初三英语 下册短语句型 9B Unit 3 Robots 1、向 ……抱怨…… complain to …… about …… 2、替某人寄某物/寄某物给某人 post sth. for sb./ post sth. to sb 3、探测外太空 explore outer space/ explorer 4、有大脑 have brai ns 5 、做要求被做的一切事 do whatever they are asked to 6、做危险的工作,像灭火或者在高楼上工 作 do dangerous jobs like putting out fires or working on high buildings 7、以任何方式帮助你我 help you and me in any way 8、太忙没有时间放松 too busy to have any time to relax 9、从机器人商店订购一个 order one from a robot shop 11、也会去超市购物 His business suit was smoothly ironed./ smooth(adj.) make sth smooth smooth go shoppi ng at the supermarket as well/too 12、收拾干净 tidy up/ a tidy man / look untidy 13、看来,这个机器人大体上满足了江先生 的要求 It seemed that in general the robot satisfied Mr Jiang’s needs./ satisfy sb/sth / in need of sth/sb 14、感染病毒 catch a virus/ viruses 15、不再正常地工作 no longer work properly/ not…… any longer 16、发现他的公寓乱作一团 find his flat in a complete mess 17 食物被放在床上 Food was laid on the bed./ lay-laid-laid / lie(位于,躺下)lay/lain / lie(撒谎)-lied-lied 18、牛奶被储存在垃圾桶里。 Milk is stored in the rubbish bin. 19、硬币,账单和私人文件撒的满地都是。 Coins, bills and private papers are spread all over the floor. 20、. 机器人踩在轮子上移动太快。 The robot moves too fast on its wheels. 21、撞翻东西 knock things over 22、决定把机器人退回机器人商店 decide to return the robot to the robot shop 23、太多的麻烦 too much trouble 24、注意到机器人忙于各种家务 notice the robot busy with all kinds of housework 25、发现我的公寓像新的一样好 find my flat as good as new 26、认为他是一个好帮手 consider him a great help 27、忘记何时服用药片 forget when to take p ills 28、你总是不确定在哪里能找到衣服 You are always un sure where to find your clothes. 10、商务套装熨烫得很平整 [来源:学*科*网 Z*X*X*K] 29、让我想起这件事 remind me of this /remind sb to do sth 30、有更好的睡眠 have a better sleep 31、12 岁以下的孩子免费 be free for children under 12 32、免费获得一本《机器人》杂志 receive a copy of Robot magazine for free 33 、五分钟以内读一本书 read a book in five minutes 34 、.以清晰的语言来告诉你有关它的情况 tell you about it in clear language 35、每两个月换电池 change the batterie s every two months 36、为了准时到那儿,或许我们需要早点儿 离开家 Maybe we need to leave home earlier in order to get there on time. 37、我想找客服中心 I would like to speak to the Customer Service Department 38 、请别挂断,我会给你接通电话。 Plea se hold and I’ll put you through. 39、找人检查一下它 have it checked / have sb che ck it 40、期望你的机器人电池延长两个月 expect y our robot’s batteries to last for two months 41、首先,我对它的电池不满意。 First of all, I am unhappy with its batteries. 42、 对。。。满意 be satisfied /happy/pleased with 43、 这个机器人的质量也不达标。 The quality of t his robot is not up to standard either. 44、 完全停止工作了 stop working completely 45、 后悔买了这样一个机器人 regret having bought a robot like this 46、把电池放进去它就能工作 put the batteries in to make it work 47、 接受我们的新产品。 accept our new product

doc文档 [中学联盟]江苏省高邮市城北中学牛津译林版九年级英语下册短语归纳:Unit3

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[中学联盟]江苏省高邮市城北中学牛津译林版九年级英语下册短语归纳:Unit3 第 1 页 [中学联盟]江苏省高邮市城北中学牛津译林版九年级英语下册短语归纳:Unit3 第 2 页 [中学联盟]江苏省高邮市城北中学牛津译林版九年级英语下册短语归纳:Unit3 第 3 页
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