin to pale skin? ___________________________________________________________________________ _ 4.When did American women use to carry umbrellas around trying to keep their white skin? ___________________________________________________________________________ _ 5.What’s the main idea of the passage? ___________________________________________________________________________ _ (2021·四川泸县·三模)根据短文内容,回答文后所给出的问题,并按要求将答案填写 在答题卡相应的位置上。 The moon is made up of rock and dust. The moon has no air, no water and no life. The surface of the moon has depressions(洼地)called craters(环形山). The moon is the earth’s nearest neighbor. It is only about 238,900 miles (384,000 km) away from the moon to the earth. We can see the bright moon at night. Many people think that the moon gives out light by itself. In fact, they are wrong. The truth is that the moon does not make its own light. It reflects(反射)the sun’s light. The moon goes around the earth. It takes about one month for the moon to go all the way around the earth one time. Some astronauts from different countries have been to the moon so far. They will be remembered by humans forever. For example, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin were the first people to walk on the moon. They walked on the moon on July 20, 1969. 6.What is the moon made up of? _______________________ 7.Which is the earth’s nearest neighbor? _______________________ 8.Why does the moon look bright at night? _______________________ 9.How long does it take for the moon to go around the earth one time? _______________________ 10.When did the first people walk on the moon? _______________________ (2021·黑龙江肇源·二模) One day in ancient Greece, King Hiero asked a crown(皇 冠)maker to make him a golden crown. When he first saw the crown, he was happy with it. It’s a nice crown, isn’t it?” he asked his men. But later, he began to doubt wh

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