2022 高考英语写作专题复习之建议信 目录 内容 Part A 题目呈现 Part B 解析题目内容;确定行文要点 谋篇布局 罗列关键词以及必备表达 话题词汇写作储备 短语句式罗列 句式升级美化 Part C 写作模板总结 Part D 学生习作点评 学生作文点评 学生习作美化升级 范文赏析 Part E 课后练笔巩固提升 Part A 题目呈现 假如你是李明;在一些地区,限制使用塑料袋的做法并没有那么成功。“白色污染”仍 在继续。请你给你当地报纸的编辑写一封信, 1:如实陈述你的意见 2:并提出两三个建议。 Part B 谋篇布局以及短语句式罗列 1:解析题目内容;确定行文要点 指令关键词 题目信息解读 规定应用文类型为书信 揭示收信人身份为 报社编辑 规定信件内容:给出 要点归纳 Write a letter the editor(s)of 1.题目要求写一封信,书 your local 信格式需完整; newspaper 2.收信人为编辑,用词需要 1) give your opinions briefly, 自己的看法;并且提出 2)make two 2-3 个建议 suggestions. or three 客气、正式; 3. 信 的 内 容 必 须 包 括 :2. 提供内容线索:交代 Restrictions on the use of 收信人为报社编辑,用语要正 所需发表看法的社会问 plastic bags have not been so 式; 题—限塑令在某些地方 successful in some regions. 效果不明显;白色污染 “White Pollution” is still going 限塑令在某些地方不成功、白 仍然存在 on. 色污染仍然存在的背景介绍和 3.写信内容必须包括 :对 观点陈述;提出相应的建议;注 意收信人为报社编辑,并不是 问题的直接解决者,提建议时 要能顾及收信人的身份。 2:罗列关键词以及必备表达 1:faithful reader 忠实读者 2:active reporting of 积极报道...... active 可以替换为:enthusiastic, extensive, wide raging 3. social problem 社会问题 4. abuse[n.滥用 5. unchanged[ a. ]未改观的 6. environmentally speaking 从环境角度说 7. strengthen the control of 加 强 对 .... 的 控 制 [ strengthen 可 替 换 为 tighten, improve, increase] 8. production and circulation of... .......的生产和流通 9. equally importantly 同样重要的是 10. all social sectors 社会各界 11. implement the support for 将....的支持落到实处 12. discount [n. ] a reduction in the usual price of sth 折扣 13. boycott[v. ]抵制,拒绝使用 14. beautify [v. ]美化 15. attract users from 吸.....的使用者使用...... 16. call on the public to do sth 号召大家做..... 3:写作储备 话题表达补充:问题陈述与解决措施 问题陈述:plastic shopping bag 购物塑料袋;plastic bag usage/ consumption 塑料袋使用; environmental impact 环境影响 解决措施:recycle ..循环使用;use durable cloth bags 使用耐用的布包 enforce a policy of 执 行 政 策 ; ; introduce levy on /tax.. 征 税 ;announce a ban on/ forbid/cut back on the use of 禁 用;press a boycott on/ discourage their disposal 抵制 [建议信常用表达] 1:陈述问题 1.I am concerned about...我对.....十分关注。 2.....which was supposed to be solved still exists.应该解决的问题仍然存在。 3.not have desired effects; be not satisfactory/ perfect 没有达到理想效果 4.not have obtained the full attention 未得到充分重视 5.have harmful/ serious/ negative effects 有害严重、负面影响 2:提出可行方案 1.believe; think; suppose;maintain;hold 认为 2.make full use of;maximize 充分利用 3.minimize; reduce; restrict;avoid 减少、限制、避免 4.In my opinion... ;I would like to suggest that. ..我的建议是..... 5.I think it would be more beneficial if you could...我认为如果....会更有利。 6.I think it would be helpful to.... 我认为...有帮助。 4:句式升级美化 ① 写出简单句 在一些地区,人们仍在疯狂地使用塑料袋 Plastic bags are still crazily used in some region 你会注意到这个情况的 You will pay attention to the situation 我希望。 I hope it. ② 利用衔接词将简单句整合 1 hope that you would pay attention to the situation that plastic bags are sill crazily used in some regions. ③ 增加表达精确性和美感 I hope you would pay attention to the abuse of plastic bags unchanged in some regions. ④ 增加衔接成分,连贯上下文 I hope you would also pay attention to the abuse of plastic bags unchanged in some regions. 课堂练习 句子成形步骤: ① 写出简单句 我的声音很微小。 My voice is weak. 你可以呼吁公众实施对塑料袋的限制 You can call on the public to carry out the restrictions on plastic bags ② 利用衔接词将简单句整合 Since my voice is weak, you can call on the public to carry out the restrictions on plastic bags. ③ 增加表达精确性和美感 Since my own voice is too weak to be heard, I hope you could call on the public to fulfill the restrictions on... Part C 写作模板总结 Dear As a faithful ,I always appreciate 。I hope you would also pay attention to 总 述 应 该 实 施 的 行 为 . To achieve it, the government should importantly, all social sectors should 。 Equally . Since my own voice is too weak to be heard, I hope you could call on the public to Yours sincerely, Li Ming Part D 学生作文点评与范文赏析 作文一 学生作文赏析 (5 分) 点评意见 I am very sorry to trouble with you. But 1:表达不符合搭配习惯 2:表达不符合搭配习惯 this is a problem annoying with me. It is White Pollution,With the economic 3:中式思维写作;不符合表达习惯 growth widely ,white pollution becomes more 4:主语模糊 and more serous.It is harmonious between the 5:句式不够高级;表达偏中式 men and the nature. The problem can be solved in some ways.First, attitude is everything. We must make everyone aware of this problem. In addition, the acts of pollution must be punishment. I'm looking forward to your reply Yours sincerely, Li Ming 作文二 学生作文赏析 (11 分) 尝试修改丰富文章句式 Dear editor Dear editor, , I am very sorry to disturb you, . It’s true that the problem of using plastic but I want to say that the problem of white bags hasn't been well solved in our daily life. If pollution really annoys met . With th

doc文档 专题03 备战2022高考英语写作专题复习之建议信

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