Unit4Topic1 基础卷 2021-2022 学年仁爱版七年级英语上册 一、单项选择(20 分) 1.I watch TV ________ 9:10 pm ________ Friday. A.at; in B.in; on C.at; on D.in; in 2.My brother planted many trees on the farm last spring. Two thirds of them are ________. A.peach trees B.peaches trees C.peaches tree D.peach tree 3.I don’t understand what you say, ________ you speak too quickly. A.if B.though C.because D.and C.have D.ask 4.— I ________ a green pen. Is it yours? — No, it isn’t. A.found B.lost 5.This fruit store is so large and clean, but its ________ is so terrible. A.screen B.service C.information D.prize C.as well as D.so good as 6.She sings __________ her sister. A.so well as B.as good as 7.— She doesn’t speak ______ her friends. — I agree with you. But her written work is wonderful. A.as badly as B.as well as C.as good as D.as many as 8.Thanks to “seniors’ college,” my grandmother feels much ________ and less lonely as well. A.young B.younger C.youngest D.the youngest 9.Doing exercise often __________ good for our __________. A.are;health B.is;health C.are;healthy D.is;healthy 10.Nowadays, we can buy fruits in the markets from ___________ countries. A.different B.difference C.differences D.differently 11.-Excuse me, look at the sign NO PHOTOS! -Sorry, I _________. A.don't see B.didn't see C.haven't seen D.won't see 12.I haven't________ my uncle in Australia for months. A.heard a letter from B.received a letter from C.got a letter D.had a letter 13.If a girl doesn’t know ________ to wear or ________ to dress up, she can ask her best friend for help. A.what, how B.what, what C.how, what D.how, how 14.I think Li Ming is the strongest student in our class, but who is the second ________ one? A.strong B.stronger C.the strongest D.strongest 15.Let's ask Peter. ________ the answer. A.He doesn't know B.He may knows C.He may be known D.Maybe he knows 16.The new coats are beautiful. I want to ________. A.try it on B.try on it C.try them on D.try on them 17.—This dress is so beautiful. May I ________? —Certainly. A.try them on B.try on them C.try it on D.try on it 18.— How much difficulty did you have __________ this problem? — __________. A.to solve, Nothing B.to solve, None C.with solving, Nothing D.solving, None 19.I wanted to find some useful information on the Internet but found ________. A.neither B.nothing C.any D.none 20.The key to success is to start where you are, not when things get better, not if things were different, nor if you had what ________ else has. A.something B.anything C.somebody 二、完型填空(20 分) Just after exams, Helen decided to go shopping. “I must get some she thought. “I need some D.anybody 21 for the holidays,” 22 pants because it’ll be hot, but not so thin and I need a dark colour because I’ll travel on long-distance buses.” And Helen went to her favorite she tried two more shops 24 23 but they didn’t have the right kind of pants for her. So without any luck. Then she walked into “Off Your Butt”. She didn’t usually shop there because the clothes were too Helen 25 for her. 26 out a pair of pants. They looked just right dark blue, and the material(材料) was strong but not heavy. She tried on two different “I’ll take the larger pair,” she said. It’s 28 27 . sitting for hours in a bus if your pants are too tight(紧),” she thought. Oh! She’d forgotten to look at the price. They must be more than she had wanted to Then Helen had a nice surprise. “Really? Have you got the 30 29 ! right?” “Everything is half-price this week. We’re getting the new clothes for the autumn next week.” “That was lucky!” said Helen. 21.A.money B.pants C.shoes D.time 22.A.white B.strong C.thin D.long 23.A.school B.bus C.shop D.park 24.A.and B.or C.so D.but 25.A.expensive B.big C.fashion D.ugly 26.A.picked B.carried C.turned D.looked 27.A.colours B.sizes C.shops D.materials(原料) 28.A.dull B.rude C.terrible D.poor 29.A.buy B.make C.get D.pay 30.A.exam B.colour C.cloth D.price Do you like shopping? My 31 like shopping very much. Let about their shopping habits. My brother loves 32 tell you something 33 , so he always goes to shoe stores. He many tennis shoes in his room. Some of them are still in their original (最初的) my sister. She likes to go to shopping malls (商场) 37 36 34 35 . Daisy is her friends. There are clothes stores and stores there. She usually shops first and then eats some delicious food. She thinks it’s very

docx文档 Unit4 Topic1 基础卷 2021-2022学年仁爱版七年级英语上册

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