2019 人教版高中英语必修二 Unit 2 Wildlife Protection 单词与词组学案 (学生版) 一、重点词汇讲解 1. Illegal adj. 非法的,不合法的 【反义词】legal adj. 合法的 It is __________ to drive after drinking alcohol. (legal) _________ drugs are forbidden in China. (legal) The court declared that the strike action was ________. (legal) _________ parked vehicles will be removed. (legal) Park _________, and you will be ticketed. (legal) __________ speaking, this is not a problem. (legal) __________, it has to be registered by Friday. (legal) 2. hunt vt. &vi. 追猎,猎取;搜索 hunting n.[c]打猎;狩猎 hunter n.[c] 猎人;搜寻者 The police _________ for the murderer for 2 months but still have no clues( 线 索 ). (hunt) Whales ___________ hunted and killed in the Arctic. (hunt) The kids _________ for shells on the beach when I saw them. 3. rate n.[c] 比率;价格;费用 vt. 对…评估;评价;划分等级 He ________ as one of the best players. (rate) At ________ rate you work, you will never finish. The university _________ highly for its research. (rate) 4. mass n.[c] 团;块 a mass of / masses of 大量;许多 I have got _______ of work to do this afternoon. Whenever the star arrived, __________ of fans would welcome them at the airport. (mass) 5. aware adj. 意识到的; 察觉到的 be aware of 【反义词】unaware 未察觉到的;未意识到的 be aware that 从句 awareness n.[u] 认识;意识 The 1980s brought an __________ of green issues. (aware) She was _________ of the trouble she had caused. (aware) He had not read the letter and so was ________ of the contents. (aware) It is very important to raise the _________ of dangers of passive smoking. (aware) 6. average n. [c]&[u] 平均;平均值;一般水平;平均标准 adj.平均的 vt.平均为 below average 低于平均水平 above average 高于平均水平 on average 平均;一般地 It takes _______ average of 2 weeks for a house sale to be completed. We ________ 60 miles per hour on the highway yesterday. (average) __________ average of 4,5 and 9 is 6. 7. concern vt. 关于;与…有关;涉及;牵涉 At present, her father’s illness _________ her greatly. (concern) This announcement __________ you all. (concern) It ________ him that his kid hadn’t returned home. (concern) Don’t ___________ about what others think. (concern) What are you main _________ as a teacher? (concern) They pretend ____________ about freedom. (concern) We _________ about her safety. (concern) As far as I ___________, fast food is not satisfactory. (concern) 8. adapt vt.& vi. 使适应;使适合;改编 adapt to 适应 be adapted from 由…改编 As time went by, I slowly adapted myself _______the weather here. This film is said ___________ from Shakespeare’s play. (adapt) Five of Moyan’s novels ___________ for TV series. (adapt) We will have to be prepared __________ to the change. (adapt) 9. measure n.[c]&[u] 度量单位;计量标准 [c]措施;安全办法 Speed is _________ good measure of work performance. It is time we take some ________ to protect wild animals. (measure) It ________ 20 feet from side to side. (measure) The classroom _________ 10 meters across. (measure) The doctor _________ the kid’s height and went out. (measure) 10. reserve vt. 保留;保存;储备;预定 n. [c] 储备;保护区 reservation n. [c]&[u] 保留;异议;预定 A single room overlooking the sea __________ for him. (reserve) I ________ a table for five and then rang off the phone. (reserve) These seats _________ for special guests only. (reserve) We can hold your ________ for three days. (reserve) I am glad you have made a ________. (reserve) 11. observe vt.& vi. 观察;观测 vt.察觉到;注意到(不用于进行时) vt.遵守;奉行;举行仪式;庆祝节日 observation n. [c]&[u] 观察 observer n. [c] 观察者 So learning is pure ________, _________ without the ________. (observe) The policeman __________ him speeding on the highway and gave him a ticket. (observe) Mothers ’day __________ in the United State on the second Sunday in May. (observe) The police _________ the man enter the bank. (observe) 12. remind vt.提醒;使想起 reminder n. [c]令人回忆的事物;提醒者;提醒物 remind sb. of/about 想起 remind sb. to do 提醒某人做某事 remind sb.that We posted a __________ sign on the wall __________ students to watch their steps. (remind) Measurement __________: measuring the temperature will be a sound ________you. (remind) Can you remind me _________ a bottle of wine? (buy) Does this remind you ________ something? 13. attack vt.& vi.攻击;进攻;抨击;(疾病、害虫等)侵袭;侵蚀 The virus seemed __________ her lung. (attack) The sugar in the soft drinks _________ our teeth. (attack) When a plant is _________ attack, it sends out certain chemicals. Her remarks __________ in the newspaper. (attack) Recently Covid-19 ___________ almost all the countries in the world. (attack) 14. shoot (shot, shot) vt.& vi.开枪;射击;射中;射死;猎杀;打猎;拍摄;投篮;射门 shot n.发射;射击;枪炮声;投篮;射门;击球;注射;拍照;

doc文档 Unit 2 Wildlife Protection 单词与词组学案-2021-2022学年高一英语精美课件 精美教案(必修二)(人教版2019)

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