Unit 3 Topic 1 单元测试卷 (时间:90 分钟总分:100 分) 一、单项选择(15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分) ( )1. I find pen on the ground.Whose is A.a;the B.the;a pen? C.the;the D.a;a ( )2.-Can she speak Chinese? --A.Yes,she does. B.No,she doesn't. C.Yes,she is. D.No,she can’t. ( )3. I like English A.but I can't write it well. B.and C.or D.with ( )4.—Your English is very good. -A.OK ( B.Thank you )5.Jim lives C.No,it isn't a small vilage(乡村)and the air(空气)there is very fresh (清新的). A.on D.Yes,it is B.in ( )6.-Is his English -Yes,he speaks English C.under ? D.from A.very well;very good B.very good;very well C.very good;very good D.very well;very well ( )7. did you visit Taiwan with,Sarah? 一 My parents(父母).We had a good time there. A.What B.Who C.Where D.When ( )8.—Does Li Ping speak English well? —No,he doesn't it at all. A.give B.see C.like ( )9.—Are Sandy and Kate D.speak good friends? -Yes,they are.Please look after(照顾) A.your;their B.your;them . C.yours;theirs D.you;them ( )10.-You can help me with English and I can help you with Chinese. -You are right.We can help A.other B.the other C.each D.each other ( )11. I don't love watching soccer games, A.and B.so ( )12.My father A.knows;of C.but a lot my brother likes it. D.or the story(历史)of English. B.know;about C.know;for D.knows;about ( )13. There are many oranges here.You can take if A.few B.a few C.little D.a litle you like. ( )14.Tom speaks English. A.Do;speaks ( )15.- Jane English,too? B.Does;speak C.Do;speak D.Does;speaks you please tell me your name? -Sure.I'm Linda. A.Do B.Are C.Could D.Is 二、完形填空(10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分) My home(家)is nice.I have a pet(宠物)1 and 2 name is Polly.It is a parrot (鹦鹉).I like Polly a lot.My classmate,Hu Tao,3 a pet,too.The name of it is Bobby.It is 4 dog(狗).Hu Tao 5 Bobby very much.Do you have 6 in your home?I often go to English Corner(英语角).I like7 a lot.I speak English 8 some friends at the English Corner.Hu Tao doesn't like the English Cormer.He doesn't like English 9.His English is poor(差的),10I often help him with his English. ( )1.A.in my school B.in my home ( )2.A.it's B.it C.its ( )3.A.is B.like C.has ( )4.A.a B.the C.an ( )5.A.like ( )6.A.flowers B.likes B.a bike C.in school D.in home D.your D.have D./ C.looks like D.look like C.a friend D.a pet ( )7.A.it B.its ( )8.A.about B.with C.in ( )9.A.at all B.much C. little ( )10.A.but B.and C.his D.it's D.of D.all C.because ( 因 为 ) D.so ( 因 此) 三、阅读理解(20 小题,每小题 2 分,共 40 分) A Chen Kai is a Chinese boy.He is a student.He is 13 years old.He lives in Guangzhou.Chen Kai likes making friends.Now he receives (收到) a letter from Sam , his pen pal in America.The letter is in English.Sam is 14 and he is a student,too.He speaks English very well.In the letter ,Sam says he wants to visit China and study(学习)some Chinese. ( )1.Chen Kai is A.a student B.a teacher C.fourteen D.from Canada ( )2.“Making friends”means(意思是)in Chinese. A.做朋友 B.找朋友 ( )3.The letter is A.from Chen Kai C.帮朋友 D.交朋友 . B.from Sam's pen pal C.in English D.in Chinese ( )4.Sam is Chen Kai's A.classmate ( )5. A.Chen Kai B.pen pal C.brother D.teacher wants to study some Chinese. B.Chen Kai's teacher C.Sam's pen pal D.Sam B Hello.I am Chinese.My name is Wang Fei.I am thirteen.I am in No.5Middle School in Nanjing.This is my friend.His name is Tony Green.He is an English boy.He is twelve.He and I are in the same class.Our classroom ( 教 室 ) is next to the teachers'office ( 办 公 室 ) .We have Chinese and English lessons ( 课 ) every day.Our English teacher is Mr.Read.He is English but he can speak Chinese,too.Our Chinese teacher is Mr.Ding.They are good teachers,and they are our friends,too. ( )6.Tony Green A.has a Chinese friend in England B.is in an English school now C.is Wang Fei's English leacher D.has a Chinese friend in China now ( )7.Wang Fei . A.is a student of No.5 school C.is twelve B.is in an English school D.and Tony Green are in the same class ( )8.Mr.Read is A.Wang Fei's English teacher B.Tony's Chinese teacher C.a teacher of English school in Nanjing D.in Wang Fei's class ( )9.Mr.Ding A.can speak English,too B.is a teacher of Chinese C.and Wang Fei have Chinese classes every day D.is our English teacher ( )10.Tony Green is from A.China B.America C.England D.Australia C ①Mike lives in Zhengzhou of China.But he is from Canada.He is 12 years old.②He speaks English.And he speaks Chinese a little.Mingming is his good fr

doc文档 Unit3Topic 1单元测试卷2021-2022学年仁爱版七年级英语上册

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