专题 15 重点语法:宾语从句 一、单项选择 1.(2021·河北·石家庄外国语教育集团九年级期中)—Hi, Alice. I wonder ________. —I often go swimming in the sports center. A.where you skate on the weekend B.what you do on the weekend C.when you exercise in the sports center D.whether you enjoy your weekend 2.(2021·河北·石家庄石门实验学校九年级期中)—Do you know ________? —At 8:00 tomorrow morning. A.when the video meeting began B.when did the video meeting begin C.when the video meeting will begin D.when will the video meeting begin 3.(2021·河北·石家庄市第四十一中学九年级期中)Our teacher told us the sun ________ in the east. A.rose B.rises C.will rise D.was rising 4.(2021·河北·石家庄市第二十八中学九年级期中)I want to invite Joy to my party, but he is taking a trip in Paris now. I wonder ________. A.what he is doing B.how he went there C.where he has been D.when he will return 5.(2021·天津一中九年级期中)—I want to know if Maria ________ us. —If she ________ her homework, she will join us. A.joins; finishes B.will join; finishes C.joins; will finish D.will join; will finish 6.(2021·河北·石家庄市第四中学九年级期中)My physics teacher told us that light _______ faster than sound. A.travels B.to travel C.traveling D.traveled 7.(2021·贵州·玉屏侗族自治县教研室九年级期中)—Could you tell me _________ ? —For half an hour. A.when the movie began B.how long has the movie been on C.when did the movie begin D.how long the movie has been on 8.(2021·甘肃省会宁县教学研究室九年级期中)—Could you tell me ________? —The day after tomorrow. A.when we had the school leavers’ party B.when did we have the school leavers’ party C.when will we have the school leavers’ party D.when we will have the school leavers’ party 9.(2021·河北·卢龙县教育和体育局教研室九年级期中)—I wonder ________. —Oh, she had to look after her sick mother. A.why did Jane left early B.why Jane left early C.why Jane leaves early D.why does Jane leave early 10 . ( 2021· 重 庆 一 中 九 年 级 期 中 ) — Clara, I’m going to a party tonight, could you please tell me ________? —With pleasure. Wait a moment, please. A.what should I pay attention to B.that I should take some flowers C.how I can order “Didi” online D.when the subway arrived there 11.(2021·四川·雅安中学九年级期中)—Could you tell me ________ this morning? —I am sorry, Mrs. Lin. I got up so late that I couldn’t catch the first bus. A.why were you late for class B.if you were late for class C.how you went to school D.why you were late for class 12.(2021·四川·雅安中学九年级期中)The teacher told us that the light _________ faster than the sound. A.travel B.was traveling C.traveled D.travels 13.(2021·黑龙江·桦南县第四中学九年级期中)—Dad, please tell me when Mum ________. I miss her very much. —She will return when she ________ her task. And she will bring a nice present for you. A.will return; finishes B.will return; will finish C.returns; will finish 14.(2021·山东·郓城县教学研究室九年级期中)— Could you please tell me ________? — Sorry. I don’t know. You may surf the Internet. A.when tea was brought to Korea B.how do Chinese people celebrate the Spring Festival C.how can we become good learners D.who were potato chips invented by 15.(2021·新疆·乌市八中九年级期中)—Could you please tell me ________? —Certainly. In half an hour. A.when will the high speed train arrive B.when the high speed train will arrive C.how the high speed train will arrive D.when the high speed train would arrive 16 . ( 2021· 新 疆 · 乌 鲁 木 齐 市 第 四 十 一 中 学 九 年 级 月 考 ) — Alice, could you tell me ________ London? — Sure. Next Sunday. A.when Mr. Smith left B.when Mr. Smith will leave C.when did Mr. Smith leave D.when will Mr. Smith leave 17.(2021·山东·兰陵县教学研究室九年级期中)Nobody knows ________. A.when will the rain stop B.when the rain will stop C.when the rain stop 18.(2021·河北·石家庄市第四十二中学九年级期中)—I wonder ___________. —Someone who can make me a better person. A.when you often meet your friends B.how you make your friends happy C.whom you want to make friends with D.where you spend weekends with friends 19.(2021·福建·厦门市湖滨中学九年级期中)—It’s a pity that so many people were infected with the novel coronavirus(新型冠状病毒). Ⅰ wonder ________. —By uniting together and taking strong epidemic prevention measures(防疫措施). A.what we can do to save them B.when the disease will be stopped C.how we can win the fight against the disease 20.(2021·福建省福州延安中学九年级期中)— Could you please tell me ________? — She is strict but always encourages me. A.why you like your teacher B.what your teacher looks like C.who your favorite teacher is 21 .( 2021·黑 龙江 · 哈 尔滨 市萧 红中 学九 年级 期中 )— It’s said that this region ( 区 域 ) in France ________ some of the best wine. Would you like to travel there some

docx文档 专题15 重点语法:宾语从句-2021-2022学年九年级英语上学期期末复习挑战满分百题斩(人教版)

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