疑问词 中考英语一轮总复习语法高分 Content 录 01. 语法导图 02. 课前小测 03. 语法解析 04. 实战演练 05. 课堂总结 语法导图 课前小测 小测 1 1.—        do you visit your grandparents, Lucy? —Once a week. A.How much    B.How often C.How long    D.How soon 2.—Excuse me,        is this T-shirt? —It's 108 yuan. A.how much    B.how many C.how long    D.how old 3.—        do you usually go to school, Mike? —By bus. A.When    B.How    C.Where    D.Why 答案: B,A,B 小测 2 4.—        did you stop reading? —Because I was tired. A.How    B.Why    C.When    D.Where 5.—        are these apples? —$3.99. A.How much    B.How long C.How heavy    D.How big 答案: B;A 语法解析 实战演练 随堂检测 1 1.—Jack,        is your Chinese teacher? —Mrs. Lin. A.how tall    B.how old C.who    D.where 答案     C 2.—        are your grandparents? —They're very well. Thanks. A.Who    B.What    C.Where    D.How 答案     D 随堂检测 2 3.—        do you study during the special time? —At home. A.When    B.Where    C.How    D.Why 答案     B 4.—        do you go to the supermarket? —Once a week. A.How much    B.How often 答案     B C.How long    D.How far 随堂检测 3 5.—        do you usually get up, Li Mei? —At six o'clock. A.What    B.Why    C.Where    D.When 答案     D 6.—        did you go last Saturday, Kate? —I went to the park with my friends. A.When    B.Where    C.What    D.How 答案     B 随堂检测 4 7.—        do you play the piano, Lily? —Three times a week. A.How long    B.How much C.How often    D.How far 答案     C 8.—        is your iPad, Lily? —2580 yuan. A.How old    B.How long 答案     C C.How much    D.How many 随堂检测 4 9.—        may I keep the notebook, madam? —For two weeks. A.How much    B.How many C.How often    D.How long 答案     D 10.—        will it take to drive to Beijing? —For about 3 hours. A.How long    B.How far 答案     A C.How old    D.How often

ppt文档 专题04 疑问词(24张PPT)-2022年北京中考英语一轮总复习语法高分秘诀

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