必刷卷 世间最美丽的,莫过于跃动的青春。 青春的岁月充满着奇迹。我们心中那些大大小小的梦,在生活的每一个角落,静静地弥 散着芬芳。青春是人生中一段难以磨灭的插曲,它注定是不平凡的,它需要我们用心灵和智 英语 慧去诠释,它更需要我们用勇气和自信去充实。人的生命只有一次,生命本来就是脆弱的,但 是有了理想的支撑,生命就变得坚强。美丽的生命是一团熊熊燃烧的烈火,是一曲响彻云霄 的凯歌。 (南京·八年级下) 拥有青春,就拥有一个新的世界,拥有一个阳光灿烂的晴空。可是如果青春里没有梦想, 或者不去梦想明天、不去燃烧今天,那么青春便是一堆死灰。不燃烧自己,不心存希望,就永 远也不会找到迎春花开的季节。 理想好比是巨轮对的罗盘与灯塔,能够指引着前进的方向,而行动则是理想力量的源泉、 学员姓名:______________________ 年 级:______________________ 校 区:______________________ 智慧的摇篮;是理想冲锋的战旗、斩棘的利剑。任何理想,只有脚踏实地去努力才会有意义。 合抱之木,生于毫末;九层之台,起于垒土;千里之行,始于足下。茫茫学海,我们是乘风破 浪的水手,哪怕前方会遇到再强的风暴,只要我们心中有一座永恒的灯塔,努力拼搏绝不退缩, 艰难困苦必将玉汝于成。 过去的就不再提起,永恒的总难以忘记;速忘的是暂时记不起,铭记的是终生的瑰丽,逝 者已往,来者可追。既然我们在泪海里这逆流追溯也打捞不起那些曾经,何不奋力前进渡向 梦想的彼岸?绝望总是牵绊着懦者的腿,而勇者无敌。 未来不是梦,今天,在我们手中,以激情为旗,用青春作注,拼一个无悔的人生。 记住,只有让你的青春燃烧,生命才会发出耀眼的光芒! 致同学们 名校必刷卷——英语学科.............................................3 2020---2021 学年江苏省南京市鼓楼区八年级下学期期中试卷........3 2020---2021 学年江苏省南京市秦淮区八年级下学期期中试卷........8 目录 2018---2019 学年江苏省南京市南师大附中树人学校八年级下学期期中试卷 13 2018---2019 学年江苏省南京市南京外国语学校仙林分校八年级下学期期中试卷 19 2018---2019 学年江苏省南京市南京一中八年级下学期期中试卷. .23 2019---2020 学年江苏省南京市鼓楼区八年级下学期期末试卷......28 2019---2020 学年江苏省南京市秦淮区八年级下学期期末试卷......33 2019---2020 学年江苏省南京市玄武区八年级下学期期末试卷......39 2018---2019 学年江苏省南京市鼓楼区八年级下学期期末试卷......45 2018---2019 学年江苏省南京市秦淮区八年级下学期期末试卷......50 参考答案..............................................................55 2020---2021 学年江苏省南京市鼓楼区八年级下学期期中试卷......55 2020---2021 学年江苏省南京市秦淮区八年级下学期期中试卷......55 2018---2019 学年江苏省南京市南师大附中树人学校八年级下学期期中试卷 55 2018---2019 学年江苏省南京市南京外国语学校仙林分校八年级下学期期中试卷 2018---2019 学年江苏省南京市南京一中八年级下学期期中试卷. .56 2019---2020 学年江苏省南京市鼓楼区八年级下学期期末试卷......56 2019---2020 学年江苏省南京市秦淮区八年级下学期期末试卷......56 2019---2020 学年江苏省南京市玄武区八年级下学期期末试卷......57 2018---2019 学年江苏省南京市鼓楼区八年级下学期期末试卷......57 2018---2019 学年江苏省南京市秦淮区八年级下学期期末试卷......57 55 名校必刷卷——英语学科 2020---2021 学年江苏省南京市鼓楼区八年级下学期期中试卷 本试卷不含听力部分 A、 B、 A.an;a 10.---Do you remember 'when you last ---Maybe ten years ago.I hear great changes A.visited;took C、 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题 European country but I am not sure if it is C.a,an place in the past ten years. B. visited; have taken D. have visited;have taken ------_______.There were good things and bad things about them. A.No problem B.an;an Shanghai? 11.---It was a fantastic trip.So,which city did you like best, Wuhan, Chengdu or Sanya? 卡上将该项涂黑。 1.---1 know the UK is D.information C. have visited;took 一、单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 请认真阅读下列各题,从题中所给的 C.experience island country. ---Yes,it is. D.the;an B.It is hard to say C.Enjoy yourself D.You must be joking 12.---Shall we meet at the station at 7 a.m.? 2.Ben was helping his mother when the rain began to beat heavily_________the windows. ---In fact we______.The train_______until 10 a.m. A.above D.below A. mustn't; doesn't leave B.mustn't;leaves Denmark? C. needn't; won't leave D.needn't;will leave 3.--- B.across C.against did 'your uncle leave for the capital of ---let me see. He 13.“ for nearly 2 months. After our ship crashed against the rocks,I swam as far as I could.”The underlined word“after”is used A. When; has left B.When; has been away to________. C.How long;has left D.How long; has been away A.connect ideas 4.---My aunt Singapore to spend her holiday. B.give examples ---_______.Look at the sign.It says,"No smoking". A. has gone to; have gone A.You'd better not C. has gone to; have been to D.has gone to; have been D.add more information 14. --- Do you mind my smoking here? ---It's a beautiful country. I_____ there twice. B.has been to; have been C.show time C.No,not at all B. It doesn't matter D.Of course not 5. ---I am sorry to tell you you can only borrow one book_______if you have no library card. ---It doesn't 15. ---Would you please look after my pet cat while I am on holiday in Sydney? matter.One is just enough for me. ---______.Have a nice trip. A.on time A.With pleasure B.for the first time C.from time to time C.That's OK D.You are welcome D.at a time 6. ---Where is your deskmate ? The film will begin soon. 二、完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 ---Don't worry.I________her and she is on the way. A.call B.My pleasure B.will call C.have called The Secret Garden is one of the classical novels for children,many adults like reading it D.was calling an A.Beijing is the capital of China. B.The Summer Palace looks beautiful. very C. Some subjects are difficult. D.Life is getting better in some ways. ---I think the Purple Mountain Observatory is a good place. A.who to talk to B.

doc文档 江苏省南京市八年级下学期期中期末2019-2021年英语试卷合集

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