课 题 名 称 中 考 说 明 要 求 课型 Unit5 听说 为中考必考内容 目标设计 设计思路 熟练掌握以下词汇和短语: prepare, exam, flu, available, prepare for an exam, have the flu 利用课本插图完成引导学生完成预想,听前做好铺垫,听后理 解运用。 重 点 难 点 用 can 进行邀请及回答。 难点:用 have to/must 拒绝邀请及接收、 拒绝的交际用语的把握 学 法 设 计 自主学习与小组合作相结合 课 前 准 备 课件 导学案 听力材料 教学过程 过程线 问题线 活动线 课后重构/ 批注备课 指教学环节 及时间要求 Step 1 Warming-up (Lead-in) 5 分钟 1. Free Talk 2. Pair work Free talk Talk about the picture 1.Greeting T: Hi, I’m Letitia, nice to meet you. Step 2 Presentation 3.T: In this class, we will learn to make, acc ept and refuse invitations. 问题呈现 Step 3 Exercises Step 4 Practice (Listening and speaking) Look at the picture and talk about sth. 2.I got an invitation, but I can’t go to the party on Friday. Can you help me? [来源:学科网 ZXXK] 还需加强 练习。 Do exercises 1 . New phrases T: Back to my schedule. Last week is hard for me, because I had the flu. Then I went to the doctor. Tomorrow we’ll have an exam, so you can’t play tonight, you have to prepare for the exam… 2. Exercises-phrase ⑴T: Let’s play a game. ⑵1a Match the phrases with the pictures [a-e]. 3. Listening 1b Listen and write the names (Tim, Kay, Anna and Wilson) next to the correct students in the picture. 4. T: Oh, a new e-mail, let’s check it together. What did my friend Xu Bing say? If you can go, what can y ou say? If you can’t, you can say… 5. Group work: You are Xu Bing and her friends. Student A, invite three students to your party. Student B, C and D, give answers. Listening 1. 2aListen and circle T: There are always p arties among young people. This is Anna, she is going to have a party…. 2. 2b Who can’t go to the party ? Why? Complete the chart. 3. Read the conversations& answer two questions. Question 1: Q1: I can’t go to Ru Jia’s party! How do I speak to her? (To accept or refuse an invitation, what else can you say?) Q2: Why don’t we just say no when we refuse others? 在 和别人谈话中需要注意什么? (板书) [来源:学|科|网 Z|X|X|K] Listen and say Listen and think Discuss in group Do exercises Lis ten and act Practice 创设的情 景不够, 还需加强 进一步深 化。 Step5. act Step 6 homework 我的反思 4. Memory Game Some of my friends can’t come to R u Jia’s birthday party, either. Can you remember their reasons? 5. Read” Maybe another time. Tha nks for asking” & explain 2c Make conversations in pairs. There will be a dance party next Sunday in our school. Invite your friends. Find out who can come, who can’t come. Then fill in the chart. Then give a report in the class. T:What do you learn in this class? 2d Read the conversation and role-play the conversation. [来源:学科网 ZXXK] Exercise and explain sth. 在导入新单词和短语的时候,我用自己的日程表作为情境,同时展示图片(尤其是动图的 使用更生动)帮助学生理解新单词和短语;在导入 发出邀请的新句型时,我设置了一个情 境:收到了一封即时邮件。邀请学生一同观看邮件中的邀请视频,学生非常感兴趣,看得 很认真。这种图片和视频形式以及恰当的情境设置更能激发学生的兴趣,能让学生更快的 识别和记住单词、短语及新句型。

doc文档 山东省济南市天材教育培训学校鲁教版(五四制)七年级英语下册教案Unit 5 Can you come to my partyting

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山东省济南市天材教育培训学校鲁教版(五四制)七年级英语下册教案Unit 5 Can you come to my partyting 第 1 页 山东省济南市天材教育培训学校鲁教版(五四制)七年级英语下册教案Unit 5 Can you come to my partyting 第 2 页 山东省济南市天材教育培训学校鲁教版(五四制)七年级英语下册教案Unit 5 Can you come to my partyting 第 3 页
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