2021-2022 学年八年级英语 上册期末英语【人教版】 阅读精讲精练 题 简单细节 定义 : 对文章中的特定细节或具体事实进行判断。 常见提问方式 : 1. What club does Jenny join in the school? 2. Who is Jenny’s piano teacher? 3. How many people live in London? 4. Why is golf a good sport for elder people? 5. Where is the new study from? 6. Which train takes the longest time in the journey? 题 简单细节 划:划出题干关键词 大写、数字、名词 。 定:①定位段落 ② 定位该段落句子 比:对比选项和原文 一题一文法,文题顺序走 找句子关键词 同词复现 同义转换 符合常识 经典例题 Boys and girls, do you have the habit of making new term’s resolutions before it starts? Read and have a look at the resolutions of Tony and his classmates. Tony: Now, I go to school by bus every day. I’m going to move to a new house soon. It is close to my school. In the new term, I’m going to learn how to ride a bicycle. And I will ride to school every day. Linda: In the new term, I’m going to take up a new hobby—making a banana milk shake. I will learn how to make it from Aunt Maria. Jimmy: I’m kind of heavy. In the new term, I’m going to do more exercise. I run for fifteen minutes every day now. In the new term, I’ll run for fifteen more minutes every day. 1. According to the passage, Tony’s new term resolution is . A. learning to ride a bicycle B. learning to make a banana milk shake C. doing more exercise D. doing more housework 经典例题 Boys and girls, do you have the habit of making new term’s resolutions before it starts? Read and have a look at the resolutions of Tony and his classmates. Tony: Now, I go to school by bus every day. I’m going to move to a new house soon. It is close to my school. In the new term, I’m going to learn how to ride a bicycle. And I will ride to school every day. Linda: In the new term, I’m going to take up a new hobby—making a banana milk shake. I will learn how to make it from Aunt Maria. Jimmy: I’m kind of heavy. In the new term, I’m going to do more exercise. I run for fifteen minutes every day now. In the new term, I’ll run for fifteen more minutes every day. 2. Linda will learn to make the milk shake from A. Tony B. Jimmy C. Aunt Maria . D. Susan 经典例题 Boys and girls, do you have the habit of making new term’s resolutions before it starts? Read and have a look at the resolutions of Tony and his classmates. Tony: Now, I go to school by bus every day. I’m going to move to a new house soon. It is close to my school. In the new term, I’m going to learn how to ride a bicycle. And I will ride to school every day. Linda: In the new term, I’m going to take up a new hobby—making a banana milk shake. I will learn how to make it from Aunt Maria. Jimmy: I’m kind of heavy. In the new term, I’m going to do more exercise. I run for fifteen minutes every day now. In the new term, I’ll run for fifteen more minutes every day. 3. Jimmy will probably run for A. 45 minutes B. 30 minutes C. 15 minutes D. 60 minutes in the new term. 经典例题 I will never forget a girl student sitting at the back of the classroom. Having failed the college entrance examination ( 高考 ) and changed schools twice, she couldn’t smile naturally. Life is harder for senior high school students. Every time when the scores came out, her scores wouldn’t be the first but the last. Dark clouds always flashed ( 闪 ) in her eyes. When I invited her to the teachers’ office, we never talked about studies or scores but jokes. The exam results finally came out and she did pass! Since then I had never heard from her again. 1. How many times did the girl take the college entrance examination? A. Once. B. Twice. 2. The girl’s scores were exam before going to college. A. always the first B. usually too bad C. sometimes good D. never the last C. Three times. in every D. Four times. 经典例题 A young man once went into town and bought himself a pair of trousers. When he got home, he went to his bedroom and put them on. He found that they were about two inches too long. He went to the kitchen. His mother and sisters were washing up the tea things there. “The new trousers are too long,” he said. “They need shortening by about two inches. Could one of you do it for me, please?” His mother and sisters were busy and none of them said anything. After his mother finished washing up, she went to her son’s bedroom and shortened the trousers by two inches. Later on, after supper, the elder sister remembered her brother’s trousers. She was a kindhearted girl, so she went quickly to his brother’s bedroom without saying anything to anyone, and shortened the trousers by two inches. The younger sister went to the cinema, but whe

pptx文档 期末阅读试题讲练 课件 2021-2022学年人教版英语八年级上册

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