备战 2022 中考英语完形填空话题分类训练 (中考真题+各地模拟题) 专题 31 计划 Passage 1 (2019·广西柳州·中考真题) Summer holiday is coming. Lin Tao and his classmates Wang Hai, Zhang Mei are making their holiday Lin Tao is a football fan. So he is going to going to wear the team shirt and cheer the his team will 4 1 . 2 his favourite football team play. He is 3 . It's going to be great fun and he hopes that the best score and win the match. Wang Hai is going to do something helpful with his family in July. There's a lot of litter in the park, it. They hope to do something to make their hometown volunteers and 7 5 they're going to collect 6 . Besides, they want to be farmers with some farm work. Zhang Mei is going to a summer camp abroad and will stay with 8 Australian family. wants to improve her spoken English 9 does she plan to do so? Because she 10 . Lin Tao and his classmates are all looking forward to their summer holiday. 1.A.hotels B.plans C.tickets 2.A.watch B.smell C.feel 3.A.singers B.writers C.players 4.A.get B.lose C.give 5.A.but B.or C.so 6.A.happy B.clean C.wide 7.A.bring B.help C.leave 8.A.the B.a C.an 9.A.Why B.When C.Where 10.A.quickly B.quietly C.loudly Passage 2 (2018·江苏·南通第一初中二模) At my heaviest I weighed 370 pounds.I had a very poor relationship with food:I used it to kill bad feelings,to make myself feel better,and to celebrate.Worried about my health,I tried many different kinds of 11 but nothing worked.I came to believe that I could do nothing about my 12 . When I was 50,my weight problem began to affect me 13 .I didn't want to live the rest of my life with this 14 weight any more. That year,I 15 a seminar where we were asked to create a project that would touch the world.A seminar leader shared her 16 story-she had not only 125pounds,but also raised $25,000for homeless children. 17 by her story,I created the As We Heal(痊愈),the World Heals project.My goal was to lose 150 pounds in one year and raise﹩50,000 18 a movement founded 30years ago to end hunger.This combination of healing myself and healing the world stuck me as the perfect solution. 19 I began my own personal weight program,I was filled with the fear that I would run the same difficulties that beat me before.While the 20 hung over my head,there were also signs that I was headed down the right path.I sent letters to everyone I knew,telling them about my project.It worked perfectly.Donations began blooding in 21 hundreds of people. Of course,I also took some practical steps to lose weight.I consulted with a physician(内科医生),I 22 a fitness coach,and I began to eat small and 23 meals.My fund-raising focus also gave me new motivation to exercise regularly. A year later,I 24 my goal:I lost 150pounds and raised﹩50,000!I feel that I've been given a second life to devote to something that is 25 and enormous. 11.A.diets B.drinks C.fruits D.dishes 12.A.weight B.ability. C.wisdom D.height 13.A.temporarily B.recently C.seriously D.secretly 14.A.ideal B.low C.nor D.extra 15.A.organized B.attended C.recommended D.mentioned 16.A.folk B.adventure C.success D.science 17.A.Surprised B.Influenced C.Amused D.Disturbed 18.A.in search of B.in support of C.in place of D.in need of 19.A.If B.As C.Although D.Unless 20.A.excitement B.fear C.anger D.joy 21.A.all B.among C.from. D.to 22.A.borrow B.fired C.bought D.hired 23.A.healthy B.full C.expensive D.heavy 24.A.reached B.set C.missed D.dropped 25.A.stressful B.painful C.meaningful D.peaceful Passage 3 (2020·广东坡头·二模) On 14th, August, 18-year-old Mao Zhaomu returned to the familiar place--SISU (Shang-hai International Studies University), where he delivered (递送) food to the students. Early last month, Mao stopped his work and 26 the College Entrance Examination. Finally, his effort paid off, He received 27 admission letter(录取通知书) from SISU on August 10th. “Now, when I walk into the college, I am not a delivery boy any more, but a student.”Mao said, adding that his dream is to become an interpreter (口译者) and 28 talk shows on CCTV in the future. Mao became famous online because of the English messages he sent to the customers. One day in May, a student received a 29 which said, “Hello, your phone was turned off 30 I called you. Your meal was put on the vending machine(自动贩 卖机). Please take it away after you see the message. Thank you. Have a(n) 31 meal. ”The students showed the massage on Weibo. Immediately, Mao became well-

doc文档 专题31 计划 -备战2022中考英语完形填空话题分类训练(中考真题+各地模拟题)

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