2021-2022 学年八年级英语上学期期末易错题精练 专题 14 期末冲刺卷(一) 考试时间:70分钟 满分:120分 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 总分 评分 一、单选题(共 14 题;共 14 分) 1.I met Mr. Miller for the first time yesterday. He ________ to be a nice person. A. remembered B. dreamed C. sounded D. seemed 2.Mike, do you know the answer ________ Question 4? It's a little difficult for me. A. with B. to 3.My friend Lisa always wears the same clothes A. to B. with 4.Debbie is growing fast. She is A. tall C. for D. at mine. C. as D. for in her class. B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest 5.—How do you like the sitcom? — It only makes me laugh. I can't learn a lot. A. I like it very much B. Yes, I'd like to C. I don't think so D. I don't like it 6.My grandmother is going to ________ a hobby like shopping on the Internet. A. take up B. look up C. get up 7.Don't worry. I am ________ getting there on time. A. sure about 8.There are B. able to C. friendly to D. ready to people in the zoo on Children's Day. A. one hundreds B. two hundreds of C. hundreds of D. hundred of 9.— What would you like to drink? — I'd like three ________. A. bottles of waters B. bottle of waters C. bottle of water D. bottles of water 10.How beautiful the place is really want to stay here for ________ days. A. two another B. other two C. another two D. two other 11.I asked Mary why she did that thing, but she did not ________. A. accept B. shout C. appear D. reply 12.— Is that Mr. Smith speaking? — Sorry, Mr. Smith isn't ________ now. Can he call you back later? A. serious B. available C. careful D. creative C. wearing D. dress 13.Don't ___________ jeans to the party. A. put on B. wear 14.Jenny was ________ scared ________ say anything when she saw the terrible scene. A. so; that B. such; that C. very; to D. too; to 二、完形填空(共 1 题;共 10 分) 15. Dear Tom, How is it going now? In your last e mail to me, you asked me to sorry that I won't be free on Saturday. So I can't; accept your homework and then I have to prepare for my English exam. I must 4 2 3 1 with you this Saturday. I'm so . On Saturday, I have to do my will be on next Monday. In the afternoon, my mother to do some housework. She is very busy. And she won't p. m. from work. On Sunday, I have to 6 5 back home until 7:30 my grandparents. They live far from us. It usually 7 me about one hour to get there by bike. By the way, next Wednesday is my birthday. And there will be a big 8 in my house in the evening. The time is from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p. m. Can you come to the party? If you come here, I will be very 9 to see you, I hope you will not 10 me, I really hope you can come to my house for the party next Wednesday. Please write to me soon. Yours, Helen C. look 1. A. work out B. hang out D. come out out 2. A. B. gift C. answer D. invitation 3. A. That B. This C. It D. One 4. A. invite B. help C. tell D. need preparation 5. A. send B. call C. come D. look 6. A. invite B. visit C. find D. reach 7. A. uses B. pays C. spends D. takes 8. A. game B. talk C. party D. dinner 9. A. sad B. shy C. bored D. excited 10. A. catch B. hate C. refuse D. accept 三、阅读理解(共 4 题;共 40 分) 16. Will robots take over the world? It's hard to say. However, this one has already taken over the kitchen. It is the robot chef, Moley. It can make meals. British scientists made it. Look! There is no driver in that car. A computer controls it. The car has no steering wheel(方向盘), but it has cameras. The cameras can see the road. It can go 40 km in one hour. The American company Google made it. Look at this car. It's made of wood. People can use a remote control(遥控) to run it. An American artist spent more than 5,000 hours building it. Do you want a ping pong table in your room? But you may not have enough space. This door is here to help. It can turn into a ping pong table when you pull it down. It's from Germany. (1)Moley is the name of a A.kitchen B.scientist . C.robot chef (2)The car with cameras is from A.Britain B.I America D.cook chef . C.Australia D.Germany (3)Which of the following is RIGHT according to the passage? A.Robots can help people do cooking now. B.You can get a driver to drive the car faster. C.It took the American artist one year to build the car. D.People put the ping pong table near a door. (4)The passage is mainly about A.inventions B.traffic . C.housework (5)We can see the passage from A.an ad B.a novel D.sports . C.a storybook D.a magazin

docx文档 专题14 期末冲刺卷(一)-2021-2022学年八年级英语上学期期末高分必备易错题精练(人教版)

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