必修第一册练习 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Reading and Thinking Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.According to the old ___________ (传说), the villagers threw zongzi to the river in honor of Qu Yuan. 2.Su Bingtian is a great ___________ (运动员). 3.Yang Qian won the first gold medal ___________ (奖牌) for China in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. 4.Nelson Piquet, three times world ___________ (冠军), was injured. 5.Zhu Ting is an excellent team ___________ (队长). 6.She is such a ___________ (优雅的) old lady that we all like her. 7.French was a language he had never ___________ (掌握). 8.It was a great ___________ (荣幸) to be invited to the opening ceremony. 9.The little boy was too weak to have the ___________ (力量) to stand up. 10.Remind your son not to do an ___________ (损伤) to himself when he plays outdoors. Ⅱ.单句语法填空 1.We have won a ___________ (glory) victory over our opponents by not giving up. 2.My left foot ___________ (injure) in the football game, so I can't go with you as planned. 3.I think you had better give ___________ smoking. 4.To make yourself ___________, you should get more exercise to _________ your muscles. (strength) 5.The engineer worked hard and set ___________example to his children. 6.Gong Lijiao's hard work and ___________ (determine) brought success to her. 7.Stephon Marbury ___________ (honour) to live permanentlyin China. 8.The dancers gave the performance ___________ (graceful) on the stage. Ⅲ.选词填空 relate ... to ..., become known as, give up, set a good example , fall apart, lose heart, prepare for, share ... with 1.He didn’t give up smoking and his health started to _______________. 2.Siberian Tiger __________________the king of the forest in the world. 3.I’d like to _____________ a dormitory _____________ some other students. 4.We need to _______________ the sports meeting to be held next month. 5.My grandpa hasn't been able to _______________smoking, but at least he has cut down. 6.A teacher should _______________for students by behaving himself very well at any moment. 7.We should not _______________ in the face of troubles. 8.The children enjoyed _____________their imaginary adventures _____________ their parents. Ⅳ.完成句子 1.Marie Curie, a famous scientist, ____________________________ (已经树立了好榜样). 2. ____________________________ (我们一直想念他们) since they left here. 3.Most people say _______________________________ (成功的秘诀是努力). 4.We must _______________________________ (找方法交流) with others more. 5._______________________________ (尽管她是一个失败者) in life, she gained great success in her career. 6.My shelf _______________________________ (快散架了), because many books are on it. Ⅴ.课文缩写填空 Lang Ping and Michael Jordan are athletes who are masters in their sport. When the Chinese team was preparing for the 2015 World Cup, her determination 1._________________ (test). The team that Lang Ping had built was falling 2. _____________. Two players had to leave. 3. _________________ (lose) two important players was a big challenge, but Lang Ping did not lose heart. She knew that her young players could win 4. _____________they worked together as a team. Two weeks later, they were world champions! Michael Jordan who became 5._ _________________ (know) as “Air Jordan” changed basketball with his graceful moves and jumps. His skills were impressive, but the mental 6. _________________ (strong) that he showed made him unique. Jordan says that the secret to his success is 7._ _________________ (learn) from his failures. Losing games taught him 8. _________________ (practise) harder and never give up. In life, Jordan has learnt to share his success with others. The Boys and Girls Club which he started in Chicago 9. _________________ (help) young people since 1996. They set 10.________________good example for us and we are proud of them. VI. 阅读理解 A The Best Fitness Apps for 2020 Whether you're looking to slim down, run farther, bike faster or just get healthier, these apps can help you meet your fitness goals in 2020. 8fit $ 59.99 per year;$44.99 per half-year; $19.99 per month for meal plans and more workouts 8fit creates a personalized program for your diet and exercise based on the results you want to see. 8fit covers a lot of details of your fitness plan, such as what time of day you exercise and whether you're an ambitious cook or just prefer simple meal plans. Blogilates $ 0.99 per month for workout calendar;$0.99 for some videos Blogilates offers plenty of workouts on-demand, as well as recipes, fitness recommendations, and a healthy dose of body .The majority of

doc文档 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 第1课时 Reading and Thinking(备作业)-【上好课】2021-2022学年高一英语同步备课系列(人教版2019必修第一册)

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