1.Sally had to promise her daughter even though it was _________ her own wishes. A.about B.against C.on D.for 2.—Do you know how potato chips were invented? —It's said that they were invented _________. A.in surprise B.with patient C.all of a sudden D.by mistake 3.People like to visit Beijing_________ autumn. A.at B.on C.in D.of 4.Students shouldn't go to school _________breakfast. It's bad for their health. A.with B.without C.for D.by 5.— When is Lang Lang's concert? — It's _________ three o'clock _________ the afternoon of December 18th. A.at; in B.at; on C.on; in D.in; on C.through D.across 6.He is standing with his back _________ the wall. A.with B.against 7.— Shakespeare(莎士比亚) is a great writer who is considered as a genius(天才). —I think so. Many people around the world admire him A.for B.to his talent. C.as D. with 8.—Everything depends on yourself. Please don't ask for more from others. —Yeah, the things we want are just in our hands. We must treat them great care and make the best use of what we have. A.to 9.I believe B.as he will be back A.what ; after C.with D. for two weeks. B.what ; in C.that; in D.that; after 10.—Your shirt looks nice. What is it made_________? —Cotton, and it is made_________ Wuhan. A.from; in B.from; on C.of ;on D.of; in 11.—Dear, I'm afraid I have left my keys in the room. I have to get in _______ the window. —You'd better not. It's too dangerous. A.under B.beside C.towards D.through 12.All the students visited the museum yesterday, _________ Mike, though he wasn't interested in it. A.including B.except C.like D.against 13.It was brave_________ the boy _________ part in the Special Olympic World Games. A. of; takes B. of; to take C.for; took D.for; to take 14.Fumin Road is wider than before and the lights_________ it brightens our way home at night. A.around B.opposite C.along D.above 15.—Taiwan lies _________ the southeast of China, and it is_________ the east of Fujian. —OK, I want to visit it someday. A.in; to B.on; too C.to; in D.to; on 16.She has never been to the Great Wall before. Today she sees it _________ the first time. A.at B.for C.in D.by 17.Mrs. Yang always keeps herself ________ all day. I think she should spend more time ________ her family. A.work; and B.working; in C.work; in D.working; with 18.My parents used to run _________ the river in the early morning. A.in B.above C.along D.through 19.—In China,driving after drinking_________. —You are right. That's_________ the law. A.is not allowed; against B.was not allowed; with C.are not allowed; for D.were not allowed; along 20.China successfully landed a spacecraft _________ Mars in May, 2021. A.in B.on C.at D.for C.As a result D.In my opinion 21.— Good news? You've passed the PE test. — Hooray! _________, I was worried about it. A.By accident B.To be honest 22.Since 1921, the Communist Party of China (中国共产党)has been leading the Chinese people _________ a better life. A.of B.on C.at D.to 23.— What happened to Tony? — _________ the morning of a rainy day, he A.In; put off B.On; fell off a bike and hurt his legs. C.In; fell off D.On; put off 24.We left ________such a hurry that we forgot our tickets. A.on B.for C.to 25.Our country has made great progress in the fight A.in B.for blue skies and clear waters. C.against 26.During winter, temperatures frequently drop below freezing A.in B.at D.in C.on 27.The City Hall in the old center of town is no longer used except D.between night. D.for special purposes. A.of 28.My father is very strict A.with; in B.for me, and he is strict B.with; with C.with D.on his work. C.in; with D.in; in C.in trouble D.in safety 29.Come to me for help when you are_________. A.in time B.in a hurry 30.Are you _________ a chance _________the competition? A.with in; to enter B.in with; of entering C.in with; to entering D.with in; of enter 31.The problem is very easy, so everyone in my class can work it out _________. A.in trouble B.without difficulty C.by heart D.with your help 32.—What's_________ with your grandpa? —In _________ to the bell, he rushed to the door, fell over and hurt his legs. A. wrong; reply B. matter; rep C. wrong; connect D. matter; connect 33.The picnic has to be put off _________ the heavy rain. A.instead of B. because of C.as for D.across from 34.Most people think they can eat what they want. However, _________, this Is not really true. A.in com

doc文档 人教版英语2022年中考语法6-介词短语专项练习50题

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人教版英语2022年中考语法6-介词短语专项练习50题 第 1 页 人教版英语2022年中考语法6-介词短语专项练习50题 第 2 页 人教版英语2022年中考语法6-介词短语专项练习50题 第 3 页 人教版英语2022年中考语法6-介词短语专项练习50题 第 4 页 人教版英语2022年中考语法6-介词短语专项练习50题 第 5 页
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