Unit 5 Education Writing Workshop 教学设计 科目:英语 课题:Writing Workshop 课时:1 课时 教学目标与核心素养: 知识目标:让学生理解如何写图画类作文。 能力目标:掌握图画类作文的写作方法,完成图画类作文的写作和 展示。 情感目标:提升学生的写作兴趣。 教学重难点 教学重点:让学生学习图画类作文的写作方法。 教学难点:让学生完成图画类作文的写作。 课前准备:多媒体,黑板,粉笔 教学过程: 一、Pre-class 1. Greeting 2. Leading-in GET READY FOR WRITING 学生活动:Pair Work You are going to write an essay to describe a picture. Look at picture A. Discuss with your partner. What do you see in the picture? How would you describe the boy on the left and the boy on the right? What lesson do you think the picture is trying to teach us? Have students think and share their opinions. (Suggested answers: We can see in the picture that there are two boys and a bottle fallen down on the ground. The boy on the left was sorry for nothing left, which can prove maybe he is pessimistic. He has a negative attitude to life. The boy on the right was happy to find there was something left, which can prove that he has a positive attitude to life. He is optimistic. People always hold different attitude towards things. It is us who decide our attitude and the result.) 二、While-class READ FOR WRITING 1. 学生活动:阅读文章,回答问题。 Look at picture B below and read the essay. From the writer's point of view, what is the man's personality? What lesson is the picture trying to teach? (The man loves routines and doing without thinking. The picture is trying to teach us that it is important to have routines and timetables, but sometimes routines can control us. It is important not to become too obsessed with routines and schedules. Sometimes we need to be flexible and adapt to changing circumstances.) FOCUS ON STRUCTURE AND LANGUAGE 2. 学生活动:阅读文章,完成练习。 Complete the structure of the text by putting the different parts in the correct order. a. Analysis of the picture/ person Paragraph 3 b. Description of the picture Paragraph 2 c. Lessons from the picture Paragraph 4 d. General introduction Paragraph 1 3. 学生活动:完成练习。 Underline all the linking words in the text that are used to give reasons. Write2-3 sentences about picture A on page 40. Use the Sentence Builder to help you. 4. 教师活动:介绍图画类作文的写作方法。 图画类的材料直观、形象、生动,具有很大的自由发挥空间。 所以,近几年一直是高考英语短文写作题的重要考查形式之一。 图画类作文的材料一般是一幅或几幅图片,可能以漫画形式出 现,其写作题材不固定,可以记叙,可以说明,也可以议论,但无 论何种形式、何种体裁,其写作的过程及要求基本相同。 1. 认真观察图片所表达的内容或内涵。分清图与图之间的关系, 并且考虑到图片表达的是何时,何地,什么人,什么事,过程和结 果等。 2. 考虑用什么样的题材来记叙,说明,议论,从而确定你的写 作模式。如果是日记,通知,要注意其格式,如果是书信,邮件, 博客,要注意其特定的要求或组成部分。如果是议论,则要把握好 论点的设立、论据的选择和论证的拓展等。 3. 恰当使用关键词。文章的过渡词、过渡段在图画类的短文写 作中起着关键的润滑作用,如何串点成文、整体规划,关键词必不 可少。 4. 巧设开头及结尾。如何开头才能做到先声夺人,怎样结尾才 能令人回味无穷,这也是要考虑的问题。 图画类作文一般分为三段描述,第一段用来描述图片并说明寓 意,一般用一句话概括总结。第二段分析原因。第三段发表评论或 提出建议。第二段和第三段是文章的主体。 5. 常用表达 (1)开头句 There is a picture/ check/ table which shows that... According to the picture/ check/ table... The picture/ check/ table reminds us of a problem/ phenomenon that… (2)论述关键词句 first of all to begin with in the first place besides/ apart from that... in addition/ what's more/ in the second place on the one hand...on the other hand... on the part of A...on the part of B… last but not least to conclude/ in conclusion/ in a word/ in short or in all (3)结尾句 It is high time that... It goes without saying that... As far as I am concerned... From my point of view... 6. 写作模板 As is shown in the picture, we can see that ____________(图画内 容).We believe that ____________(某种现象/ 原因). Three reasons can account for this phenomenon. First ____________. Second ____________. Third____________. What contributed to this change ____________. I think the reasons are as follows. To start with ____________. Secondly ____________. What's more ____________ (从个人角度分析原因). Last but not least ____________. There's no doubt that ____________(建议). It is high time that(展望未来).三、 After-class COMPOSE YOUR WRITING 1. 学生活动:Outlining Complete the outline of your essay based on Activity 3. 2. 学生活动:Drafting Use your outline and the Writing Help to write your first draft. 3. 学生活动:Editing Edit your essay in pairs. Then share what you have written in class. Does the writer describe what is shown in the picture clearly? Does the writer give comments on the picture? Does the writer use present tenses to describe and comment on the picture? Does the writer tell the lesson the picture presents? 四、Summary 重点词汇:1. blind 2. comment 重点句型:现在分词做状语;rather than 做连词 总结图画类作文的写法。 五、作业布置 请你根据对下面这幅漫画的理解,以 Come Back to Reality 为题,用 英语写一篇作文。 你的作文应包括以下内容: 1. 简要描述漫画的内容; 2. 概述你对这幅图的理解; 3. 举例说明你会怎样做。 注意: 1. 可参照漫画适当发挥; 2. 词数 150 左右; 3. 文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等。 Come Back to Reality ____

docx文档 Unit 5 Education Writing Workshop教案 2021--2022学年高中英语北师大版(2019)选择性必修第二册

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