语法专题练习:时态和语态 一、单项填空 ( )1.一 Tom looks sad.Maybe he his grades in the maths exam. 一 I’m afraid so. A.knows B.knew C.has known D.will know ( ) 2.一 Has David finished his project yet? —I guess not. He on it at lunchtime.Do you want me to confirm it? A.is working B.was working C.has worked D.had worked ( ) 3.The country life that the old man was used to a lot since 2010. A.change B.has changed C.changing D.changed ( ) 4.All the students two groups by the teacher during the competition. A.were divided into B.were divided C.divide into D.divided into ( ) 5.The newly designed iPhone 6 on the market well now.Get one before it out in the shop. A.sells;is sold B.sells;sells C.is sold;is sold D.is sold;sells ( ) 6.Your application won’t until you complete the survey. A.accept B.receive C.be accepted D.be received ( ) 7.Our China dream ___________ unless we unite(团结) together. A. will achieve B. will be achieved C. is achieved D. achieves ( ) 8.1 will tell him the good news as soon as he back. A.comes B.came C.will come D.is coming ( ) 9.Mary,along with her parents, Hainan for a week and they will come back soon. A.have been to B.has been in C.have been in D.has been to ( )10.一 has your uncle the village? 一 Since 1999.He 1ives in Shanghai now. A.How 1ong;been away from B.When;been away from C.How long;1eft D.When;left ( )11.Lily and Zhang Ming friends since they met in 2010. A.made B.have been C.have made D.have become ( )12.—Where’s Miss Evens? Someone for her at the school gate. —She to the post office. A.is waiting;went B.waits;went C.is waiting;has gone D.waits;has gone ( )13.一 When did the old man ? for over four years. 一 In 2010.He A.die; has been dead B.dead:died C.died;has been dead D.die;died ( )14.一 Where is your father? Australia and he Sydney for two weeks. 一 He A.has been to;has been in B.has gone to;will stay in C.has been in;has been to D.has gone to;has_stayed to ( ) 15.一 Jack,don’t play the music so loudly.Your father is sleeping. it.I’ll turn it down immediately. 一 Sorry,I A.don’t realize B.didn’t realize C.hasn’t realized D.hadn’t realized ( )16.一 Your name again? I quite catch it. 一 Bruce Lee. A.don’t B.didn’t C.couldn’t D.can’t ( )17.It’s about two years since the young man a soldier. A.became B.has become C.has been D.had been ( )18.一 What did Mike just now? —Sorry,I didn’t catch his words.I about something else. A.speak;am thinking B.say;was thinking C.talk;thought D.tell;have thought ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( )19.— 1ate for school again,Tim! 一 Sorry,I promise that I . A.Don’t;won’t B.Don’t;will C.Don’t be;don’t D.Don’t be;won’t )20.I think we need ten more minutes before the problem out. A.works B.is worked C.has worked D.will be worked )21.You such clothes because you are still a pupil. A.aren’t allowed to wearing B.aren’t allowed to wear C.aren’t allowed wearing D.don’t allow to wear )22.The experiment he devoted himself a perfect success. A.to proved B.proved C.to prove D.to proving )23.一 What to the building? It when all the people were sleeping. 一 A.has happened;was broken in B.Was happening;was broken down C.was happened;broke into D.happened;was broken into )24.—Could you tell me when Mr Li in Nanjing? —Sure.When he ,I’ll call you. A.arrives;will arrive B.will arrive;arrives C.arrives;arrives D.will arrive;will arrive )25.一 I hear Sam has gone to Qingdao for his holiday. ? 一 Oh,how nice! Do you know when he A.1eft B.was leafing C.has left D.had left )26.All the club members the floor when they heard someone for help. A.swept;were shouting B.swept;shouted C.were sweeping;shouting D.were sweeping;to shout )27.一 Has Wendy handed in her application form? 一 Not sure.She told me that she wanted to check it again and it in soon. A.will hand B.would hand C.has handed D.had handed )28.Another two months will be needed before the new bridge . A.completes B.is completed C.has completed D.will be completed、 )29.Listen! Some of the girls about the Voice of China.Let’s join them! A.are talking B.talk C.will talk D.talked )30.Mr Black has just arrived,but I didn’t.know he until yesterday. A.was coming B.will come C.comes D.had come )31.一 Your father never watches the drama series on TV. ? — .He thinks these drama series are boring and dull. A.does he;Yes,he does B.does he;No,he doesn't C.doesn’t he;Yes,he does D.doesn’t he;No,he doesn't )32. ---- How long ________you ________ these library books? ---- For 2 weeks. A. have,borrowed B. has, lent C. do,keep D. have, kept )33. —Andy seldom has hamburgers

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