Chemical Versus Organic Farming? Step 1: warming up 1. Have you ever been to the countryside? 2. Do you know how to work on a farm? Let’s go to the farm! First, buy or select the seeds from the store. Second, we need to plough or turn over the soil. Third , we sow the seeds in the soil. Finally, we can harvest our grain/sorghum/peanuts . fertilize the soil kill off the pest In order to improve the output of the crop, we to need improve thethe output the crop to rid soil ofofthe weed, water the crop, fertilize the soil and kill off the pest. water the crop rid the soil of the weed What can be used to make plants grow better? Fertilizer. Chemical fertilizers Natural waste from 用化学肥料和有机肥料的区 别: cow dung chemical fertilizer To protect the crops, farmers have to kill off the harmful pests. What is used for killing pests, especially insects? Pesticides. Organic Farming Organic farming is simply farming without using any chemicals. Which tomatoes do you prefer? Normal tomatoes 5 yuan / kg Organic tomatoes 30 yuan / kg Match the main ideas (A-D) below with the paragraphs. Para. 1-2 Para. 3 Para. 4 Para. 5 A What organic farming is B Why man-made chemicals are still used in farming C Organic methods for producing rich soil D The problems with chemical farming Para. 1-2 Main Idea Detail Pesticides can kill helpful _________________ bacteria and insects Some pesticides have been ___________ prohibited because of thedamage ________________ they cause D Crops grown with chemical fertilisers usually _____________ grow too fast to be full of ______________. nutrition Para Main . Idea 3 4 A C Detail natural waste Many organic farmers use __________________ _____________ from animals as fertiliser. They often ____________________ change the kind of cropgrown in each field ______________. every year They also plant crops that use ______________ different depths of the soil to help keep it rich. Par Main a. Idea 5 B Detail Organic farming is nowhere near able to meet the high demand _______________________________. for food around the world Read the whole text and Choose the best answers. ( ) 1 . Why did many farmers welcome the introduction of chemical farming? A . They can fight crop disease and increase production.B . They harm both the land and people's health.C . They can help produce rich soil.D . They are not expensive. ( )2 . What concerns many people about the use of pesticides? A . Pesticides can damage the land.B . Chemicals can stay in the soil for a long time.C . Pesticides can kill harmful bacteria and insects.D . Chemicals may make people ill and even cause cancer.

ppt文档 Unit 5 Reading for writing Chemical Versus Organic Farming 课件-2021-2022学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册

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