中考直通车·英语 南京中考 第 15 讲 情景交际 年份 题量 分值 考点 题型 2016 2 2 口语交际 单项选择 2017 1 1 口语交际 单项选择 2018 1 1 口语交际 单项选择 2019 1 1 口语交际 单项选择 2020 1 1 口语交际 单项选择 【考纲解读】 情景交际是中考的必考项目,能较全面地考查学生利用英语进行交际的能力和对讲英 语国家的社会文化背景的了解情况。该类题多以日常生活情景为条件,以短小精悍的对话 为表达形式,答案多以省略形式呈现,这样既会增加答案的隐蔽性,又会增加试题的难度。 预计 2021 年中考该类题会和其它语法知识混合考查。 【考点分析】 2016 年至 2020 年五年间每年的南京中考在情景交际这个专题上考查了 1 到 2 题,多以 生活场景为背景,以对话为表达形式。其中,2016 年考查了如何表示赞同;2017 年考查了 如何让对方稍等的表达;2018 年考查了猜测和判断是对的的表达,难度不大,2019 年考查 了对建议得回答,2020 年对于旅行得一些观点;要求学生能够熟练掌握不同场景下的交际 用语,在平时的训练中要注意理解和总结所考查“情景交际对话”的各种题型,重视语言环 境对语言的影响和语言的真实性。 【真题拾遗】 4.(2018 年南京中考.13) --Amazingly, I’ve managed to finish the project by myself. -- _____ I told you it was easy. A. With pleasure. B. Guess what? C. There you are! D. It doesn't matter. 答案:C 解析:考查情景交际。句意:---太神奇了!我已经独自完成了这个项目。---________。 我告诉你它很容易。A 选项的句意是“很愿效劳”;B 选项的句意是“猜猜看”;C 选项的 句意是“我说对了吧”;D 选项的句意是“没关系”。根据句意及上下文可知,表示说话者 的猜测或判断是对的,常带有得意口吻,故选 C。 5.(2019 年南京中考.15) ---Shall we go camping to celebrate our graduation? ---_____.Let's make a plan first. A.No way B.Good idea C.It's nothing D.I don't think so 答案:B 解析:本句考查情景对话,A.No way 没门,不行.根据 Let's make a plan first 可知错误,排除 A 选项;B.好主意.正确;C.没什么,错误,排除 C 选项;D.我不认为,错误,排除 D 选项.句 意:好主意.我们先做个计划吧. 6.(2020 年南京中考.15) ---It was a fantastic trip.So, which city did you like best, Wuhan, Chengdu or Chongqing? ---______.There were good things and bad things about them. A.No problem B.It is hard to say C.Enjoy yourself D.You must be joking 【答案】B 【解答】No problem 没为题.It is hard to say 很难说.Enjoy yourself 玩得开心点.You must be joking 你 一 定 在 开 玩 笑 . 根 据 which city did you like best,Wuhan,Chengdu or Chongqing?"你最喜欢哪个城市,武汉,成都还是重庆?"及 There were good things and bad things about them"它们有好的一面,也有不好的一面."可知,应该说"很难说"It is hard to say. 【模拟演练】 练习三 1. (2018 年鼓楼区一模) —It’s raining hard. Would you please lend me your umbrella? —_____________. I’ve lent it to Peter. A. I’m afraid I can’t B. I can’t agree more C. I don’t think so D. I haven’t decided yet 2. (2018 年建邺区一模) —We’ll go to different schools soon. Ann, enjoy your time in the new school! — A. I’ll take your advice. B. The same to you. C. Congratulations! D. Thank you for telling me 3. (2018 年建邺区一模) —How do you find the trip to Fishmouth Wetland Park? — . A. It's really fantastic B. Don't mention it C. I'm glad to D. We rode there. 4. (2018 年溧水区一模) —Why did you take part in the charity walk? You are not good at running at all. — __________. I run to show that I can help others. A. I can’t agree more B. That’s not the point C. Not exactly D. It sounds like a pity 5. (2018 年玄武区一模) — Excuse me, may I take the cat with me, sir? — _______. Pets are never allowed in. You can keep it in the Animal Centre next door. A.Yes, please B. No, thanks C. I’m afraid not D. It’s up to you 6. (2018 年鼓楼区二模) —Excuse me. Do you think I could borrow your dictionary? — . It’s in my schoolbag. A. Yes, you may B. Yes, you could C. Yes, enjoy yourself D. Yes, help yourself 7. (2018 年建邺区二模) — What a nice day! Shall we go on a picnic? — . Let’s go. A. I’m afraid I can’t B. I haven’t decided yet C. I can’t agree more D. I don’t think so 8. (2018 年玄武区二模) — How do you find the new song of Kris Wu? —______________. I have listened to it many times. A. A piece of cake B. Just so so C. Not my cup of tea D. It’s so fantastic 9. (2018 年六合区二模) —________? —Sure. Chicken with two bowls of rice. A. What would you like to order B. May I take your order C. Would you like some vegetables D. What about some hamburgers 10. (2018 年秦淮区二模) —I missed the match of Liu Shiwen last night. —Amazing. It’s the most wonderful match I’ve ever seen. A. What for C. What was wrong 答案: 练习三 ABABC DCDBB B. What was it like D. What was it about , Andy? 解析: 练习三 1. 考查情景交际。句意为:—雨下的好大。你能借我雨伞么?—恐怕不能。我已经 借给皮特了。 2. 考查情景交际,A 我会听从你的建议,B 你也一样,C 祝贺你,D 谢谢你告诉我 这个,结合题意可知选择 B。 3. 根据对话:--你觉得这次去 Fishmouth Wetland Park 的旅行怎么样? ---非常棒。 其他几个选项均不符。 4. 根据上文可知“我不擅长跑步”,但是“这并不重要,重要的是我跑步为了表明我能 帮助别人”,所以本题选择 B。 5. 考查情景交际。句意:—对不起,打扰一下,我可以随身带着我的猫吗?—我恐 怕不可以。宠物是不被容许进入的。你可以把它寄放在隔壁的动物中心。故选 C。 6. 本题考查情景交际。根据句意:—打扰一下。我能借一下你的字典么?—______ ____。它在我的包里。A、B 两项都属于委婉表达,不可以用来作肯定回答;C 项的意思是“玩的开心”,只有 D 项“请自便”可以。 7. 考查情景交际。词义分别为:恐怕我不能、还没决定、完全同意、我不这样认为。 8. 考查情景交际。A 小菜一碟;B 还可以;C 不是我的菜;D 如此精彩。句意:— 你觉得 Kris Wu 的这首新歌怎么样?从后面的回答我已经听过好多遍了可知对 方是非常喜欢的,故答案为 D。 9. 考查情景交际。根据答语 Sure 可知选择 B 表示请求。 10. 根据后句回答中的 Amazing 可知是在问感觉,所以选择 B。 练习四 1(2019 南京鼓楼一模) ---Nanjing is nice place to live, study and work. Don't you think so? ---_____. There are so many attractions﹣shopping centers, many restaurants, famous univer

docx文档 2021年江苏省南京市中考英语直通车第二章第15讲-情景交际-教案

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