专题 22 文化桥梁 Part1 语法填空 (一) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 At the International Grand Bazaar in Urumqi, capital of the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, Wang Ge, a paper-cutting artist, runs a market stand where impressive examples of her work are 1. display in the popular tourist destination. 2. (grow) up in the region and influenced by diverse ethnic cultures, she is committed to telling Xinjiang stories through her paper cutting while protecting and promoting 3. traditional folk art. “Paper cutting is a 4. (combine) of folk art and daily life,” said Wang, who graduated from the art department of Xinjiang Normal University. During her decades of paper cutting she 5.(inspire) by real-life experiences, especially those relating to ethnic culture in the region. She often travels to Kashgar, Hotan and Aksu in southern Xinjiang 6. (explore) how local ethnic people live. One of her works features 20 people 7. (dress) in traditional costumes with musical instruments in hand, singing and dancing in a grape garden. Wang saw the lively scene 8. she was traveling in Aksu. After the COVID-19 outbreak, Wang gave online lectures on paper cutting, attracting 100, 000 viewers and teaching students 9. (able) to attend school how to cut the images of medical workers from paper. Wang said she was pleased to see pupils 10. lacked colored paper painting the white paper red and green as an exchange art form. (二) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Dozens of cities line the Grand Canal. The Yangzhou section is very complex. Yangzhou has a network of waterways, where 11. (course)built in different dynasties meet with natural waters. One of the greatest values of Yangzhou's section of the canal 12. (be)that it has an accurate historical record. It has a long-term impact 13. economic and cultural exchanges between north and south. These wouldn't have been possible, otherwise. It also set an example for canal 14. (construct)across China, leading to the final Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, 15. connects the channels built in different periods. The canal 16. (bring)economic prosperity(繁荣, 兴旺)and cultural progress to the city. Yangzhou was, therefore, home to many salt merchants, who built Chinese gardens that remain to this day. The canal was built for the city's economic, cultural and social development. And development, in turn, required canals with 17. (high)transport capacity. And this history was shown at the Yangzhou China Grand Canal Museum, 18. (schedule)to open in July. The Grand Canal's Yangzhou section hosts rich cultural heritage 19. remains one of the most active parts of the Grand Canal. The city was born with the canal, so the culture of Yangzhou and the waterway are 20. (actual)one and the same. (三) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当 的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 When I studied in Shanghai, I lived with a Chinese host family. Before leaving for China, I had learned strategies (策略) from the International Programs Office, an organization21. helps prepare students to deal with various kinds of problems in a foreign culture. 22., I still experienced culture shock during my stay. I had learned that many Chinese traditions focus on food but my first meal with the family completely took me23. surprise. In the middle of the table were24. (dish) of a variety of foods and small bowls of rice for each member of the family. My host mother took charge and 25. (place) food into my bowl, and I happily ate whatever was served. I was taught that finishing your plate was to show your host how much you enjoyed the meal, but my host mother tended to refill26. (I) bowl every time it was empty. It seemed a bit odd to me. I later learned that finishing your bowl in China is 27. signal to the host that you would like more food. So28. (leave)some food in the bowl to show you are quite full is also acceptable. My experience may illustrate (举例说明) the type of problems many exchange students are likely 29. (run) into when they first experience a foreign culture. My advice would be : keep an open mind, show respect and try to understand; you’ll gain30. (value) experience. Part2 阅读理解 (一) For us, one of the many cultural shocks we experienced was during our time in Bolivia. We spent five months traveling around South America but Bolivia surprised us most. Tourism and the approach to service in Bolivia are, to some extent, underdeveloped, which is not necessarily bad. However, you might get the feeling that the locals don’t like your presence. At times we didn’t

doc文档 专题22 文化桥梁 -备战2022高考英语单元话题”语法填空+阅读理解+读后续写“专项突破(人教版2019)

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