专题 04 用所给单词的正确形式填空 100 题(词性变化) 1.How much ________ (be) the blue and white socks? 2.Here ________ (be) a book and three pens. 3.— Where ________ (be) my books? — They’re on the desk. 4.It ________ (be) Mary’s birthday last Friday. 5.Li Ming is 10 years old now, next year he ________(be)11. 6.I ________ a girl. You ________ a boy. (用 be 动词的适当形式填空。) 7.It ________ (be) hot today. 8.—How many football fields are there in your school? —Sorry, there ________ (not be) any. 9.Here ________ a set of keys (be). 10.The girl _________(not do ) her homework on Saturday. 11.The boys ____________ ( not be) careful. They often make mistakes(错误). 12.Either you or Tom ________ (tell) stories to us. 13.— Sometimes I ________ (eat) lunch at school. What about you? — Me too. 14.Sally ________ (walk) to school with her classmates every day. 15.I love music. There ________ (be) two guitars in my bedroom. 16.My father usually ________ (leave) home at seven o’clock in the morning. 17.________ (be) there any bookshops in my street? 18.My best friend ________ (have got) beautiful long hair. 19.My brother ________ (study) English and French at school. 20.In our room, my bed and my desk ____ (be) tidy. 21.Her music lesson ____________ (finish) at 3:15 p.m. every day. 22.“Where’s my schoolbag?” Gina always ________ (ask). 23.Bill ________ (have) two brothers. 24.The apple juice in the cups _________(taste) very good. 25.I often ________(go)to school by bike. 26.Tim usually ________(get)up at six o’clock. 27.I ________(study)Chinese, maths, English, science and art at school. 28.At that time she ________(be)a beautiful young girl. 29.My mother always __________ (cook) breakfast at six o’ clock in the morning. 30.—Who sings best in your class? —Jane ________(do). 31.Your mother ________ (look) young very much. 32.Tom with his classmates always _________________ (read) in the reading room. 33.Sandy ________(feel) happy every day. 34.Louise ____ (enjoy) trying different kinds of food when travelling. 35.My family ____ (be) at home. We are having dinner. 36.Miss Green _________ (teach) us English every day. 37.To help ________ (I) with English, my father and I listen to VOA News every morning. 38.Please come and show ________ (we) your watch. 39.— Excuse________ (I). Are these your pencils? —No, they aren’t. 40.These books are interesting. I like ________ (they) very much. 41.Let _______ (we) watch TV this evening. 42.Millie sits between Amy and ________ (I). 43.Kitty doesn’t have much time_________(talk) with her friends. 44.Wednesday_________(come) after Tuesday. 45.When we study English, we must practise_________(speak)it 46.I’d like_________(answer) your questions. 47.We read English at 8:00 a.m. Then our first lesson________(begin) at 8:25 a.m. 48.Mr. Wang teaches ________ (they) Art. 49.Sally has piano lessons _____________ (two) a week. 50.Millie goes to see her grandparents ________ (one) a week. 51.My cousin likes playing computer games very much. But now he _______________ (not play) computer games. 52.The student is very good at ____________. (dance) 53.—Whose bedroom is it? —It’s ____________. (they) 54.My twin brother often ___________ (dress) up as a cool boy. 55.Let’s ________ (be) friends. 56.Thank you for ______________ (give) me the picture of Li Yuchun. 57.Nancy, ________ (not play) computer games again. 58.I find your socks over there. But where _______ (be) mine? 59.Would you like _______ (help) me with my English? 60.There ________ (be) a pair of shoes under the bed. 61.Listen! He can _________ (speak) much French. 62.What time _______ Tom usually _______ (go) to school? 63.Li Ping wants ________ (borrow) a book from me. 64.Can you tell me your ____________ (friend) names? 65.It’s 8 o’clock in the morning. Jerry’s family ________________ (plan) their weekend. 66.Sam! Come here, I need you ______________ (carry) these heavy bags for me. 67.What time is it now? It’s 6 a.m. now. It’s time _______________ (get) up. 68.They are busy ______________ (water) their flowers in the garden now. 69.Louis and Jenny are having fun ________________ (talk) about the coming winter holiday. 70.—__________ the Whites ________ (take) a walk in the park now? —Yes, they like going out after supper. 71.His father saves so many people’s ________ (life). 72.The ________ (story) in the book are very interesting. 73.The ________ (village) there often sing and dance at the Spring Festival. 74.Look! Here are three ________ (car). 75.According to the surve

docx文档 专题04 用所给单词的正确形式填空100题(词性变化)-2021-2022学年七年级英语上学期期末复习挑战满分百题斩(牛津译林版)

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