Unit 5Topic2 提高练习 2020-2021 学年仁爱版七年级英 语下册 一、单项选择(20 分) 1.—Can you see any ________ in Henry’s room? —Yes! I can see a desk and two chairs. A.fruit B.buildings C.furniture D.photos C.room D.school 2.— Bill, is that girl your cousin? — Yes, her ________ is Grace Brown. A.name B.number 3.Look, the bus is leaving. Let’s _______ the next one. A.go for B.wait for C.look for D.leave for 4.—Would you like to come to my birthday ________? —Yes, I’d love to. A.party B.card C.photo D.game 5.—That new building looks so beautiful. —That is our school ________, we can borrow books from it. A.hall B.classroom C.playground D.library 6.Peter doesn’t like carrot noodles. His brother Mike doesn’t like carrot noodles, _________. A.too B.also C.either D.as well 7.Look! Some students _______ in the music room. A.runs B.are runing C.is running D.are running 8.—Jim, let’s go out to play basketball. —Oh, I won’t do that ________ I finish my homework. A.because B.until C.after D.or 9.Mr. Miller always ________ with a cup of tea after work. A.goes B.relaxes C.runs D.fights 10.“I won’t ________ to this place!” The girl said angrily(生气地). A.return B.return back C.returned D.returned back 11.It’s a long ________ story and we’re ________ with it. A.bored; bored B.boring; bored C.boring; boring D.bored; boring 12.Look! Some _______ are in the pencil box. They are Jack’s. A.eraser B.computer C.erasers D.computers 13.—There’s nothing to eat. 1 have to go to the supermarket. Can you help me _________ my child? —OK. A.look at B.look for C.look after D.look out 14.—Lin Jia, you have a loving grandma, right? —Yes, she always _______ her time with me whenever (无论何时) I need her. A.pays B.takes C.uses D.spends 15.—Could I smoke here? —Sorry, you ________ . The sign ________ “No Smoking”. A.couldn’t; writes B.can’t; writes C.couldn’t; says D.can’t; says 16.Li Ping is ________ his soccer in the classroom, but he can’t ________ it. A.looking at; find B.looking for; find C.finding; look for D.looking for; see 17.Our teacher always asks us to get to school ________. A.on time B.in time C.by time D.at time 18.Lily      her room every day, so her room is very     . A.clean; clean B.cleans; cleans C.clean; cleans D.cleans; clean 19.The girl with a ______ face is walking ______. A.round; round B.around; around C.round; around D.around; round 20.The Targets is a/an ________ band. A lot of teenagers like their new song Are we alone. A.boring B.brilliant C.excellent D.disgusting 二、完型填空(20 分) Do you like sports and games? ____21____ schools in Guangzhou do not have space for games, but the students still do sports. These schools often ____22____ PE lessons, either on the playground or on the corridors(走廊) of the ____23____. Only a ____24____ schools have their playing fields for students. Basketball becomes a common ____25____ at Guangzhou schools ____26____ students can play it in a ____27____ space. Also many schools ____28____ badminton courts and table tennis table. At ____29____ once a year, each school has a Sports Day. _____30_____ the day, most of the students take part in many kinds of sports. 21.A.Many 22.A.do B.Much B.has C.More D.Most C.have D.had 23.A.building B.buildings C.officeD.playground 24.A.lot B.few C.lots D.little 25.A.game B.homeworkC.book D.games 26.A.and B.but C.because 27.A.large B.big C.open D.small 28.A.has B.have C.there is D.so D.there are 29.A.late B.last C.least D.latest 30.A.In B.On C.At D.Before Look! This is my new school. ___31___ very big. There is a ___32___ building with ___33___ classrooms. The lab building is ___34___ the classroom building. The library is behind ___35___ lab building. The dining hall is ___36___ the left of the lab building. The labs are ___37___ science. The offices ___38___ next to the classrooms, too. There is a ___39___ behind the offices. We often play basketball there. Is there a playground? Yes, it's ___40___ the school. 31.A.It B.It's C.They are D.There is 32.A.tall B.short C.long D.small 33.A.five two B.fifteen-two C.fifty-two D.fifty two 34.A.in B.on C.in front of D.in front 35.A.a B.an C./D.the 36.A.on B.in C.at D.under 37.A.with B.to C.at D.for 38.A.is C.am D.are B.be 39.A.sports hall B.computer room C.science building 40.A.in middle of B.in the middle of 三、阅读单选(20 分) D.gate C.at the middle ofD.on the middle of “Where is the university?” This is a question that many visit

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