精读一篇文章,深挖一口井,彻底征服阅读理解 一篇文章突破英语的学习方法: 挑选自己喜爱的文章材料,查字典,弄清楚每个单词的发音并标注; 扫清所有单词词组及句型的障碍; 跟磁带一句接一句的模仿朗读直至一模一样; 每个句子进行快速中英文翻译渐渐做到一整段自如翻译; 想象这篇文章就是自己写出来的一样,充满情感脱口而出; 不断和自己比赛,最清晰最快速 recite 文章; 寻找机会像外交官一样演讲! 英语背诵方法 一、树立理解背诵的观念 二、扫除语音障碍 三、抓关键词语 四、排除语法上的困难 课文中那些句子较长、结构较复杂的句子是同学们最难理解最难背诵的。对于这样的句子,同学们可 以先分析其结构类型:简单句,分清主、谓、宾、定、状、补;复合句,弄明白是哪一种类型的复合句。 同时,还要注意句与句之间的联系。这样就可以迅速理解句子的意思,背诵起来就容易多了。 五、把课文分层进行背诵 根据课文的中心内容划分层次化整为零、化难为易、逐层背诵。最后,通背全文,查找不熟的地方, 进行强化背诵。 学习英语的四条铁律: 先突破后积累 成就感是持久动力的源泉 英语学习要解决心理障碍 英语学习永远离不开嘴 Reading comprehension crash course Totally master one article to raise your confidence and your exam scores I have stayed in holiday inn hotels around the world. I never knew the touching story behind the founder of this successful business. This article is a very inspirational success story. It is also full of powerful vocabulary and eloquent sentence structures. I encourage you to recite this article as many times as possible. Recite it until you can blurt it out from memory with feeling and emotion! Pretend you are experiencing the same things that Kemmoms did! Who knows, this article may just inspire you to go out in the world and create your own success story! Good luck. Try it! You will succeed! Time is like water in a sponge, you can always squeeze out a little bit more if you try. 时间就像海绵里的水,只要你愿意挤(尝试),你总是可以挤出一点点的! Some people bring out the best in you in a way that you might never have fully realized on your own. My mom was one of those people. (6 秒) 有些人能把你最出色的品质激发出来,而这是靠你自己也许永远无法实现的。我的妈妈就属于这种人。 1. bring sth. out ---to make sth appear bring out the best/worst in someone A crisis brings out the best in her. Daily exercise can bring out the best of you. Alcohol just brings out the worst of her. The goal of a teacher is to bring out the best in his/her students. (这应该成为每一个人终身追求的目标) That dress really brings out the color of your eyes.(to make sth easy to see or understand) 2. realize --- to achieve sth important that you very much want to do. We try to help all students realize their full potential (be as successful as they are able to be) The moment I saw her, I realized something was wrong. (to understand or become aware of a particular fact or situation) I didn’t realize that you were so unhappy. I didn’t realize that you spoke such good English. I have fully realized that English is essential to my future. I have fully realized that there is no shortcut to learn English. I must work hard every day. 3. on one’s own---alone, without anyone else. She lives on her own. I’ve been living on my own for two years. He has never been abroad. He learned English totally on his own. It’s very hard to buy a ticket on your own. Please let me help you. I’d be happy to go with you, but maybe you would rather go on your own. He did the whole job on his own. (without help) I made this dinner all on my own. Kids should be encouraged to do things on their own 4. might have done I might have caught a cold yesterday. I keep sneezing today. I might have met him before, but I can’t remember. The package is gone. Someone might have picked it up by mistake. 现在你可以背诵第一段了吗? 逐句翻译,考验能力: 有些人能把你最出色的品质激发出来,而这是靠你自己也许永远无法实现的。 Some people /bring out the best in you/ in a way/ that you might never have fully realized on your own. 我的妈妈就属于这种人。 My mom was one of those people.(6 秒) My father died when I was nine months old, making my mom a single mother at the age of eighteen. While I was growing up, we lived a very hard life. We had little money, but my mom gave me a lot of love. Each night, she sat me on her lap and spoke the words that would change my life, “Kemmons, you are certain to be a great man and you can do anything in life if you work hard enough to get it.” 在我九个月大的时候爸爸去世了,妈妈成为了单身母亲,那时候她才十八岁。在我成长的岁月里,我 们的生活过得非常艰辛。我们几乎没有钱,但是妈妈却给了我很多的爱。每天晚上,妈妈都把我抱到膝上, 并且给我说一些改变我命运的话语:“凯蒙斯,你一定能成为一个伟大的人。只要你全力以赴,你就可以成就 一切! at the age of… She went abroad at the age of 10. In America, people can begin driving on their own at the age of 16. grow up---of a person to develop into an adult. She grew up in China. Their children have all grown up and left home now. I was born in Xinjiang, but I grew up in Beijing. be certain to---that you can rely on to happen or to be true. The 2008 Beijing Olympics are certain to be a spectacular event. 壮观的,引人入胜的 You are certain to be very successful! It is certain to be very cold tomorrow 现在你可以背诵第二段了吗? At fourteen, I was hit by a car and the doctors said I would never walk again. Every day, my mother spoke to me in her gentle, loving voi

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