专题 15 透过语境巧记高考英语 3500 词(29-30) 第二十九篇 Pollution of Environment Environmental pollution is not a rare phenomenon in modern society. It is human beings that have randomly consumed a quantity of non-renewable resources ,which give out a great of greenhouse gases. As a consequence, a variety of pollution has come about. All scientists subscribe to the view that increase in the earth’s temperature is duo to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and so on. The greenhouse effect gives the earth’s surface the average temperature of 15degrees. It is that the temperature is going up that will result in a wide range of catastrophes, such as flood, drought, famine and so on. What’s worse, the circumstances is wide -spread, that is to say, all the globe. If human beings keep on putting up with the situation, it tends to become worse and worse. As the data of a graph shows, this trend is increasing per year. Some scientists believe that global warming will lead to many disasters, while others are opposed to this view.They state that the warming will be mild and the tendency will last long. Here on behalf of the earth, as an educator, I advocate everyone to make a commitment to make a contribution to protecting the environment. In order to slow the growth of the green house gas and carbon dioxide in the air, we should leave electrical appliances without being casual about this,recycle cans, use saving-energy microwaves and plant trees to refresh our spirit while looking at them. Even if in the future outer space might provide us with new energy sources, we must ensure the safety of our existence in this planet. On the whole, as long as we join hands with each other to reduce various pollution ,including nuclear instead of merely glancing at it,we can develop steadily and settle disagreements and conflicts among countries. Eventually, the presentation of the development of the world is harmonious. 译文: 环境污染 在现代社会,环境污染不是罕见的现象。就是人类任意地消耗大量不可再生资源,这些资源释放 出大量的温室气体。结果,多种多样的污染发生了.所有的科学家都赞成这一观点地球温度的上升是由 于燃烧像煤这样的化石燃料及天然气等原因。温室效应使地球表面的平均温度达到 15 度。就是温度 的上升导致了广泛的灾难,如洪水,干旱,饥荒等等。更糟糕的是,这种情况广泛传播,也就是说, 全球范围。如果人类继续忍受这种情况,它趋向于变得越来越糟。如同图表上的数据显示,这种趋势 每年在上升。一些科学家认为全球变暖会导致许多灾难,而另外一些科学家反对这一观点。他们陈述 这种变暖是温和的并且这个趋势会持续很久。 作为一名教育者,我代表地球倡议每个人承诺为保护环境作出贡献。为了使空中温室气体和二氧 化碳增长的速度变慢,我们应该离开电器,不要对此漫不经心,回收利用罐子,使用节能的微波炉以 及种树,当看他们的时候使我们精神焕发。即使将来外太空可能提供给我们新能源,我们也必须确保 在这个星球上存在的安全。 总之,只要我们携起手来减少各种污染,包括核污染,而不是仅仅瞥一眼,我们能够稳定发展并 且解决国家之间的分歧和冲突。最终,世界的发展所展示的是和谐。 高考词汇每日测 第二十九天(选修六 unit 4) 1. consume 22.catastrophe 42.average 2. renewable 23.flood 43.hectare 3. greenhouse 24.drought 4. come about 25.famine 45.outer 5. graph 26.oppose 46.on behalf of 6. random 27.opposed 47.individual 7. phenomenon 28.be opposed to 48.commitment 8. subscribe 29. mild 9. subscribe to 30.consequence 44.existence 49.put up with 50.pollution 10. fossil 31.state 51.growth 11. fuel 32.range 52.electrical 12. byproduct 33.even if 13. quantity 34.keep on 14. quantities of 35.glance 53.appliance 54.as long as 55.casual 15. tend 36.steady 16. go up 37.steadily 57.motor 17. per 38.tendency 58.can 18. data 39.widespread 59.circumstance 19. result in 56.and so on 40.on the whole 20. trend 41.economical 60.microwave 61.refresh 第二十九篇同步练习 一、单句语法填空 1. I have a tendency (get) refreshed after reciting an exciting poem. 2. Last year was the warmest year on record, with global temperature 0.68℃ the average. 3. Many citizens are opposed to (pull) down the building dating back to the 16 th century. 4. “What’s in those books you’re always reading?” he asked (casual). 5. In spite of this, the number of people having mobile phones is increasing 6. People under stress tend (develop) their full range of potential. 7. I am writing to apply for the volunteer position 8. --What are you going to do this afternoon? (state) in your notice. (steady). --I’ll probably go for a walk later on as long as it 9. As is known, the price for this product (stay) fine. (go) up a lot in the last few months. 10. I have made some changes in my way of life, (range) from transportation to water saving. 二、单句改错 1. As consequence of human activities like cutting down bamboos, the pandas are lacking of food source. 2. Opposed the plan of raising prices, the public decided to go on strike on Sunday. 3. As we all know, games play a very important role in the grow of children. 4. In winter, a hot bath is refreshed after a day’s hard work. 5. He wrote many children’s books, ne

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