考点 01 阅读理解——202 《新题速递·英语》 0 届高三 (1) (安徽省江淮十校 2020 届高三第二次联考) 阅读下列短文,从所给的四个选项 (A、B、C、D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将选项涂黑。 A In addition to being open to opposite opinions, here are some techniques that could help broaden the way you think. Respect Difference The mere presence of individuals from different backgrounds with different points of view in your everyday life creates an atmosphere in which people can better respond to change. Change Environments A change in your everyday life may provide the force needed to change the direction of your thinking. For some people, small changes might help reorganize your desk or take a new route to work, whereas for others, more adjustments are required. Shirt into Positivity Unlike negative emotions that bring about specific reactions, positive emotions prompt us to broaden our attention, explore our environment, and open ourselves to absorbing information. Take a few moments to think about the things in your life that are going well and for which you are grateful; this will automatically brighten your mood-and free your brain. Look as if You’ve Never Seen A Zen Buddhist concept for approaching even routine situations as if you were encountering them for the first time, “beginner’s mind” allows you to remain open to new experiences despite any expertise you may have. For instance, when you brush your teeth, take a moment to look at the toothbrush as if you’ve never laid eyes on such an object and notice its color and shape. Think about the flavor of the toothpaste and notice how your mouth feels as you move the brush back and forth. 21. What may be the benefit of small changes in life? A. Reducing one’s workload. B. Focusing one’s attention. C. Leading to adjustments. D. Better responding to changes. 22. How can you find something new in routine situation? A. By shifting into positivity. B. By respecting difference. C. By changing environments. D. By looking as if you’ve never seen. 23. What’s the purpose of the article? A. To introduce skills of broadening one’s thinking. B. To compare the attitudes to thinking. C. To give advice on thinking positively. D. To explain the reasons for being open. 21. C 本题考查段落细节理解。文本第三段可以获取题干关键词 “人生中小变化的益处”的相关信息为 “ small changes might help reorganize your desk or take a new route to work, whereas for others, more adjustments are required.”故答案为 C。 22. D 本题考查细节理解。文本第五段重点阐述题干关键词“如何在熟悉的环境中获得新鲜感。”相关文本 依据为 “A Zen Buddhist concept for approaching even routine situations as if you were encountering them for the first time, ‘beginner’s mind’ allows you to remain open to new experiences despite any expertise you may have”,故答案为 D。 23. A 本题考查主旨大意。通过理解文章第一段可以了解文章写作意图为指导读者如何开拓思维,同时 各段落的副标题为各种具体的方式,故文章主旨为提多方面建议,故答案为 A。 B Avoiding the worst effects of climate change will require action. But it’s hard to take action when you don’t even know there’s a problem. Around the world, only half of adults understand that humans are causing climate change through activities that produce greenhouse gases. But the picture is different for kids. Previous work has shown that children are more engaged and more knowledgeable than adults are about climate change. The question is, can we harness this to make a difference? “We had come across this idea that kids are capable of influencing their parents. And when we say influence, we really mean just teaching them.” said Daniella Lawson, a social scientist at NC State University. “That’s what we set out to really investigate: can we design things in such a way that kids are able to teach their parents about climate change. A parent is willing and able to listen to their children speaking to them instead of just an adult on the street or a different climate communicator. ” To test the idea, Lawson set up a wildlife-based climate course for kids. This approach was based on previous courses, but the team added a twist: involving the parents. First, parents were invited to come along to an event that formed a part of the course. And that’s not all. “So we also had students interview their parents. And this interview never mentioned climate change specifically. But it had questions like: how have you seen the weather change over the last five to ten years? Do you believe the sea level is rising? How do you think that could impact our communities?” The study showed that the course did indeed increase concern about climate change: not just among the kids, but their parents too. And there were some surprising findings in the results.

doc文档 2020届高三《新题速递·英语》12月第01期 (考点01阅读理解)

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